After arranging matters at the military camp, Ye Fei returned to the Overlord Mansion around noon.

After having lunch, Ye Fei called Xiao Anzhi over to chat.

"Anzhi, come, sit, let's talk," Ye Fei gestured for Xiao Anzhi to sit down.

"Sir, do you have something to discuss with me?" Xiao Anzhi asked somewhat cautiously as he sat down.

Ye Fei didn't pay much attention to Xiao Anzhi in normal times. As the first chef of the territory, his presence was not very noticeable, but he silently did his job well.

"Is the manpower in the cafeteria sufficient? Do we need to add more staff?" Ye Fei asked.

Xiao Anzhi respectfully replied, "Sir, currently we have enough manpower. If the population of the territory increases further, it might not be enough."

Ye Fei hadn't thought of having the territory eat from a communal pot all the time, but for now, they would have to continue doing so for a while. When the territory became large enough, he would implement private ownership.

"It's alright. I called you here today just to explain to you. Send two skilled chefs from your side to the military camp to cook separately for them. From now on, the troops and other residents will eat separately, and those two will be under the management of Wang Zhan."

"I will add a few more people to your side, forming a team of ten. You must manage them well, understand?"

Xiao Anzhi nodded continuously as he listened to Ye Fei's arrangements. Anyway, he would do whatever Overlord said.

"I understand, sir."

Ye Fei thought for a moment and said, "I'll give you another task. I'll have Feng Zhihe, the new girl who just arrived at the Overlord Mansion, go to your place tomorrow to learn. After she learns, she can cook, so you don't have to deliver meals every day, which will save time when things get busy later."

"Sir Overlord, it's no trouble to deliver meals. It's my honor to cook for you," Xiao Anzhi quickly stood up and explained when he heard that Overlord would no longer eat the food he cooked.

"Don't worry, sit down!"

"Anzhi, you can't keep cooking all the time. You are an Absolute Beginning old-timer. Compared to the newcomers, I trust you more. In the future, you will have to take on heavier responsibilities and get busier. Can you keep being busy cooking all the time? Learn from Liu Ming and the others, understand?"

Ye Fei patiently explained to Xiao Anzhi. Although these first batch of Absolute Beginning residents had only been with Ye Fei for a month, he preferred to use these old-timers over the ones who came later.

If necessary, Ye Fei would spend some Origin Points to increase the talents or skills of Liu Ming, Li Lei, and the others. As for Wang Zhan and Zhou Heng, there was no need to say more.

"Sir Overlord, can I do it?"

Xiao Anzhi doubted himself.

"I don't have the talent of Brother Wang Qing, nor am I as capable as Liu Ming and Li Lei. I don't have the abilities of Captain Wang Zhan and Manager Zhou Heng. I can only cook, I can't do anything else."

When Ye Fei heard Xiao Anzhi's words, he laughed.

He stood up and came to Xiao Anzhi, saying to him, "That doesn't matter."

"Anzhi, you must remember, if I say you can do it, then you can do it. If I say you have the ability, then you have the ability, understand?"

Xiao Anzhi looked up at Ye Fei in a daze.

"Under...understood, sir."

"Whether you truly understand or not, remember that in the future, whether you can do it or not is not up to you to decide, but up to me. Go back and work hard. As long as you follow me closely, you will definitely become a shining star in the Myriad Worlds."



Xiao Anzhi didn't know what his state of mind was at this moment, and he didn't remember how he left the Overlord Mansion in the end. He just kept recalling Overlord's words in his mind. When he returned to his familiar room, his mind seemed to have suddenly enlightened, and many things became clear, making it easy for him to handle them.

On the other side, Ye Fei looked at the five fewer Origin Points and shook his head.

"Talents don't fall from the sky. There's no time to cultivate them slowly, so I can only give them a boost. Just don't disappoint me!"

He looked in the direction Xiao Anzhi had left, lost in thought.


"Lord Overlord."

Early in the morning, Feng Ling and Liu Ming came to find Ye Fei. Today is the third day that Feng Ling has integrated into the territory of Absolute Beginning. Although it has only been a few days, she has completely assimilated into the territory of Absolute Beginning.

She only needs to do the planting work she likes all day, without worrying about other miscellaneous things or interacting with other people. That man doesn't bother her much either. They only eat together during meal times, and they don't talk to each other. The food they eat is diverse and delicious.

Feng Ling feels that her life now is ten thousand times better than before. If she can continue like this, she would be truly blessed.

"What's the matter?" Ye Fei looked at the two and asked.

Liu Ming glanced at Feng Ling and saw that she had no intention of speaking, so he spoke up, "Lord, the crops in the Spirit Field are ready for harvest. I came to consult with you."

Ye Fei was very happy to hear that the fields were ready for harvest. He asked, "Have those crops matured? It's only been a little over a month, so fast? What's the yield like?"

"Lord, the Spirit Field is very effective. It greatly reduces the growth time and also increases the yield. Actually, because the planting times were not consistent, a small amount of spirit rice has already matured and been harvested. The estimated yield is about 100 kilograms per 100 square meters, and for ordinary rice, it can reach about 200 kilograms."

"But the ordinary fields don't have such a yield. They probably only have two-thirds of the Spirit Field's yield, and the maturity time is also half a month longer."

Listening to Liu Ming's report, Ye Fei couldn't wait to see the first harvest. He said to the two, "The data is very good. Let's go to the fields now and see the fruits of your labor."

After a moment, the three arrived at the edge of the Spirit Field. Liu Ming pointed to several harvested plots for Ye Fei, while Feng Ling followed behind.

"Lord, as you can see, the Spirit Field here is planted with spirit rice and golden rice. Except for the front part of the Spirit Field, which is planted with ordinary crops, the rest of the Spirit Field is planted with spirit rice. Only the ordinary fields that are not suitable for spirit rice are planted with some ordinary crops."

Liu Ming then pointed to a nearby area and said, "Lord, look over there. That area is all ordinary fields, with a variety of crops, including some vegetables."

Ye Fei looked at the various crops in front of him, especially the golden rice that was about to be harvested. He was in a very good mood. Currently, his food source mainly came from fishing, without any self-production.

These harvested crops represent that Absolute Beginning has achieved self-sufficiency. In case of any accidents, they now have a certain level of resilience.

Ye Fei picked a grain of golden rice and chewed on it. The golden rice had a fresh taste with a hint of sweetness, and the texture was very good. He picked some and handed it to Feng Ling beside him.

"Try it, it tastes good. In the future, spirit rice will be our staple food. Food is crucial for the people, and eating well is the key. The Spirit Field needs to be expanded; these quantities are too small."

Feng Ling took the Lingdao from Ye Fei's hand and ate it. In fact, she had already tasted it before, but now, listening to the man in front of her talking incessantly about future plans, the Lingdao in her mouth seemed to have a different taste.

"Food is fundamental. Without food, we can't even eat. Everything will be in vain. This harvest is a very good start. Thank you for your hard work," Ye Fei praised the two of them.

"It's what we should do as subordinates."

"I've only been here for a few days and haven't done much. It's all thanks to Liu Ming and the others," Feng Ling spoke honestly. Liu Ming wanted to say something, but Ye Fei waved his hand to interrupt him.

"You have also contributed. Absolute Beginning has only been around for a little over a month. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to contribute in the future."

"Alright, Liu Ming, make sure you do a good job with the harvesting work. After that, make sure the grain is stored properly and hand it over to Zhou Heng. Don't make any mistakes."

After thinking for a moment, Ye Fei went to the mall to search for the cultivation techniques and skills of the Spirit Planting Master. He used Origin Points to exchange for a set of basic skills and directly added them to Liu Ming. Then he exchanged the skill book and cultivation technique.

"With these supporting skills and cultivation techniques, Liu Ming and the others will definitely be more proficient in farming in the future. They will also be able to take care of the Lingdao better. After all, farming now is not like farming on Blue Star. The higher-level crops require corresponding methods." Ye Fei thought about this and flipped through his hands a few more times, adding a few more skills.

Liu Ming, who was standing by, instantly grasped a lot of new knowledge and skills. He stood still, absorbing the new knowledge in his mind, and slowly recovered after a while.

"Liu Ming, keep up the good work. I am very satisfied with your performance. These are your rewards for this time. Continue to work hard and master the new skills and cultivation techniques I have given you as soon as possible. Strive to become a master or even a grandmaster-level Spirit Planting Master. The territory always lacks these high-level talents."

"I also bought a set of skill books and cultivation techniques. Later, you can go to Li Letian's place to collect them and hand them over to everyone on the farm. Pay attention to those who perform well. I will reward them later."

"If there is anything missing, let me know in time, and I will replenish it as soon as possible."

Liu Ming knelt on the ground and performed a big ceremony, feeling the changes in his body. He excitedly said, "Thank you, Overlord, for nurturing me. I will do my best to do a good job in the Spirit Field and cultivate more Spirit Planting talents to serve the territory."

"Alright, you can go about your business. I'll go see Feng Ling."

Ye Fei said and looked towards Feng Ling who was beside him.

"Let's go, let's go see your Spirit Medicine and see how it's growing."

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