Void Overlord: Ten Thousand Races Struggle For Hegemony

Chapter 342 The Threat Of Monster Race

After Zhao Wuji killed a Soul Clan with one sword, he looked around. There were frequent chaos on the battlefield, but overall it could be seen that the Alliance Legion was suppressed and showed signs of defeat.

"The influence of a few rebellions can still be controlled. After all, they are only a minority. Although I don't know how the Soul Clan deceived the screening, just a few Overlords being possessed will not affect the overall situation."

"The key is the black lotus. Those colorful rays of light are too deadly. If they can't break the black lotus, this battle will be defeated."

The colorful rays of light that the Six Desires Black Lotus continuously spits out greatly enhance the combat power of the Soul Race. What's more terrible is that these rays of light are fatal to the Human Race.

Whether they lost their mobility and were slaughtered by others or turned into madmen and killed randomly, it profoundly affected the entire battle. Some Void Overlords became abnormal after being contaminated by the glow of the Black Lotus. Although they were not crazy, their vitality was severely damaged and they chose to choose retreat.

The withdrawal of these Overlords had a chain reaction, and the battlefield began to collapse. At the critical moment, the Absolute Beginning Forbidden Army stepped forward to stop the collapse.

Since joining the war, the Forbidden Army has formed a military formation, led by General Sanming.

There are three Rank Six and hundreds of Rank Five and tens of thousands of Rank Four imperial troops at the front to bear most of the pressure. Only at the back can Zhao Wuji have the opportunity to collect the defeated troops and stabilize his position.

The colorful rays of the Six Desires Black Lotus fell on the Forbidden Army formation and were dispersed by the boundless evil energy before it came into contact with the Forbidden Army. It could not affect the Forbidden Army at all. Soul clans below Rank Four encountered the Forbidden Army formation and were rushed by the evil energy and screamed and dissipated. in the air.

Only soul clans with Rank Four or above are qualified to fight against the Forbidden Army, but that's it. No matter how many soul clans come, they can only hate themselves in front of the Forbidden Army formation. For a time, countless soul clans surround the Forbidden Army formation and dare not attack.

"Is this the subordinate of the Human Race Overlord named Ye Absolute Beginning? The strongest of the Human Race, he is indeed powerful. This Human Race is ranked much ahead of me on the list of geniuses of all races. He should have more than this amount of troops."

Heisha looked at the Forbidden Army killing everyone and thought of Ye Absolute Beginning through the information he had obtained before. He himself was ranked 73rd on the list of geniuses of all races, and he was also ranked in the top 20 for Ye Fei, the Human Race. knew.

Being ranked in front of him means that the opponent must be much stronger than him. This legion matches the opponent's identity. If possible, he would not want to confront Ye Absolute Beginning head-on, but he has no choice now.

"Let the Soul Killer Legion be dispatched to block the Human Race Legion so they can't advance any further."

The Imperial Army ignored the surrounding soul clan and advanced steadily. As long as the black lotus in the sky of the core tower was destroyed, the war would naturally dissipate and the war would be won.

Heisha would not let them get close to the Heavenly Soul Tower, and his ace Soul Killer Legion immediately dispatched to meet the Forbidden Army.

The Soul Killer is a specially trained soul warrior. His appearance is more like a physical warrior. He wears a dark red armor with a dark red blood mist scattered around his body.

Tens of thousands of soul-killer legions stood in front of the Forbidden Army's formation. The evil aura of the forbidden army collided with the blood mist of the soul-killer legion. The strength of both sides was also equal. The forbidden army was unable to break through the soul-slayer's blockage and was stopped.

Seeing this, Ye Fei knew that without external forces, there would be no further progress in this battle. The Forbidden Army was blocked and the remaining alliance legions were embarrassed to fight. Zhao Wuji could only retreat or else it would be a rout with heavy losses.

"The key is the black lotus. If I take action now, I should be able to crush the black lotus."

Ye Fei didn't want to give the Soul Clan a chance, and was about to attack the Soul Clan with a fatal blow, but unexpected news forced Ye Fei to stop.

"Monster Race defeated the First Legion's defense line?"

At the critical moment, Wang Zifeng brought bad news to Ye Fei. The central defense line was breached by Monster Race. The first legion and the remaining nine legions led by it were routed and retreated to the central fortress.

Monster Race's army is in hot pursuit and has arrived at the central fortress. The outer fortresses have been breached one by one by Monster Race.

"How long has it been? What happened to Wang Zifeng?"

"The defense line built before was breached in less than half a day, and they were chased all the way to the central fortress. In addition, the First Army, a total of ten alliance armies with tens of millions of troops, couldn't hold on for half a day."

"And you won't report until this time?"

Ye Fei was extremely angry. It was only in less than half a day that he devoted his energy to the eastern battlefield that the situation in the central part of the country deteriorated to this point. Moreover, Wang Zifeng did not report it earlier and did not speak until it was urgent.

Ye Fei used the phone bug to scold Wang Zifeng severely before he felt a little relieved. The warship that was originally going to the eastern battlefield was now on its way to the central fortress.

Ye Fei asked the Forbidden Army on the eastern battlefield to cover Zhao Wuji and lead his army to retreat. Although the Soul Clan was not completely eliminated on the eastern battlefield, it still occupied nearly half of the area. Zhao Wuji first took a step back to digest the results of the battle and accumulate strength.

Ye Fei cannot let Monster Race completely defeat the central fortress and march straight into the Absolute Beginning base. Absolute Beginning base, the rear area, must not be lost.

"Monster Race!"

On the way, Ye Fei received information from Chen Tianyi, the commander of the Forbidden Army stationed in the central fortress.

Monster Race's strength has exploded compared to what was detected half a month ago, with nine Rank Six experts appearing on the central fortress battlefield alone.

The shadow guard also reported to Ye Fei from several other battlefields that the Monster Race was still mobilizing large-scale troops against the Beast Human Race in the west, the Soul Race in the east, and the areas in the south. Rank Six strongmen were fighting in the other three directions. There are more than twenty people in total.

"Including the Central Fortress, there are at least thirty strong Rank Six players in Monster Race, and there are also many Rank Five players. The key is the massive Demonic Beasts of Rank Four and below."

The Demonic Beast is a cannon fodder unit driven by the Monster Race. Ye Fei has seen it before. The Demonic Beast of the Monster Race is similar to the Demonic Beast native to the Void Realm in terms of species, but the Demonic Beast of the Monster Race is less intelligent and more bloody and full of aggression.

Although the local Demonic Beast in the Void Secret is also not low in aggression, it is more intelligent and spiritual. To put it simply, the local Demonic Beast has a brain and the Demonic Beast in the Monster Race has no brain.

It is easier to drive without brains and poses a greater threat on the battlefield. Ye Fei suspects that these Demonic Beasts are mass-bred by Monster Race, otherwise there would not be such a large number.

Through the transmitted picture, Ye Fei could see the endless tide of beasts outside the central fortress that were rushing towards the fortress crazily.

In the sky, there are Monster Race strong men with their core legion, overlooking the wave of Demonic Beasts that are constantly sending death.

"Monster Race is one of the top five powerful races on the Ten Thousand Races list. Now it seems that it is indeed worthy of this ranking. Even if the individual strength is tyrannical, there are still such a large number. The last time I saw this kind of human sea tactic was when facing the Zerg. when."

On the teleportation array in the Absolute Beginning base, countless powerful Absolute Beginning warriors were teleported.

They are reinforcements recruited by Ye Fei.

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