Any existence that perfects the Absolute Beginning system will be enlightened and enhanced by the relevant laws. This is the feedback from the Absolute Beginning world to the development of the territorial world, and it is also a mechanism set up by Ye Fei.

This kind of feedback is also an application of luck. Luck rewards are given to those who have outstanding achievements. The difference is that this reward is automatically obtained when conditions are met. This is also an auxiliary function of the Wanling List.

However, it is not that simple to induce feedback from the territory. The threshold set by Ye Fei was very high at the beginning. Only when something of great benefit to the development of the territory can be created from scratch can one obtain feedback from the territory.

At present, only a few people in Absolute Beginning have triggered the feedback mechanism, and they are all talents that Ye Fei has high hopes for.

Endless Void, the Void Necromancer Fleet, Tukaring quietly looked at the picture transmitted in front of him, which showed a huge shadow.

"That human territory has become stronger again, and his strength has improved too fast!"

Ye Fei had tried to sneak attack the fleet of the Void Necrons before, and Tukaling was deeply impressed by this opponent.

Tukaling himself had already stepped into Rank Six with half his foot. He thought that no opponent in Rank Five could defeat him. However, after fighting against Ye Fei, he found that the human opposite him was not weaker than him.

Although they only fought one move at that time, and the two sides were evenly matched, Tukaling was still shocked. You must know that the other party fought him in the Endless Void. This is his home ground and received the blessing of the Endless Void law. The result It was evenly divided, which was a little hard for him to accept.

"Lord Tukaring, reinforcements from the kingdom are coming. They are led by General Deathrattle. General Deathrattle wants to talk to you."

The adjutant's words brought Tukaring back from his thinking.

In addition to the King of Silence, the Kingdom of Silence also has five great generals who control the country. The Deathrattle general who comes this time is one of the two powerful people who control the country who Tukaring looked down upon before without his own Spiritual Treasure.

If Tukaring had heard that Deathrattle had led his troops before, he would still have felt a little conflicted, but now it was completely different. He even felt that it was not very safe for just a general to deal with that human territory.

"Come in, I'll report the situation to General Deathrattle in person."

Then, an image of a void undead wearing a white-on-black armor was projected in front of Tukaring.

"General Deathrattle!"

Tukaring saluted solemnly, no matter how he felt in his heart, necessary respect for the Rank Six strong man was necessary.

"I'll join you in one day, Tukaring!"

A cold voice sounded in the small control room.

"I brought the Death Raider battleship and eight Spirit Level-swallowing battleships. Now tell me how our strength compares with the enemy after joining you. Can we directly annihilate the opponent?"

The Silent Kingdom Swallow Spirit Level battleship is a Rank Five battleship. Each complete Rank Five battleship formation consists of one Swallow Spirit Level battleship and fifteen to twenty Rank Four battleships.

Tukaling calculated in his mind, one Death Raider, eleven Destruction-class Rank Five battleships, and nearly two hundred Rank Four battleships.

"General Deathrattle, after you arrive, we should have enough strength to break through the target territory and obtain the Innate treasure."


Deathrattle looked at Tukaring with some dissatisfaction.

"Yes, General. I fought against that human. Although it was short-lived, there is no denying that the other person is powerful. If I were in the other person's territory, I would definitely not be his opponent."

"There are also many of his subordinates who are Rank Five. I know of nearly forty of them. There are also twenty Void Crossbows on the opponent's side, and these twenty Void Crossbows have already reached Rank Five. Perfect Grade.”

"In addition, they have dozens of Rank Five rune cannons."

Tukaring carefully repeated all the situations he had detected. He had previously sent information about the Absolute Beginning to Deathrattle and the Kingdom.

Deathrattle paused and then asked: "You fought against that Void Overlord. What was the specific result?"

"After he led the team in a sneak attack and I discovered it, we made a move and we won't win or lose!"

"No winner or loser?"

Deathrattle was a little surprised.

"If I'm tied with you in the Endless Void, it should be comparable to Rank Six in his territory. Even if I want to defeat him in his territory, it's not an easy task."

"There are only fifty Rank Five warriors I brought along with you. According to the information you provided, it is indeed risky to win in his territory with our strength."


Tukaring nodded, feeling a little annoyed. If it was easy, could he send out a request for help and let the Deathrattle share it?

"Then avoid fighting with the opponent in the territory. That human only has dozens of Rank Five cannons and twenty Rank Five Void Crossbows. Although these long-range firepower cannot be underestimated, they cannot threaten us."

"When I arrive, all the warships with the Deathrattle as the core will link up and use long-range firepower to destroy the opponent's territory barrier. Besides, without the Void Territory's home field advantage, they will definitely lose."

Deathrattle's tactics are extremely simple, but Tukaling agrees very much with this tactics.

The warships of the Void Necrons can be linked and shared with each other. The linked warships will receive a certain amount of enhanced protection from the Law of the Void, and the protective shield will be enhanced.

The more warships shared by the link, the more powerful this protection will be. Before, his fleet was not large in number, and he did not have a powerful warship as the core. After the link, he was not sure that he could withstand the opponent's attack.

It's different now.

According to Tukaling's expectation, if one Rank Six battleship, eleven Rank Five battleships and nearly two hundred Rank Four battleships share the link, the protective shield will be enough to withstand all human attacks.

At that time, their attacks can continuously weaken the barriers of human territory, but human attacks cannot break through their barriers.

"When the barrier of their territory is broken and the endless energy of chaos completely erodes the opponent's territory, the battle will be much easier."

"I'll make preparations now and start as soon as the general arrives."

After turning off the transmission image, Tukaring began to take action, and the entire fleet began to prepare for the battle a day later.

In the Absolute Beginning territory, Wu Xiangwen was drinking wine in the Absolute Beginning City Restaurant.


"It's so cool!"

After drinking the wine in the bottle, Wu Xiangwen felt a burst of relief in his throat, and he felt a little ecstatic.

"You can only taste such fine wine in the territory of Ye Absolute Beginning."

"If I want to drink this thing, I usually have to buy it in the mall. It's too luxurious to waste Origin Points on satisfying my appetite."

Wu Xiangwen led several core members of the Jiwu Team to visit the Absolute Beginning territory this time. He also made an appointment for several days before making an appointment.

As soon as they arrived at the Absolute Beginning Territory, they were as eye-opening as everyone else. They were attracted by all the things in the Absolute Beginning Territory and couldn't help but sigh at the richness and power of the Absolute Beginning Territory.

"It's a pity that we can't come to Absolute Beginning City often, otherwise we could just come here to relax."

A member of the Jiwu Team said, and several others agreed.

"Don't think about it. It's impossible to come here often without moving to Absolute Beginning. We have made reservations for several days this time!"

"that is!"

Their territories are developing well, and with Wu Xiangwen leading them, being a Void Overlord is definitely better than being an ordinary territory citizen here, so they will not move to the Absolute Beginning territory.

While several people were discussing, Wu Xiangwen, who was sitting aside and drinking heavily, suddenly put down the bottle in his hand and looked at the sky not far away.

"What's wrong?"

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