"District a county?"

Zhou Heng, Wang Zhan, Li Letian and others looked at Ye Fei with puzzled faces.

The decision to divide the county was made temporarily by Ye Fei during his three days of patrolling the territory. This was the first time Zhou Heng and others knew about it.

"The territory continues to expand, and the population is also increasing rapidly. Villages and towns are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Many affairs in these villages and towns need to be reported to the Government Affairs Council for processing. This is too much of a burden for the Government Affairs Council."

"The matters in these villages and towns are too specific and cumbersome and do not need to be handled by the Government Affairs Council."

“So, I decided to divide counties into counties based on the current areas where each city is located, with each city serving as the core of the county.

The affairs of all villages and towns within the county can be directly reported to the cities for processing, which not only reduces the burden on the Government Affairs Council but also improves the efficiency of handling various affairs. "

"Lord Overlord!"

Zhou Heng stood up and said.

"There are no relevant departments in major cities to handle the affairs of these villages and towns. They may not have the ability to handle all government affairs now."

The problem Zhou Heng mentioned is very realistic, but Ye Fei has already considered it, he continued.

"This is what the Government Affairs Council will do next. It will establish a set of government affairs teams for each county to form the County Affairs Council. Each county council will establish a similar scaled-down version of the Government Affairs Council, and the County Council will handle various affairs of the entire county. .”

"The previous positions of city lords are now abolished and new positions will be re-established."

Ye Fei's words caused the Absolute Beginning ministers in the hall to fall into a brief silence. Everyone was thinking about the matter of delimiting the county.

Ye Fei waved his hand, and the entire map of the Absolute Beginning territory floated in front of everyone.

"From today on, Absolute Beginning is divided into five counties with Absolute Beginning City, Nanling City, Linyuan City, Lingwu City, and Qingfeng City as the core. Wang Wenbin, Zhang Weiming, Li Yi, Wang Tao, and Wang Fugui serve as the five counties. The county head of the county council.”

“The heads of the various departments of the County Council in the five counties are selected and appointed by the Government Affairs Council, and the managers of the villages and towns within the county are selected and appointed by each County Council. The Government Affairs Council directly manages each county council.”

Ye Fei appointed the heads of the County Council as he spoke. These five people are all old people from Absolute Beginning and have rich management experience. There is no problem in serving as the heads of the county.

"Yes, Lord Overlord!" Zhou Heng obeyed the command.

The five named Wang Wenbin were overjoyed and accepted their orders one after another.

They were not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting. Although Wang Wenbin was Zhou Heng's secretary, he actually did not have much power.

Zhang Weiming and the other four were city lords before, but before that, all affairs in each city were under the unified leadership of the Government Affairs Council. The city lord was actually a supervisor. He only had to supervise the implementation of the orders of the Government Affairs Council, but he had no power.

Now that the county is divided, things are completely different. After the establishment of the County Council, the five people who serve as the heads of the County Council have actual power and have become the real top leaders of the core personnel of Absolute Beginning.

"In addition to the County Office, the Tribunal and the Supervisory Yuan must also establish branches within the county to manage trials and supervision matters within the county. The operation model is the same as that of the Government Affairs Council."

"As for the Military Academy, the territory is divided into five theaters: east, west, south, north, and middle. Each war zone stationed two field armies and established a headquarters. The war zone headquarters commands the garrison in the war zone, the garrison regiments of each city, and the militia teams of each village and town."

"The Military Affairs Council manages each war zone. The training of new recruits and logistics are uniformly deployed by the Military Affairs Council. Each titled corps is also managed by the Military Affairs Council. The allocation of title corps must also be under my order. Each war zone has no management rights."

"This is my division and arrangement of territories and counties. You can discuss it now and take a look at the entire plan. If there is anything wrong with it, say it now. Implement it as soon as the meeting is over and establish new departments and institutions as soon as possible. .”

As soon as Ye Fei finished speaking, everyone in the hall began to discuss among themselves in low voices.

The management model of Absolute Beginning has undergone major changes this time. Zhou Heng and Wang Zhan, as the heads of the institute, as well as the heads of various departments have some ideas.

Soon suggestions began to be made one after another, and Ye Fei listened and nodded.

Zhou Heng, Li Letian, and Li Lei, all veterans of Absolute Beginning, have grown up this morning. Everyone has their own areas of expertise, and their suggestions are also very pertinent.

"The division of counties is based on my experience at Blue Star. Now it seems that there is still a lot that needs to be improved." Ye Fei listened and analyzed secretly in his mind.

The meeting lasted for most of the day, and in the end the counties were finally divided, and the management departments and personnel of each county were determined.

The trial court and the Supervisory Yuan were also confirmed. Ye Fei, the president of the trial court, did not appoint the old man but chose the newly recruited Yu Yuanwu.

Yu Yuanwu is a special talent randomly recruited by Wang Qing through the recruitment card when Ye Fei was in retreat. He is a Rank Five professional judge and can be said to be very suitable for the position of president of the trial court.

"The old people have more or less friendships. Yu Yuanwu happened to be new to the territory alone. He has no involvement with the old people and is more impartial in his work."

Ye Fei looked at Yu Yuanwu in the main hall. He was neither tall nor handsome in appearance. He stood upright with a serious face and a serious expression. At first glance, he gave people a sense of uprightness.

“This talent came at just the right time.”

Ye Fei glanced at Wang Qing, who was in a fugue state, and knew that Wang Qing was not interested in this kind of meeting, so he did not interrupt his fugue.

Zhao Ming did an outstanding job in the Military Law Department. After several major expansions, the Military Law Department was always able to keep up with the pace and implement the Military Discipline and Military Law of Absolute Beginning. The awe of the Military Law and Military Discipline in all units was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

With him at the helm, the Overwatch Council will soon be operational.

After Zhao Ming was transferred, Zhou Yi served as the director of the Military Law Department. Zhou Yi finally returned to Absolute Beginning from Qingchuanjie, and the affairs of Qingchuanjie were transferred to the new person.

"Everything has been decided. Everyone, go back and work together to handle these matters. All for Absolute Beginning!"

"Everything is for Absolute Beginning, for Lord Overlord!"

At the end of the day's meeting, everyone went back to prepare for the big day.

Only Wang Qing, who was awakened at the end, suddenly came to his senses and waited until everyone left to come to Ye Fei's side.


"You boy!"

Ye Fei smiled and patted Wang Qing.

"If you don't want to come to meetings like this in the future, you don't have to come. I see you're so tired that you almost fall asleep!"

"Hey hey hey!" Wang Qing scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Brother, you know me. I know nothing about government and military affairs. I can't understand those construction projects. I want to sleep as soon as President Zhou opens his mouth, and I can't stop him."


"Okay, okay, if Zhou Heng hears this, he will be pissed to death!"

"I won't let him know, hehehe!"

"Brother, look what good things I have brought you this time."

"The territory's population has grown rapidly recently, so I no longer chose the fishing population recruitment card. I tried many other baits and caught many different and good things."


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