Void Overlord: Ten Thousand Races Struggle For Hegemony

Chapter 280 The Lower Stage Of War Rank One

"Of course we can't run away without a fight, we're going to make Ye Absolute Beginning pay the price!"

Garen looked up and looked around before continuing.

"The most powerful move of the Ye Absolute Beginning raid was the terrifying explosion. According to the memories of the surviving Overlord, something fell from the sky before the explosion and then a big explosion occurred. I think that was the key to the explosion."

"Just protect yourself in advance and don't let Ye Absolute Beginning succeed in another attack. Although Ye Absolute Beginning is very powerful and has many masters, he has a fatal flaw in that his numbers are too small. As long as we make good use of our numerical advantage, we can still do it. It’s a long and short journey with him.”

Garen's words gradually calmed down the originally agitated scene, and the other Unicorn Overlords who were at a loss found their backbone.

"Now what we have to do is not only defend but also get in touch with the rat people as soon as possible. This time we have to cooperate fully to be sure of defeating Ye Absolute Beginning, and report the information we get to the rat Human Race as soon as possible."

"If they are also severely injured, it will be difficult to fight later!"

While Garen was trying his best to maintain the operation of the camp and prepare for possible surprise attacks, he sent several groups of envoys to communicate with the rat Human Race.

With Garen's full support, the negative impact caused by the occupation of the ruins and the interruption of the back roads gradually subsided, and the remaining One-Horn Overlords also began to prepare for the decisive battle that followed.

After pacifying all the Overlords, Garen returned to his camp.

"Ye Absolute Beginning, as unpredictable as ever! What a formidable opponent!"

Although he was talking eloquently just now as if he was sure of the future battle, in fact he felt that he might lose again this time. Just like the previous two times, Ye Absolute Beginning's strength was always completely beyond his expectations. Every time Far exceeding expectations, the speed of strength growth is simply unimaginable.

But Garen didn't want to escape this time. He brought all the elites from his territory to Qingchuan Realm to prepare for revenge. He had already run away twice and would never allow himself to run away a third time.

Leaving behind millions of elites and fleeing back to the territory in despair, he would never accept that kind of himself.

"You can't do it again and again, Ye Absolute Beginning. Either you die or I die this time."

"The tide of rats in the Rat Human Race is endless. As long as the two races work together, it is still unclear who will win."

Garen's heart surged with endless fighting spirit.

At this time, Ye Fei led the troops to rush to the ruins occupied by the rat Human Race.

Xiao Yushan rushed to Ye Fei's side and said: "Lord Overlord, brothers fought for most of the day yesterday, and now they have been running all night. They have been exhausted and can't take a rest."

"No, soldiers are very fast. We cannot stop for a moment until we take down the ruins occupied by the Human Race. Let everyone drink Spirit Spring on the road to recover. The speed cannot be stopped."

Ye Fei directly rejected Xiao Yushan's suggestion without thinking. He raided the ruins occupied by the Dujiao Clan. The Dujiao Clan must have received the news.

The Human Race, an ally of the Unicorn Tribe, may soon receive concrete information about the battle.

Moreover, Human Race's reconnaissance black rats were also discovered during yesterday's battle. Although Ye Fei crushed all these annoying guys, there is no guarantee that no others will slip through the net.

He now needs to race against time to capture the ruins occupied by the Rat Human Race to prevent an accident. Not only must he capture the ruins, he must also destroy the elite Rat Human Race who remain in the ruins just like the one-horned tribe.

"Those who can stay in the ruins must be elites. Once they are completely wiped out, a large number of the rat Human Race's active forces will be wiped out, and the subsequent battle will be huge. Otherwise, if we let these rats escape, we will not be able to find such a good opportunity again." It’s not easy anymore.”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei increased his flying speed, and the Imperial Guards around him followed closely.

The Red Flame Army and the Forbidden Army are both Rank Four warriors. Although they consume a lot, they are far from their limit.

On the afternoon of the second day after the Battle of the Unicorn Clan Ruins, Ye Fei finally arrived at the ruins occupied by the Rat Human Race.

After lurking into the ruins and collecting a teleportation array and another Special Building with migration symbols as before, hundreds of rune bombs exploded in the ruins occupied by the rat Human Race.

Even though they had experienced such a powerful explosion and were mentally prepared, Xiao Yushan and others at high altitude once again sighed at the powerful power of the rune bomb.

"With such power, even Rank Six or even Rank Seven will have to drink in hatred, right?"

Ye Fei looked at the ruins that were lifted up and shook his head and said:

"Don't talk about Rank Seven, Rank Six can't be hurt. You don't even have a chance to detonate. Rank Six strong people are not these scum who are not Rank Five. Use rune bombs to deal with Rank Six or Rank Seven strong people. You You can only blow yourself up."

Ye Fei himself has not been promoted to Rank Six, and rune bombs cannot threaten him. Of course, his strength cannot be inferred based on common sense, but it is certain that if rune bombs do not threaten Rank Six, they are the same as rune cannons, unless the opponent is stupid. Let you explode otherwise there is no hope.

The Rank Seven ruins occupied by Rat Human Race are far smaller than the Rank Eight ruins. Hundreds of rune bombs covered the entire ruins. After the explosion, no bones of the rat people were left.

Ye Fei checked with his consciousness and found few living rat-men. Only occasionally some rat-men hiding deep underground survived by chance.

While Ye Fei used the God-Destroying Arrow to strangle the rat men in the cave, he ordered Xiao Yushan to let the Red Flame Army burn the nearby area to avoid future troubles.

After cleaning, the ruins turned into a white field, completely devoid of any life, and the ruins that once existed were completely gone.

"Let's go, meet the Mysterious Heaven Sect, it's time for the decisive battle!"

After resting for a night, Ye Fei led the troops on their way back.

On the Mysterious Heaven Sect battlefield, with the addition of the Blue Star Alliance Legion, the entire defense line has become much more stable. Although the Rat Human Race has increased the impact of the rat tide, and some formations have been breached due to excessive losses, the entire defense line is still intact. Still standing erect and unbroken.

The four Xingyao-class warships of the Thunder Army also gradually increased their output, and their powerful firepower continued to cover the rat tide.

After two days of high-intensity fighting, the defending Alliance legions within the defense line were familiar with the battlefield and methodically killed the ratmen in front of them.

Compared to the first day, the rat tide in front of us has a lot more new rat men. Among them, rat warriors and rat priests from Rank Two and Rank Three and other special professions have also appeared one after another, continuously strengthening the strength of the entire rat tide. power.

In an underground cave on the other side of the rat tide, thousands of rats, the Human Race Overlord, are quarreling fiercely.

"I just said that the information from the Unicorn Clan is useful. My children also brought back some early warnings. You must not listen. Now it's okay. The teleportation array has been blown up to the sky. What should I do?"

"That damn defense line has not been breached so far, and the human is still sabotaging it from behind. This is completely different from the original plan!"

"Human beings are difficult to deal with..."

"A bunch of idiots are so easy to deal with. Do we still need to come together?"


The sound of quarreling filled the entire cave.

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