"The intensity of the Ratmen's attack has increased four to five times, and is still increasing. The pressure on the formation is too great and it can no longer operate at full capacity due to at least the loss. If the Ratmen continue to attack at this intensity, it won't take long for the formations to be replaced one after another. Collapse.”

Xu Qingshan, who was in charge of the formation defense line, immediately sent a message to Wang Zhan after checking the overall situation of the formation defense line.

"You try your best to maintain the formation defense line and never let the formation break. I will ask the Thunder Army and the artillery positions in the Mysterious Heaven Sect to increase the firepower output to relieve your pressure."

"Remember, the formation must not be broken, otherwise those Alliance legions will be swallowed up by the rat tide. This is what the Overlord does not want to see.

Although it is okay for those alliance legions to lose some power due to their territory, it is absolutely not acceptable to be annihilated by the rat Human Race on a large scale. Lord Overlord specifically explained this before leaving. "

"I try my best!"

On the other end of the phone, Xu Qingshan silently hung up the phone in his hand.

The pressure on the defense line of the formation is great, but there is still some distance before the formation is broken, and Xu Qingshan can still hold on for a while.

"No matter how hard I kill them, I can't kill them all. It's really troublesome!"

As he spoke, Xu Qingshan activated the formation to continue cleaning up the rat men who rushed up.

Under Wang Zhan's order, the four Xingyao-class warships including the Zhongtianxing began to attack with all their strength. Rank Five rune shells were blasted out one after another, clearing out restricted areas in the rat tide.

The defensive turret set up in the Mysterious Heaven Sect also began to exert force. In an instant, the firepower of Absolute Beginning's rune cannons was nearly doubled compared to before. Especially with the full addition of Rank Five rune cannons, it severely hit the rat tide. Fanatical arrogance.


On the Tianxing, Qi Chuan looked at the huge damage caused by the rune cannon and ordered the bombardment to continue with an expressionless face.

In the past few days, the rune cannons on the warships had taken turns to carry out non-stop bombardments, killing countless ratmen, making Qichuan somewhat numb to the scene in front of him.

"The Rat Human Race has already begun to make a desperate move. I wonder if Lord Overlord will be back by then!"

When Qi Chuan thought about Ye Fei, Wang Zhan was also thinking about this issue.

"The rat Human Race has tried its best to put a lot of pressure on the defense line. If the Unicorn Tribe also joins in, it's hard to say whether the two tribes can hold the defense line together!"

Xu Qingshan's report was also a reminder to Wang Zhan. Wang Zhan himself knew this. The army of the One-horned Clan was about to arrive. The most critical moment of this battle was approaching, and Wang Zhan couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"If I can't keep it, I will never be able to redeem myself even if I die for betraying Lord Overlord's trust. I must keep it no matter what."

A few days ago, Wang Zhan was only a general leading tens of thousands of troops, and he had never truly led an army to fight alone.

Now, he is commanding millions of troops to fight against enemies, and the number of enemies is countless. Even with Ye Fei's continuous improvement of Wang Zhan in the early stage, Wang Zhan himself is still struggling.

Fortunately, this battle was a positional defense battle, otherwise Wang Zhan might not be able to command this million-strong army well.

"Lord Overlord, please come back soon!"

At this time, Ye Fei, who Wang Zhan and others were eager to come back, was on their way non-stop.

It takes nearly two days from the location of the Rat Human Race's lair to the Mysterious Heaven Sect flying at Rank Four speed.

Just in case, Ye Fei asked the Red Flame Army and the Forbidden Army to rush back by themselves. He led the Forbidden Army commanders to set off first, flying at full speed at Rank Five speed to get back to the Mysterious Heaven Sect in less than a day.

"The Unicorn Tribe and the Rat Human Race are attacking with all their strength. They want to break through the Mysterious Heaven Sect and cut off my retreat before I rush back. It is indeed a clever move, but it is a pity that the person who executed it cannot do it well."

"Mysterious Heaven Sect's defense is not that easy to break!"

In the sky of Jianzhou in the Qingchuan Realm, dozens of streams of light streaked across and flew towards the ruins of the Mysterious Heaven Sect.


Dozens of Thunder Army soldiers threw hundreds of rune bombs into the air behind the rat tide.

After the Unicorns rushed to the battlefield of Mysterious Heaven Sect and joined the battle, the defense line of Mysterious Heaven Sect was in danger for a while.

After the two clans joined forces, they began to continuously release the means of suppressing the bottom of the box. Attack methods with Rank Four combat power or even Rank Five combat power were released on the battlefield. Even the Rank Five strongmen in the Absolute Beginning territory responded quickly to deal with it. , still caused some losses to the entire defense line.

The Absolute Beginning army also suffered losses for the first time. Several formations were breached. The Alliance Legion and some Habayashi Army soldiers within the formation were unable to retreat and were overwhelmed by endless attacks.

The Thunder Army soldiers are now dropping rune bombs to relieve the pressure on the defense line. Compared with rune cannons, rune bombs are more convenient and more powerful. As long as they have air superiority, they can be dropped in large quantities at once.

However, the team sent by the Thunder Army has dropped several batches of rune bombs, but the effect is not very satisfactory. The Unicorn Tribe and the Rat Human Race have already been prepared for the rune bombs.

As soon as they saw the falling rune bombs, they immediately launched a concentrated fire attack so that the rune bombs could not get close before being detonated. Some of them fell below and exploded.

But these sporadic explosions did not have much impact, and the armies of the two tribes continued to attack the Mysterious Heaven Sect defense line frantically.

"Quickly, repair this loophole and set up a supplementary formation not far behind."

A famous formation mage keeps doing similar work at various positions within the defense line. The space in the Mysterious Heaven Sect is limited and cannot build a second line of defense. This first formation defense line is the final barrier.

For this reason, the formation masters used the preparation formations they had made before to continuously strengthen and thicken the formation defense line, and quickly deployed new formations to supplement some formations that were about to be broken.

Seen from the sky, the entire Mysterious Heaven Sect defense line is slowly shrinking. Each formation is broken under the continuous attack of the Unicorn Clan and the rat Human Race. After these broken formations, the newly arranged formations are immediately integrated into the entire defense line. Don't retreat warriors to immediately enter the new formation to organize defense.

As the formation continues to be broken and rearranged, the entire defense line is constantly shrinking back. Sooner or later, there will be no retreat, but this time will take a long time.

"We can't continue like this. The progress is too slow. The formations of those humans seem endless and impossible to attack. According to this progress, it is impossible to completely defeat these humans in less than three to five days."

"We don't have three or five days!"

Yi Er looked at the battlefield in the distance anxiously, pacing back and forth to think of a solution.

"Bring news to those One-Horn Clan, tell them that our clan's investigation has learned that Absolute Beginning will arrive in half a day. The time to fight is here. Let them stop holding back, and our clan will do our best."

After saying that, Yi Er took out a treasured scroll, tore it open and threw it out with all his strength.

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