After having lunch at Tiexin, Ye Fei patrolled the forging area again, inspecting the operation of each production link of weapons and armor, and at the same time gave a word or two of encouragement to each craftsman.

Chatting with each worker is not a difficult task for Ye Fei, but for the workers who work here, the Overlord's greetings are the greatest encouragement to them.

The enthusiasm of the entire forging area was high, and the masters worked harder. They and Yourongyan were very excited to be able to talk to Lord Overlord.

Ye Fei looked at the forging area consisting of several blacksmith shops connected together, and thought about expanding the scale to build a continuous foundry.

"With the Overlord Mansion as the center, the military camp and the forging area are on the east side. From now on, this area will be mainly dominated by the forging area and the military camp, and several large warehouses will be built. All ores and metal materials will be stored in warehouses near the forging area. easy to use."

"Large-scale storage warehouses should also be built in the military camps. More weapons and equipment should be produced and stored in the military camp arsenals. Some food supplies should also be stored in the military camps."

Ye Fei likes to be prepared when things happen. If you don't prepare everything until the event comes, it will be too late.

"There are still many things to do. You have to eat one meal at a time and improve it slowly!" Ye Fei collected his thoughts and made a mental note of the things that needed to be improved.

"Take good care of yourself, I'll leave this to you." After a few final words of advice to Tiexin, Ye Fei left the forging area and inspected the next location.

There are no buildings to the east of the forging area and military camp. Going clockwise south is the Spirit Field planting area. Most of the original Spirit Field of Absolute Beginning is located here. The originally lush crop fields have now become large and small. The scorched earth of the pit.

The insect swarm entered the territory from the southwest, so the Spirit Field was completely destroyed by the insect swarm. The insects were also more interested in the crops in the Spirit Field, and they did not forget to nibble on them during the charge.

However, the gnawing of the insect swarm only caused the fields to fail to harvest. The subsequent large-scale bombardment was the main reason for destroying the farmland. In order to combat the insect swarm, the defense towers and rune cannons fired non-stop, causing huge losses to the insect swarm and also destroying the farmland. Plowed all the land in the Absolute Beginning territory.

"Everything else is fine. It's just that the agricultural losses this time have been too heavy. Ordinary farmland can be restored, but Spirit Field will probably be difficult. Alas..."

Ye Fei was also helpless about this. In the face of the Zerg invasion, he certainly could not avoid using rune cannons just to protect the fields. These losses were unavoidable and could only be recovered slowly after the war.

Arriving at the former Spirit Field, Fengling was leading the newly recruited farmers to level the land and restore field production. Several spiritual planters were using their skills on the former Spirit Field, trying to restore the aura in the Spirit Field.

Ye Fei watched these spirit planters busy for a long time but with little effect. The destroyed Spirit Field was basically unchanged and lifeless.

"Lord Overlord!"

Several farmers saw Ye Fei and saluted hurriedly. Only then did Fengling, who was working hard at the side, discover Ye Fei.

Fengling wiped the dirt from her hands and came to Ye Fei's side.

"You came!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Looking at the disgraced Fengling, Ye Fei has always been satisfied with her work ability.

"How's it going? Can these Spirit Fields be saved?"

Ye Fei squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil at his feet, crushed it in his hands, checked the quality of the soil, and asked Fengling.

"It's very bad. These Spirit Fields are basically hopeless. The power of the rune cannon is too great. The Spirit Field has been turned upside down. All the aura and spirituality contained in the Spirit Field have been completely dispersed. If you want to rely on the current spirit It is basically impossible for Zhifu to recover."

"Unless these spiritual cultivators break through to Rank Three, it is only possible. Moreover, even the spiritual cultivators of Rank Three have a very slow recovery speed. I don't know how long it will take to recover as before."

Fengling sat casually on the ground and told Ye Fei about the current situation of Spirit Field.

"Is there no chance at all?" Ye Fei was a little unwilling to give up.

"Of course there is a chance. As long as there is a large amount of Spirit Spring water for irrigation or the spiritual energy value in the territory is high enough, and the land is leveled, these Spirit Fields will naturally recover after a period of time."

"It can't be said that it has recovered. It should be considered to have re-evolved into Spirit Field by then." Feng Ling corrected.

"Spirit Spring water irrigation and spiritual energy nourishment are indeed re-cultivation and evolution."

Ye Fei thought about the only two Spirit Springs in the territory. Although he had been promoted to Rank Two Perfect Grade, the current production was not enough for everyone in the territory to drink daily, let alone irrigate the fields. There was no need to think about it.

As for aura, the area of ​​the Absolute Beginning territory has expanded too much this time, causing the aura value of the territory to drop repeatedly, diluted to less than half of its previous value. Although the Spirit Gathering talent continues to generate aura, it still takes a long time to increase the aura concentration to the previous level. less time.

Coupled with Ye Fei's national practice in Absolute Beginning, all the people in the territory rely on spiritual energy to practice. This time Ye Fei has increased its population by a lot, and the subsequent spiritual energy gap will increase. If you want to cultivate spiritual energy, Spirit Field will be promoted to the current level. It doesn't work, unless Ye Fei upgrades the Spirit Gathering talent.

"Both of these methods are not feasible for the time being. You first level the land and restore it to ordinary farmland, and plant crops first. Then, just slowly accumulate Spirit Field through Spirit Field cards as before!"

Unable to restore the Spirit Field, Ye Fei could only settle for the next best thing and build ordinary farmland first.

"Ordinary farmland is easy to restore. After filling in all the craters and leveling the land, Ling Zhifu will use his planting skills to sort out all the land and continue planting. These fields in the city can be basically restored in about five days. .”

Fengling calculated the time in her mind and reported to Ye Fei.

"In ten days, these farmlands can be restored and sown. The seeds are stored in the warehouse and can be used directly."

"Ten days, then it's hard on you. You've been worrying a lot here lately, but it's best to train a successor as soon as possible. Later, I still hope that you will be in charge of the alchemy side, and you will also take care of the restoration and reconstruction of the medicine garden."

Ye Fei talked about his plan, which he had planned before. If Liu Ming hadn't died unexpectedly in battle, Fengling wouldn't have had to worry about it.

"I know."

"That one over there is the deputy I trained. I plan to let him take over later, but I haven't decided yet. I'll see if his ability is good."

Fengling pointed to Ye Fei a middle-aged man working not far away.

Ye Fei glanced at it and didn't pay much attention.

"Just keep it in check, I trust your vision."

"Is it okay for these newly recruited citizens to have food and housing? Are other living protections sufficient?"

Fengling nodded: "That's no problem for me. The original residence is enough. It's just a little crowded. There's no problem with eating and drinking. After all, it's in the city."

"But that's not necessarily the case for the four newly built farms outside. I heard that Manager Zhou invested both residential building cards and farmland cards in the construction of the new farms, but there is still a big gap. I don't know what the specific situation is. "

Ye Fei also expected the difficulties of the four newly built farms. After all, they were built from scratch and were far away from the core area of ​​the territory. Material support was slow, so there would definitely be difficulties.

However, Ye Fei would not let them stop the construction progress because of a little difficulty. He gave all the farmland cards and supporting building cards to Zhou Heng, so that he could quickly build four farms and take advantage of the new additions after the expansion of the territory. land.

"He will have difficulties there, but I believe he will solve them. You are all very capable and don't need me to worry too much. It also saves me a lot of worry."

"There is nothing to say about Mr. Zhou's ability. I can't compare to it. Don't praise me. I will be proud!" Fengling said, but she was very happy in her heart. She was like a child being praised by her parents, her eyes crinkled. Little crescent moon.

"It's something to be proud of!"

"Okay, that's no problem for you, I'll go over there first, and you can continue your work!"

Ye Fei bid farewell to Fengling and returned to the Overlord Mansion, sitting in the study and thinking about the construction of the Absolute Beginning City in the near future.

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