A few days later, Ye Fei completed the upgrades for Territory Talent, Void Crossbow, and Void Fishing Rod.

[ Overlord: Ye Fei ]

[ Level: Rank Two Mid ]

[ Territory: (Absolute Beginning) Rank Two, 17.6 hectares ]

[ Population Information: 112 people ]

[ Special Buildings: Void Market, Spirit Spring... ]

[ Origin Points: 23 ]

[ Note: 1. The current territory accumulates 10 Origin Points every day. 2. Clan bonus: the effects generated by shared information accumulate continuously. ]

[ Overlord Talents: Sword Body, Sixth Sense, Steel Bones ]

[ Territory Talent: Border Expansion, Devour, Concealment, Spirit Gathering ]

"It's not easy. Finally, all the upgrades are complete."

Looking at the territory information, all four Territory Talents have reached Rank Two perfection. Ye Fei feels a sense of pride in his heart. In the Blue Star Channel, there are few people with his level of strength.

In just a month and a half, he expanded the territory from 100 square meters to the current size of 17.6 hectares, with over a hundred residents. He has the capital to be proud.

"The territory can now expand by about 3 hectares every day. I just don't know if there are enough fragments near the territory for Devour, and how long it can last."

With the increase in the number and level of Void Crossbows in the territory, coupled with the improvement of the Devour Territory Talent, the number of fragments that can be devoured around Absolute Beginning has rapidly decreased. If it weren't for the fact that the territory is constantly moving and new fragments keep appearing, the Void Crossbows would probably have no targets left to capture.

"It's a good problem to have!"

As the territory expands rapidly every day, Ye Fei is constantly adjusting various aspects of the territory's work. A few days ago, he promised Feng Ling to buy her a seedling of a Spirit Tree for her cultivation. Now that Ye Fei has temporarily finished devouring Origin Points, he can buy the seedling.

Ye Fei found a Rank Three Spirit Tree seedling in the mall. Buying the seedling requires 20 Origin Points. Before making the purchase, Ye Fei carefully studied the Spirit Tree.

"It truly deserves to be a spiritual plant that can grow to Rank Six. Even as a seedling, it has reached Rank Two. From the seedling stage to the growth stage, it can reach Rank Three. The effect is as excellent as Feng Ling described. I just don't know how long it will take to grow to Rank Six."

Ye Fei also knows that it will probably take many years to grow to Rank Six, but he has always been focused on long-term investments. He just needs to let Feng Ling take care of it.

After confirming the purchase of the Spirit Tree seedling, Ye Fei called Feng Zhihe and asked her to inform Feng Ling to go to Li Letian's place to collect the purchased seedling.

After browsing the Trading Platform, Ye Fei opened the Blue Star Channel and began his daily observation.

[ Blue Star Channel: District 986, 5458 people ]

"Anyone exchanging buildings? I have a Rank One Perfect Grade Supreme Grade building card. Interested parties, please private message me."

"I killed a three-eyed monster today. Let's all have a good laugh. Hahaha..."

"Give a thumbs up to the boss, seeking Origin Points red envelopes."

"Give a thumbs up to the boss, seeking Origin Points red envelopes."

"Same here!"

"My fishing rod fell into the void. Can anyone help?"

"Scammers deserve to die."

"It's true, I'm not lying. I really accidentally dropped it."

"Stupid people don't deserve to survive in the void."


"The Infinite Sword Saint's sword technique has been updated. Fellow sword cultivators can go and learn."

"The Heavenly Wind Blade Saint has also updated a new blade technique. The Blade Saint is invincible."


In a little over a month, the number of deaths in the Blue Star Channel has reached nearly half. However, as time goes on, the rate of death has started to decline, no longer as high as it was at the beginning.

Overlords who have survived until now have basically passed the initial survival stage. As long as they don't encounter other Overlords or Void Species, survival is not a problem.

Ye Fei thought to himself that he had also made a significant contribution to the decrease in mortality rate. The demonstration of the territory barrier has greatly reduced the chances of Blue Star Overlords being discovered by Void Species, which has allowed Ye Fei to earn a lot of Origin Points every day.

Ye Fei is quite familiar with the names "Sword Saint of Endlessness" and "Blade Saint of Heavenly Wind." Like him, they are also powerful Overlords in Blue Star. There are countless Overlords on the forum who share their experiences and divide the clan's resources, but there are not many Overlords who can actually receive Origin Points. The few who do receive a significant share are currently the strong ones in Blue Star, rapidly developing with the help of Origin Points that far exceed those of ordinary Overlords.

The titles of "Three Emperors," "Four Saints," "Five Emperors," "Seven Stars," and "Ten Extremes" are the respectful names that other Blue Star Overlords use for these individuals. Many Overlords argue fiercely in the Blue Star Channel for these titles, which Ye Fei finds somewhat ridiculous.

Ye Fei also has a title. Because of his various explosively popular experience-sharing posts, many Overlords call him "Ancestor of the Dao." However, Ye Fei feels that it's a bit juvenile and meaningless, so he ignores it.

"A village of a hundred or so people calling themselves emperors and ancestors, even if they don't deserve it, they're not afraid of being struck by lightning."

Anything can happen in the Endless Void. If this title attracts the attention of some unknown existence, he wouldn't even know how he died. Ye Fei thinks it's better not to get involved with these titles until his strength is sufficient to dominate the Endless Void.

"Ancestor of the Dao? When I have enough strength to shake the Endless Void, I will take it myself. I can take whatever I want without relying on others to bestow it upon me."

Right now, Ye Fei just wants to focus on his own development and steadily strengthen his power.

"I'll work harder, perfect and update my sharing posts, and earn more clan resources." Ye Fei looks at the crystallization of his hard work, and begins to improve and update it daily. These works that constantly bring him Origin Points are the foundation of his life.

After carefully checking and confirming that everything is fine, Ye Fei finishes updating and exits the Blue Star Channel, ready to inspect his territory.

Ye Fei's first stop is Wang Qing's fishing team. Seeing that there are no problems with the fishing team, a team of more than ten people working in an orderly manner, Ye Fei doesn't disturb them and continues on to the next stop, Spirit Field Farm.

Next to Spirit Field Farm, Ye Fei sees that the second crop of spirit rice has already been planted. All the Spirit Fields, including the newly added nearly one hectare Spirit Field, are well taken care of and there are no problems. Ye Fei doesn't linger and continues walking towards the military camp.

The construction of Absolute Beginning's military camp has been ongoing since the beginning. The second phase of the expansion project is currently in full swing. The current scale of the military camp can accommodate 100 soldiers for daily training. Of course, Ye Fei doesn't have that many troops at the moment. Although he has expanded his troops again, he has only expanded them to a team of twenty people.

Next to the military camp are two connected blacksmith workshops, one large and one small. Currently, there are three blacksmith workshops in the territory that Wang Qing obtained from the storage box. One Rank One Perfect Grade workshop is placed in the residential area, responsible for the daily production of tools for the territory. The remaining two Rank Two workshops are here.

The forging area adjacent to the military camp is managed by Tie Xin. Ye Fei has used Origin Points to upgrade Tie Xin to a master blacksmith. He usually leads more than ten craftsmen to forge the equipment needed for the military camp, and is also responsible for producing equipment for export.

Currently, weapons and equipment are in high demand on the Trading Platform itself. Coupled with Li Le Tian's efforts, the weapons and equipment produced by Absolute Beginning are in short supply in the market. Li Le Tian collects a large amount of raw materials and processes them into finished products for sale, resulting in considerable profits.

At least currently, various raw materials and basic supplies are abundant. For this reason, Ye Fei has also built five large warehouses to store various supplies.

"Having capable subordinates is great. If it weren't for their fast expansion of territory, we wouldn't even have a place to store our supplies." Ye Fei thought about the abundance of supplies in his warehouse and felt very happy.

"My lord, you've arrived."

As soon as Ye Fei entered the blacksmith shop, he was noticed by the working master, Tie Xin, who quickly came over from the nearby work platform.

"Tie Xin, you're doing a great job. You're working diligently and the production output is impressive."

"My lord, Li, the manager, has been pushing me hard. I've been working overtime to meet the demand, but he still thinks it's not enough. The equipment we produce is sold out in no time, and the demand exceeds the supply. Can you give me more manpower?"

Tie Xin quickly reported the difficulties to Ye Fei.

"No problem, don't worry. I'm planning to expand the forging area and I'll give you ten more people when the time comes."

The profits from weapon trading have made Ye Fei realize the benefits. He had already planned to expand production, as the market is still vast and there is little competition. However, once most Overlords have manufacturing capabilities, it will be difficult to collect raw materials like now, and these low-level equipment won't sell as well.

Ye Fei planned to make more money in the early stages and then focus on high-end boutique products. This way, he might even earn Origin Points. Currently, the trade volume of Origin Points in the virtual market is too low, but it is expected to increase in the late stage.

Hearing the strong support from Overlord, Tie Xin was very satisfied and took Ye Fei to visit the equipment manufacturing process.

"At present, the weapons and equipment produced in the territory cover all levels from Rank One to Rank Two. We have twenty-one different weapon and equipment blueprints, and we have also developed thirteen of our own designs."

"The best-selling one at the moment is this Rank Two standard Absolute Beginning longsword, which I designed and made. It's popular because it's cheap and still a Rank Two equipment."

Tie Xin is a master blacksmith. He can figure out these low-level equipment designs as long as they don't have any special effects. Only weapons with special effects are a bit difficult to design and make. If you want to directly create them, you can only follow the blueprints. To design and make them yourself, you need a lot of time for research and development.

Ye Fei is confident in his blueprint reserves. On one hand, Wang Qing keeps contributing blueprints, and on the other hand, Li Le Tian keeps buying blueprints from the market, regardless of their level.

"At present, the territory has abundant resources. Exchanging some materials for blueprints or similar items is a complete profit. Whether we can use them or not, we should collect them to increase our reserves." With this idea in mind, Ye Fei allowed Li Le Tian to freely purchase blueprints.

He now has a good number of weapon and equipment blueprints, as well as blueprints for various buildings. However, for now, the territory can be built directly using building cards, so the blueprints are not needed. They will come in handy when the territory expands and various talents need to be cultivated.

"It's just a pity that A Qing hasn't drawn the card for the barracks yet, and Le Tian couldn't buy it either. Otherwise, it would be even more convenient."

Ye Fei estimated that once his barracks expansion is completed, the construction team can be deployed to build the territory's roads. As the territory expands rapidly, the construction of roads becomes increasingly important.

"We also need to expand the construction team. The development of the territory is too fast and we need to continue adjusting."

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