Void Overlord: Ten Thousand Races Struggle For Hegemony

Chapter 349 The Decision Of The Barbarian Bull King

Monster Race has completely occupied the entire central area of ​​the basin before, and Monster Race is now everywhere here.

They collect resources here to raise Demonic Beasts. Ye Fei seems to have even seen many Monster Races starting to build cities here, as if they want to live here permanently.

These Monster Races don’t know that the Sirius King has been defeated. In the Central Fortress battle, only no more than one Rank Six Monster Race and a few Monster Race Void Overlords escaped. The rest were all killed. These who escaped Monster Race also has no time to inform these ordinary Monster Race.

Ye Fei swept all the way from north to south. The Forbidden Army cleaned up these Monster Race and Demonic Beasts along the way. The rest was handed over to the army behind them. Ye Fei went straight towards the core area of ​​Monster Race.

It didn't take long for Ye Fei to arrive at the core area of ​​Monster Race.

When Ye Fei arrived, the entire Monster Race core area was already in chaos. The news of the defeat of the Sirius King and the annihilation of the entire Monster Race army on the North Road had been spread by the escaped Monster Race Overlord. The Monsters who stayed here The Race Overlords also got the news.

There is still debate within Monster Race about whether to fight or flee. Some Monster Race Overlords feel that they cannot hold on at all and should lead their troops to retreat to the territory and then find a way to other void secret areas.

Some Monster Race Overlords feel that they should not give up the current results and rely on the large formation in the core area to defend. If they persist for a while, other strong Monster Race players will come in a steady stream, and sooner or later they can repel or even kill Ye Fei.

Ye Fei arrived before the outcome of the dispute between the two parties was reached. Ye Fei arrived so fast that it was completely beyond the expectations of the Monster Race Overlords.

Just after the battle with the Sirius King, the Human Race went south without stopping without any rest. The speed of going south was so fast that it caught the Monster Race Overlords stationed in the core area by surprise.

The 300 Rank Six forbidden troops took action with all their strength. Monster Race's formation was shattered before it was fully deployed, followed by a one-sided massacre.

All the Monster Race Overlord could run away, and the remaining Monster Races were crowded in the teleportation vortex, trying to escape. There were too many Monster Races who wanted to escape, and the front of the teleportation vortex was completely blocked by monsters.

Tens of thousands of forbidden troops bloodbathed the entire Monster Race core area in less than half a day. Monster Race's teleportation vortex was also broken up by Ye Fei. Monster Race's foundation was destroyed, and the remaining three Monster Race armies were cut off.

The entire core area occupied by Monster Race has become a sea of ​​​​blood and corpses, and Monster Race’s corpses can be seen everywhere.

Monster Race and the Demonic Beasts raised by Monster Race are full of treasures just like the Demonic Beasts native to the Void Realm. Their corpses and flesh will be recycled by Absolute Beginning to become powerful nutrients for Absolute Beginning.

Ye Fei has no objection to using Monster Race's flesh and blood to refine elixirs and weapons. There is no mercy for people who are not my race. If it can enhance his strength, he will not let go of the use value at all, and completely squeeze out the value of these Monster Races. .

After cutting off Monster Race's retreat, Ye Fei divided the imperial army into three and attacked the remaining three Monster Race armies. The remaining three Monster Race armies were slightly weaker than the demon army led by the Sirius King in the north. One hundred Rank Six forbidden army generals plus more than a thousand Rank Five forbidden troops commanding 10,000 Rank Four forbidden troops are enough to wipe out a demon army.

Coupled with the fact that the monster race north army has destroyed their lair, Ye Fei estimates that the Void Overlords of Monster Race will mostly choose to run away to avoid Ye Fei's attack, and the strength of the three-way Monster Race will be weakened a lot.

Ye Fei was afraid that they would scatter, so he divided his troops into three groups to destroy them as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the shadow guards lurking in the basin were also mobilized by Ye Fei to cooperate with the army to surround Monster Race.

Three lines of Forbidden Army were dispatched. Zhao Wuji and Wu Xiangwen on the east and west lines immediately mobilized their troops to cooperate with the Forbidden Army and defeated the two demon armies after seeing the Forbidden Army coming for reinforcements.

On the western battlefield, the Barbarian Bull King defeated the Beast Human Race, killed the Beast Overlord led by the Beast Human Race, destroyed the Beast Human Race's portal, and completely ended the Beast Human Race.

A hearty victory. Before the Manniu King had time to celebrate, he received the news that the Sirius King was defeated by Human Race and the Northern Route Army was completely annihilated.

He hadn't yet finished digesting the news of the Sirius King's failure, and he didn't understand where the Human Race suddenly appeared with so many Rank Six strong men. Then he received the news that the lair was captured by the Human Race and the teleportation vortex was destroyed by the Human Race.

Two consecutive pieces of news completely shattered the joy of their recent victory. The Monster Race Overlords in the West Road Monster Army began to panic. The strength of Human Race exceeded their imagination.

A force as powerful as the Sirius King was defeated in one fell swoop, and their lair was defeated and their escape routes were cut off. There was no need to think that the Human Race would definitely attack them next.

"King, what should we do?"

A bull demon Overlord asked the Barbarian Bull King uneasily.

There is still a way out for the Monster Race Overlord who possesses the key to the secret realm. The worst he can do is not use the troops here and teleport directly back to the territory. Although the losses are heavy, at least his life is still there, and the territory can be recovered slowly as the territory develops.

But for Monster Race Overlord, who does not have the Key to the Secret Realm and cannot find the Origin Points to purchase the Secret Realm Key, their lives have been endangered, and they cannot go back now.

You must find a way to escape the pursuit of the Human Race, survive in the void secret realm, and finally find a way to return to the territory.

The bull demon who spoke was an ordinary Monster Race Overlord without the key to the secret realm. He was now completely panicked.

"Human Race Rank Six has too many powerful people to defeat them. We have to find a way to avoid their main force."

A group of Monster Race Overlords were discussing their retreat, when Wu Xiangwen led an army toward them.

"King, Human Race is coming!"


All the Monster Race Overlords immediately stood up in shock. They had just received the news that Human Race had breached the lair, and now Human Race's troops were in front of them again. This speed was so fast that they couldn't believe it.

"How is it possible? Even if they are all Rank Six, they cannot fly here in an instant, unless they are Rank Seven!"

"Where did the Human Race army come from?"

The Barbarian Bull King said in disbelief, looking at the soldier in front of him who was delivering the news, and confirmed it again.

"No, no, not Rank Six."

"It's the Human Race's army from the north. They're coming."

The little demon stuttered when being stared at by all the Monster Race Overlords. He carefully explained the message clearly, but he found that what he said did not seem to be the same thing as what the adults thought.

"Fuck you!"

"I can't even speak clearly, so what's the use of you!"

The Barbarian Bull King slapped the little demon who was delivering the news and sent him flying away.

The other Monster Race Overlords were relieved to hear the exact news. They all knew that the Human Race legion in the north, although large in number, was too weak to threaten them. The previous Human Race legion knew that it was not them. The opponent has been huddled in the fortress in the north.

Originally, after wiping out the beasts Human Race, the next step was to deal with this Human Race army. Unexpectedly, this Human Race army now dared to attack them first.

"A group of ants dare to take advantage of the situation. Do they think they are the powerful Human Race Rank Six army?"

The Barbarian Bull King was furious now and needed a place to vent his anger. He immediately decided to defeat the Human Race army to boost his morale before escaping.

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