Ye Fei stood on the city wall and saw the figures of the insect swarm raging outside the territory barrier, confirming that they were the insect swarm troops he had been waiting for.

The insect swarm in the void had already attacked the Absolute Beginning's barrier, but the sturdy territory barrier made the insects feel somewhat helpless.

Rank One insects relied solely on instinct to obey the commands of higher-ranking insects, and Rank Two insects, with their limited intelligence, faithfully carried out their missions upon receiving orders.

However, as the only Rank Three existence in the team, the insect swarm commander, Iron Body, noticed the difference in this territory. It had attacked two Rank Two Void Territories before, and the barriers it encountered were far less solid than the one before it now.

Iron Body looked at the barrier that remained motionless under the assault of the insect swarm and began to twist its massive body, wanting to test how strong the barrier really was. However, its keen intuition told it that now was not a good time to approach. A dangerous aura permeated from the territory in front of it, making it hesitate to blindly move forward.

A sharp scream came from Iron Body's mouth and spread throughout the battlefield. Upon hearing the sound, the insect swarm began to frenzy and launched a frenzied attack on their target.

Inside the territory, Ye Fei looked at the huge centipede-like creature lurking behind the insect swarm in the void with a heavy expression.

"I originally wanted to wait for that big centipede to approach and then strike hard, but it seems that it's not possible. They are quite alert."

Seeing the territory barrier firmly resisting the outside insect swarm, Ye Fei began a probing attack using the Void Crossbow.

Two arrows from the Void Crossbow flew from within the territory towards the insects in the void. The insects attacking the territory barrier dispersed in the blink of an eye, except for a few that were close and didn't react in time, getting pierced through by the crossbow arrows.

"It's still not enough. The effect of using the Void Crossbow to attack the Void Species in the void is still too weak."

Seeing that this probing attack only killed two or three Rank One small insects, Ye Fei gave up on further attempts and began his pre-set plan.

Ye Fei started communicating with Little Black and, using his Overlord authority, weakened the strength of the boundary barrier in front of the insect swarm. Ye Fei thought that instead of letting the insects slowly wear down the territory barrier, it would be better to proactively set up an entrance and intentionally let these insects come in through the entrance he designed, then concentrate firepower to deal with them.

The entrance designed by Ye Fei was only a few meters wide, specifically designed according to the size of the external insect species. At most, only two Rank One insects could pass through at a time. He had Wang Zhan's team prepare to confront the enemy not far away. Once Wang Zhan was ready, Ye Fei also prepared himself.

Soon, the insects attacking the barrier shattered the weak spot Ye Fei had left, and several Rank One insects rushed into the territory, excitedly charging towards the human team not far away.

Iron Body looked at the broken barrier opening with some confusion. Its not-so-intelligent brain couldn't understand how the seemingly indestructible barrier had suddenly been breached. However, seeing that the insect swarm had already started rushing in, it didn't think too much and urged these cannon fodder to speed up, regardless of the situation. Regardless of the situation, it wanted to test the means of the humans on the other side.

The first group of insects to enter had already engaged in battle with Wang Zhan's team. Rank One insects couldn't withstand the fully armed Rank Two team, and they were instantly killed.

The following insects didn't even look at the dead comrades in front of them and continued to charge fearlessly. Unfortunately, their numbers were still too few to pose a threat.

Ye Fei closely monitored the battle from behind. If the situation changed, he would either repair the barrier or retreat to the city wall. However, for now, the situation seemed to be going well.

In just a few minutes, Wang Zhan's team had slaughtered dozens of Rank One insect species without suffering any damage themselves.

At this time, a creature twice the size of the previous ones stepped on the corpses of its kind and charged forward.

"Be careful, a Rank Two insect has joined the battle. Be prepared."


Without any suspense, without numerical superiority or rank suppression, a single Rank Two insect couldn't make much of an impact and was easily killed in front of the formation.

There were about seven to eight hundred Rank One cannon fodder insects in the insect swarm. When Wang Zhan and his team had killed over a hundred Rank One cannon fodder and about ten Rank Two insects, Iron Body finally realized that something was wrong.


The unique information wave of the insect swarm spread throughout the team. The frenzied insects on the chaotic battlefield suddenly came to a halt. Some of them had even reached the front of the Absolute Beginning team but still stopped. However, the soldiers didn't care why they suddenly stopped and quickly slaughtered these insects.

Under Iron Body's command, the remaining insects no longer blindly charged forward but began to gather at the entrance. The continuously entering insects slowly converged.

The iron bodies discovered that the overwhelming number of cannon fodder rushing forward had no effect and were slaughtered. Although the Human Race had fewer numbers, they were different from the opponents they had encountered before. They would not lose their fighting spirit because of the fearless charge of the cannon fodder.

"Gather together and crush them."

All the Zerg received the order and faithfully carried out the will of their leader.

Ye Fei looked at the Zerg cannon fodder that did not rush forward to their deaths and felt some regret.

"If only these brainless bugs could keep sacrificing themselves like this, the later battles would be much easier. Unfortunately, it seems that the intelligence of the giant centipede on the other side is not low."

Ye Fei had anticipated the current situation from the beginning. The enemy would not be led by him forever, so he had prepared other plans for them.

"Is the crossbow team ready?" Ye Fei asked Zhou Heng beside him.

"My lord, the five crossbows are all ready, and the special arrows have been distributed and are ready to strike at any time."

Ye Fei nodded and looked at the Zerg swarm gathering in the distance.

"Wait a little longer, it's not time yet!"

The number of Zerg entering the territory quickly expanded. One hundred, two hundred, and soon reached three hundred. More than half of the Zerg forces had entered the Absolute Beginning territory, and the originally broken small gap was slowly widening by the outside bugs.

"The time has come, now, fire!" Seeing that the Zerg had already entered most of the territory, Ye Fei decisively ordered the attack.

All the combatants with long-range bows and crossbows shot at the gathering Zerg swarm. However, they were not the main force this time. The main force of the attack was the five bed crossbows equipped with special arrows.

Five explosive arrows, emitting flames, were shot out. These were explosive arrows that Ye Fei had specifically purchased from the mall, and he had spared no expense.


The five explosive arrows, along with numerous regular arrows, hit their target. There was a huge explosion mixed with intense flames, and the gathered bugs were blown apart, with limbs and flesh flying everywhere.


"Don't stop, another round!"

Ye Fei looked excitedly at the fruitful results of the first round of attacks and continued to order another round of simultaneous shooting to expand the results.

The roaring sound came again, and the shattered flesh scattered all over the ground. The two rounds of explosions had scattered the Zerg swarm that had gathered together, causing heavy losses.

"Spread out!"

"Get out of the way, you useless ones, I'll handle it~"

While instructing the Zerg swarm that had rushed in to spread out and avoid being bombed again, the irritable cannon fodder personally attacked the barrier, using its full force to widen the already broken gap.

Ye Fei estimated the results of the two rounds of firepower. About half of the Zerg that had charged into the territory had been dealt with. They were either directly blown up or shot dead, or they were severely injured and lost their combat ability. The remaining bugs had dispersed their formation, making it difficult to concentrate firepower for large-scale casualties.

At the same time, Ye Fei also noticed that the giant centipede at the rear of the Zerg swarm personally came forward to attack the gap in the barrier. The gap had already been widened by more than double, and the bugs were quickly entering the territory from the void.

Seeing more and more bugs showing intentions to launch an attack, Ye Fei did not hesitate to order a retreat.

"Retreat! The Rank One battle mission is complete. Everyone, withdraw to the city wall and prepare for the next battle."

Ye Fei had always wanted to find an opportunity to deal with the giant centipede outside, but unfortunately, he never found the chance until the end.

"We've killed nearly forty percent of the Zerg forces, which is better than expected. There shouldn't be any major problems in the subsequent battles."

Ye Fei took a final look at the giant centipede that was trying to enter the territory and quickly turned around to retreat to the city wall.

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