While the Deathrattle was busy restoring the barrier, Ye Fei had already rushed in with his men. Before the Deathrattle had time to react, the outer Rank Four fleet was quickly destroyed by Ye Fei, and its number was reduced rapidly.

"Damn it!"

"Hurry up and organize a counterattack!"


Deathrattle hurriedly organized a counterattack, attacking each team in Absolute Beginning one after another.

The Rank Six Forbidden Army General and the Rank Five Forbidden Army Commander reacted quickly and avoided the incoming attacks. Ye Fei also dodged the attack dexterously.

However, the other Rank Four warriors reacted much slower. Some warriors were hit by the Void Necromancer's warship attack and died on the spot, and many others were injured.

"Be careful of attacks and spread out!"

"Those of Rank Four will hide on the warship first and wait for the next wave of attacks on the territory."

Ye Fei also quickly made arrangements. Absolute Beginning's Rank Five warships had certain protective capabilities and could protect these Rank Four warriors for a short period of time. He continued to lead the elite to clean up the Rank Four warships of the void undead.

On the other side, Tukaring organized his men to counterattack. He was the first to react, and the counterattack he organized was also very effective, which frustrated Ye Fei's attack momentum.

However, when Tukaling watched twenty Rank Four battleships being pulled into the Human Race's territory and completely disappearing, and dozens of Rank Four battleships on the periphery were destroyed by Ye Fei, he became more and more anxious.

"Based on the previous time calculation, the next round of attacks brewing in the opponent's territory is about to arrive. We can't continue fighting. If we continue like this, we will definitely lose. It's time to withdraw!"

Tukaling's mind was extremely clear at this moment, and he instantly judged that the situation was very unfavorable to them.

After losing a large number of Rank Four battleships, the barrier strength after recovery will drop a lot, and it will be unable to block the next round of attacks from Human Race. Retreating now is the best option.

When Tukaling hurriedly rushed to the Deathrattle, he saw the tangled Deathrattle.

"General Deathrattle!"

The appearance of Tukaring interrupted Ye Fei's deathrattle, which was debating whether to lead the army out to encircle and suppress Ye Fei.

Deathrattle originally wanted to lead his elite to cooperate with the attack on the battleship to surround and kill Ye Fei and others who broke in, but he hesitated when he saw ten Rank Six forbidden army generals killing everyone.

Currently, he is the only Rank Six Void Necromancer. Although he is in the mid-Rank Six and his strength is much stronger than that of the Forbidden Army General, he cannot defeat ten of them one at a time.

If he goes out and is trapped by the opponent, it will be difficult to escape.

But if he didn't go out to contain the opponent, it would be difficult for him to target a small target of Rank Six and cause substantial damage just by attacking from the battleship.

It looked like there were a lot of attacks, but the team led by Ye Fei did not suffer much attrition and was still rapidly harvesting the Rank Four battleships on the periphery.

"General, we should withdraw. The next round of human attacks is coming soon. Our barrier has not been fully restored, and even if it is restored, it will not be able to withstand this round of human attacks."

Tukarin bluntly wanted to retreat immediately.

"That's too late!"

"If you want to retreat, you must resist this round of attacks. If there is a hole in the retreat barrier now, the losses will be even greater!"

"Be prepared and retreat as soon as this round of attacks is over!"

After deciding not to take the initiative, Deathrattle returned to normal and no longer struggled. He agreed with Tukaring's suggestion to retreat. It was really time to stay away from this Void Overlord before making any plans.

But it's not that easy to retreat now. Deathrattle has already felt that the next round of Absolute Beginning's focused fire attack is coming.

Outside the void undead fleet group, Ye Fei once again destroyed a Rank Four battleship and organized each team to stay away from the fleet group without attacking again.

"Be prepared, the attack of rune cannons and Void Crossbow is coming!"

As soon as Ye Fei retreated to the warship of Absolute Beginning, the attacks of the rune cannon group and the Void Crossbow arrived.

Hundreds of shining light balls flashed near the warship, and the twenty Void Crossbow arrows mixed in among them were not as dazzling as the rune cannonballs, but they contained more powerful power.

The barrier of the Void Necrons was only 90% restored at this time. It should have been fully restored. However, Ye Fei led an attack and destroyed nearly fifty Rank Four battleships, which slowed down the barrier's recovery speed.

Hundreds of attacks fell, and most of the barrier was instantly shattered as soon as it was restored. Not only that, many attacks fell on the Void Necron fleet group, and many Void Necron battleships were destroyed in a short time.

Four Void Crossbows also passed through the barrier. Three Void Crossbows penetrated more than a dozen Rank Four battleships before losing their power. The last remaining Void Crossbow broke through to the core area of ​​the fleet and penetrated a Rank Five on the spot. Battleship.

The powerful attack power not only penetrated the hull of the battleship but also impacted the entire interior of the battleship. Countless void undead souls inside the battleship were completely turned into nothingness.

Then the Void Crossbow began to converge toward Absolute Beginning, and the passively penetrated battleship was also pulled back to the Absolute Beginning territory.

"Now, disconnect and retreat immediately!"

The Deathrattle immediately ordered a retreat after the Absolute Beginning attack ended. The originally tightly connected fleet group instantly scattered when the Deathrattle took the initiative to disconnect.

The Deathrattle was the first to start flying away from the battlefield, and other warships also followed suit.

"General Deathrattle, that soul-swallowing battleship?"

It’s okay if the Rank Four battleship is destroyed. The kingdom can recover after a while, but it is not that easy to replenish the Rank Five Spirit Level battleship as the absolute core force of the Silent Kingdom once it is destroyed.

Deathrattle glanced at Tukaring and said coldly.

"You also saw that it was the attack of Rank Six Void Crossbow, or the Void Crossbow of Rank Six Perfect Grade. They were hopeless after being hit from the front. Not to mention swallowing the Spirit Level battleship, even the Deathrattle was hit by the front. It would be very dangerous. few."

"None of these hit warships can be saved. What we have to do now is to reduce losses as much as possible and retreat immediately.

As long as nothing happens to us, the Deathrattle and your Tukaring battleship, the kingdom's heritage will not be damaged, and these losses can be made up for. "

Tukarin's ship is a quasi-Rank Six battleship, which is worth far more than ordinary Spirit Level battleships. It is one of the secrets of the Silent Kingdom.

Tukar glanced unwillingly at the Spirit Level battleship that was being pulled further and further away.


The remaining warships of the Void Necrons quickly left the battlefield and retreated towards the depths of the Endless Void.

Ye Fei would not let the Origin Points he got fly away. Looking at the Void Necromancer who wanted to escape, Ye Fei waved his hand and fired the five elements of destruction divine light that was ready to go straight towards the Rank Six battleship of the Void Necromancer.

The powerful divine light shining with five colors of light flew out from the Absolute Beginning territory and flew towards the fleeing Deathrattle. The speed was beyond imagination and it was about to hit the Deathrattle.

When the Five Elements Divine Light came through the sky, Deathrattle noticed something was wrong. Even though he tried his best to let the Deathrattle escape quickly, he was still quickly caught up by the Five Elements Destruction Divine Light.

"Damn Human Race!"

Deathrattle roared and looked at the approaching Five Elements Destruction Divine Light!

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