Wang Zhan was currently reorganizing and distributing the 500 new recruits who had joined the army. He had already reported the preparation plan to Ye Fei when he took the new recruits.

What Wang Zhan was thinking was that the five hundred people were divided into five centurions, each centurion was led by a centurion, and each centurion was further divided into ten ten-man squads, each led by a squad leader.

The five veterans in his hands are centurions, and the rest serve as squad captains. As for the vacant squad captains, they are elected by the squad themselves.

In this way, the team of five hundred people has five centuries and five centurions, and fifty ten-man squads and fifty squad captains.

After hearing Wang Zhan's plan, Ye Fei felt that five centurions were okay, but there should be an additional organization between the squad and the centurion, and at the same time, the squad should be subdivided into two combat squads.

This is the organization plan he came up with based on the experience of Blue Star's ancestors. Although in the Endless Void, there are Transcendents and legendary gods, demons and monsters. The individual's combat power is strong and the great power belongs to himself.

However, Ye Fei feels that the organization plan left by his ancestors is still useful. It is more complete than Wang Zhan's organization plan, and it also allows the troops to better coordinate operations and facilitate management.

In the end, Ye Fei changed the army organization to a team of five people with one captain, two teams with one captain, and five captains. That means a team of fifty people had a captain, two teams with one captain, and five captains. Establish a commander for a battalion.

Ye Fei will appoint Wang Zhan as the commander of the first battalion. The remaining captains and captains will be selected from the veterans, and the corps commanders and chiefs will be selected by the recruits themselves.

After Ye Fei told Wang Zhan the prepared staffing plan, the first major thing that Wang Zhan did when he came back from receiving the new recruits was training and setting up the staff.

After all the recruits had finished a simple settlement, he gathered them on the training ground. Qichuan's artillery was not included in the artillery that was not under Wang Zhan's command. On the field, more than 520 people belonging to Wang Zhan lined up neatly on the training ground. Waiting for Wang Zhan's order.

Although these five hundred people are said to be recruits, they are actually considered recruits according to the Absolute Beginning. In fact, they are professional soldiers recruited by Ye Fei in the mall, soldiers with Rank One strength, so their military literacy is still acceptable, but Personal strength is a bit lower.

Seeing that the team was assembled, Zhao Ming came to Wang Zhan and reported: "Commander, all the personnel have been assembled. Please give your instructions."

"Okay, let's join the team."


After Zhao Ming joined the team, Wang Zhan walked to the front of the team, looked at the neat queue and energetic recruits, and said with satisfaction:

"Today you are recruited by the great Overlord and become a member of the glorious Absolute Beginning territory. In the future, you will understand how lucky you are to join today."

"Now, according to the Overlord's order, we are going to form the first integrated unit in the Absolute Beginning territory, the Absolute Beginning First Battalion. All of you, including me, will be members of the First Battalion."

"Following Lord Overlord's order, the first battalion has five capitals, each with a hundred people. Now listen to my order. Number one to ten from left to right will be the first capital, and eleven to twenty will be the third. Of the two capitals, the 21st to 30th are listed as the third capital, the 31st to 40th are listed as the fourth capital, and the 41st to 50th are listed as the fifth capital.”

Because there was a slight movement in the distribution team just now, military judge Zhao Ming immediately reacted: "Everyone stands at attention! No noise is allowed and follow the commander's orders!"

According to the number of queues arranged at the beginning, Wang Zhan determined the personnel in the five capitals and then started the next step.

"Each hundred people are divided into two teams of fifty people, each separated from the middle. The fifth team from the left is the first team, and the fifth team from the right is the second team."

"After that, each team is divided into five teams, with a total of ten people in each team. Each of your columns is a team. Finally, a team is divided into two teams, with five people in each team. Each column is divided into two, and the first five people are one. There are five people behind the team."

"Everyone, do you understand what I say? Is there anyone who doesn't understand? Tell me now?"

Wang Zhan asked for it, but no one responded.

"Do you understand everything?" Wang Zhan asked again.

This time everyone responded: "I understand!"

Wang Zhan has made it very clear, there is nothing that he cannot understand.

"Now that you know which corps, team and capital you are in, the next step is to identify the officers."

When they heard about the official position arrangement, everyone stood up straighter and listened carefully to Wang Zhan's next words.

"According to Lord Overlord's order, each team has a captain, each team has a captain, each team has a captain, and each team has a leader."

"Now I will explain how to decide the corps commander and chief commander. You all listen carefully."

"Overlord cherishes talents. Those who are capable can take on the positions of corps commander and commander. What does it mean to be capable? You make your own selections. The one who can convince your own team is the one who has the ability to be a corps commander and can make a team leader." Those who are convinced will accept their fate.”

"Do you have any questions?" Wang Zhan asked again after he finished speaking.

At this time, someone in the team suddenly said: "Report!"

Everyone looked at the person who spoke.

Wang Zhan also looked at the other party's ordinary face and said, "What's the problem? Tell me."

"Reporting to the commander, I would like to ask how to choose the captain besides the corps commander and the chief?"

Hearing this question, other recruits also looked at Wang Zhan curiously.

Wang Zhan smiled and asked, "Soldier, what's your name?"

The soldier who asked the question was not afraid of the stage and said loudly: "Report to the commander, my name is He Xinghong."

Seeing his neither humble nor overbearing response, Wang Zhan smiled with satisfaction and said: "Very good, I will remember you He Xinghong. You asked a very good question. The rest of you probably also want to know how to choose someone above 10 years old."

"Okay, I'll tell you!" Wang Zhan said loudly.

"I guess many of you have also guessed that according to Lord Overlord's order, the captain will be directly selected from the veterans who survived the Zerg War. Of course, if you are not convinced, you can also challenge the captain of your respective team. If you win, you will be the captain."

The recruits looked at the veterans standing alone in a row at the front of the team. They were full of evil spirits. All the members had Rank Two strength and they were not ordinary Rank Twos. The recruits directly rejected the idea of ​​​​challenge.

"When you're tired of living, go find me!"

However, He Xinghong in the team was full of fighting spirit. He saw the veterans from the beginning and guessed that they were captains, so he only asked this deliberately.

He definitely can't beat those veterans now, but he is confident that he will be able to surpass them before long.

"Okay, now you start to elect the corps leader and corps leader on your own in the training ground. After the hourglass runs out, you must select the corps leader and corps leader of your team. If you cannot choose, the entire team will be punished."

The veteran on the side brought a large hourglass and stood it in front of everyone.

Wang Zhan asked Zhou Heng to dig out this hourglass from the warehouse. It takes about two hours to make an hourglass. Wang Zhan felt that the time was definitely enough.

As the hourglass started counting, the training ground became lively, and members of their respective teams competed with each other. In the military, convincing people depends on whose fist is bigger and who is stronger. No one will be convinced if they don't compete.

Ye Fei came to Wang Zhan's side when he saw the recruits starting to compete with each other.

"Lord Overlord!" Wang Zhan and others saluted.

"Following your order, the soldiers are selecting their own corps commanders and chiefs."

"I saw it. It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic!"

Looking at the bustling training ground, Ye Fei observed these new recruits.

With the appearance of Ye Fei, the competition in the field became more intense. Everyone wanted to show their face and show themselves in front of the Overlord.

Seeing how many people were clearly better, the competition ended soon after. Ye Fei looked at the winners. The selected winners saw the Overlord's gaze and stood up straight.

"It seems that the same batch of Rank One talents recruited are still slightly different, but that's right. The subjects recruited by these malls are no different from normal people except that they have not been raised normally."

"Perhaps just like us Overlords, they are also people summoned from other worlds, but they have different identities and do not have the identity of Void Overlord."

Ye Fei guessed in his mind.

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