Ten of the ninety-five Void Orc tribes detected this time are Rank Five Void Orc tribes, and the remaining eighty-five are Rank Four tribes.

Ye Fei plans to dedicate 1,700 forbidden troops to deal with the eighty-five Rank Four tribes.

The remaining 1,300 Forbidden Army plus thirty Rank Five Forbidden Army commanders plus the Tianxing and Tianheng warships of the Yulin Army, the Red Flame Army, and the Thunder Army dealt with the ten Rank Five tribes.

"On average, each Rank Five tribe has 130 forbidden troops to encircle and suppress them. The military strength is a bit weak."

According to the intelligence obtained through investigation, the overall strength of the Rank Five void orc tribe is much weaker than the void undead that Ye Fei annihilated before.

When Ye Fei annihilated the Void Necrons, he killed nearly 10,000 Rank Four Void Necrons, 100,000 Rank Three Void Necrons, and none below Rank Three.

The Void Orc tribe of Rank Five has a total number of 100,000, including a large number of Rank Two miscellaneous soldiers. The number of Rank Four is very small, far less than the scale of the Void Necrons.

"A Rank Five void orc tribe has about a hundred Rank Four void orcs, nearly 10,000 Rank Three void orcs, and the rest are all Rank Two void orcs, which means there are all Rank Five strong ones, otherwise it's just this The Void Orc Tribe, whose strength is Rank Five, is not even worthy of carrying the Void Spirit Body’s shoes!”

Ye Fei secretly analyzed the information obtained from the Forbidden Army's investigation.

"Fortunately, the Void Orcs are not very strong, otherwise it would be hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey."

After comparing the strengths of the ten Rank Five tribes, Ye Fei made a battle plan.

After Wang Zhan and others led all the troops to Qingchuan boundary, Ye Fei convened all the officers at battalion level and above to hold a combat meeting and issued his combat instructions to Wang Zhan and others.

"Just hand over the Rank Four Void Orc tribe to the Forbidden Army. The remaining ten Rank Five tribes are roughly the same in strength. The Rank Five strong ones should be handed over to the Commander of the Forbidden Army and me. The remaining Forbidden Army and you will handle the rest."

"Wang Zhan, you lead the Yulin Army in three groups to encircle and suppress the three Rank Five tribes in the east." Ye Fei pointed to Wang Zhan the location of a Void Orc tribe on the map.

The Habayashi Army now has more than 6,000 men in the fifth battalion and more than 70% have broken through to Rank Four. The remaining soldiers are also on the verge of breaking through in Rank Three. The Habayashi Army is divided into three groups. Each group has more than 2,000 people, more than 1,000. Four hundred Rank Four warriors are enough combat power.

"Yes, Lord Overlord!" Wang Zhan stood up and accepted the order.

"The Red Flame Army is responsible for the tribe on the east side, and the Thunder Army leads the Tianxing and Tianheng to attack the tribe farthest to the north."

The Red Flame Army currently has only a thousand people, and its strength is not as good as that of the Yulin Army. Even though the Red Flame Divine Horse has strong individual auxiliary strength, the numerical disadvantage allows the Red Flame Army to only deal with one Rank Five tribe, and it has to divide one more. A Forbidden Army leader is in this direction, just in case.

The Thunder Army is not as strong as the Yu Lin Army but much better than the Red Flame Army. There are four thousand people in the army, all on the Tianxing and Tianheng. Ye Fei wants them to fight at a distance this time. Replace training with actual combat to improve the level of use of warships.

"The Rank Five Void Orc tribe is not strong but definitely not weak. It is an excellent target for actual combat training. I believe that not only the Thunder Army but other troops will also gain a lot this time."

Seeing Wang Zhan and others with high fighting spirit, Ye Fei continued to distribute tasks.

"Tianyi, in addition to dealing with the Forbidden Army of the Rank Four tribe, the remaining 1,300 Forbidden Army are divided into four groups to deal with these four Void Orc tribes. The thirty Forbidden Army commanders are divided into nine groups to deal with the strongest tribe in the south. Rank Five strong men from the other nine tribes.”

"I will personally take action against the most powerful tribe in the south."

Looking at the Void Orc tribe at the southern end of the map, the intelligence showed that this tribe has two rare Rank Five strongmen, and the average strength is stronger than the other nine tribes. Ye Fei now also wants to try his improved combat effectiveness. , this tribe is his target.

"The techniques practiced by Wang Zhan and the others are powerful, and they are also assisted by military formations. Needless to say, the strength of the Forbidden Army. The Rank Five strong ones are at least three to one. Although the overall number is far less than that of the Void Orcs, they have high-end combat power. It has reached the level of crushing, there is no problem in the battle, and the advantage is obvious."

"The only variable is the Rank Six tribe of the Rank Six void powerhouse."

Thinking of the disappeared Rank Six Void Orc strongman, Ye Fei has a headache. He is not afraid of the opponent now, but if the opponent does not fight him and chooses to sneak attack the dispersed Absolute Beginning troops, Ye Fei will feel very uncomfortable.

"In this battle, the arrow is already on the string and we have to fight. We must fight. As for the Rank Six, we can only adapt to the situation. If the Rank Six dares to take action, he will probably come towards me."

After looking around Wang Zhan and the others, Ye Fei finally warned:

"I've said what needs to be said. In the end, if the Rank Six warrior from the Void Orc takes action in the battle, don't try to escape first and save your strength first. Report in time and I'll deal with him."

"Understood, Lord Overlord!"

Wang Zhan and others also knew that even the seriously injured Rank Six was not something they Rank Four could deal with, not even the Rank Five commander of the forbidden army. Only Ye Fei could fight.

"Okay, now I'll give you two days to rush to these combat locations. Two days later, we will launch a unified attack on time to annihilate all these Void Orcs."

"Yes, Lord Overlord!"

"Absolute Beginning will win!"

Everyone started pre-war preparations. After replenishing supplies, the troops began to set off towards their predetermined positions. Xuanying Peak, which was originally occupied by troops, returned to normal in an instant.

"Rank Four is convenient for traveling. If you don't break through to Rank Four, your mobility is really poor."

If the Thunder Army has warships, they don’t have to worry about marching. If the Red Flame Army has the Red Flame Divine Horse, they don’t have to worry about it. The same cannot be said for the Yulin Army. Soldiers who have not broken through to Rank Four can only be dragged by their comrades who have broken through to Rank Four. Flying, although it has little impact, is still inconvenient.

"Although the Yulin Army must all have Rank Four in the future, it is also necessary to find a mount for the Yulin Army. I will equip the Yulin Army with one after this battle."

Ye Fei had planned to find a mount for the Yulin Army before, but he had been too busy and too busy to prepare.

"With Rank Four's flight speed, two days is enough for all units to be in position."

"After this battle, there will no longer be any force that can stop me in the entire Jianzhou Shiwandashan area. I can then wipe out the Unicorn Tribe and the rat Human Race."

"After cleaning up the Unicorn Tribe and Rat Human Race, it's time to integrate the Blue Star Overlords in the Shiwanda Mountain area. Human Race's ranking is still too low. We need to give these fellow villagers more training!"

Ye Fei is planning the follow-up plan in his mind, trying to find ways to continue to improve the rankings of Human Race and himself.

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