After dawn, Ye Fei finished a night of practice. Now he can basically meditate and practice the Primordial Origin Sutra instead of sleeping. After a night of practice, his body has returned to its best condition.

After breakfast, he asked Feng Zhihe to send a message to Li Lei to find him in the trading market.

Ye Fei rushed to the Void Trading Market. Little Black absorbed a lot of Rank Two Origin Points last night. After deducting the nearly 4,000 Origin Points he spent yesterday, he still has 18,000 Points.

Little Black has digested nearly 30,000 Origin Points in the past two days, and has digested nearly 60% of the Origin Power Essence. Ye Fei estimates that he will be able to digest all the Rank Two Essence tomorrow, and he can still harvest about 20,000 Origin Points.

As for the essence of Rank Three's power, he plans to use it to promote several Special Buildings in the territory, and will not let Little Black absorb it.

Ye Fei originally discovered that buildings can be directly upgraded with Source Essence, but because he didn’t have much Source Essence in his hand, he didn’t try too much. Now that he has a lot of Essence in his hand, he wants to study upgrading with Source Essence later. What is the difference between building and upgrading buildings directly with Origin Points.

Ordinary buildings in the territory can be upgraded using source power, but that is a complete waste of resources. Ye Fei can just let Li Lei's engineering team build and upgrade these buildings without wasting Origin Points.

Only special creations like Spirit Spring and Body Tempering Spring, and buildings that cannot be upgraded by conventional means, are cost-effective to upgrade with Origin Points.

Ye Fei was planning in his mind, and before he knew it, he had arrived at the Void Trading Market.

Arriving at the trading floor, Ye Fei saw that Li Letian could get out of bed and move around, and seemed to be recovering well.

"Lotte, you seem to be recovering well. Have you taken the recovery potion today?"

After Li Letian saluted Ye Fei, he said: "Thank you Lord Overlord for your concern. I have taken today's medicine and my body has almost recovered. You see, I can get out of bed and walk around."

"The time for training is still too short. Even if you have strong recovery and the help of medicine, you can't be careless. Don't do any strenuous work recently. Let the people below do it. You just have to check it."

Ye Fei cared about Li Letian for a few more words before coming to the void vortex.

"First, equip Li Lei with ten Rank Two earth mages." Ye Fei skillfully opened the list and recruited ten Rank Two earth mages.

"Add a master architect to provide technical guidance on planning and design,"

"The construction of the Beicheng District Artillery Base and the Construction of the Martyrs' Park must start as soon as possible, and the number of workers must be increased. Another 100 construction workers must be recruited to add some manpower."

Ye Fei also thought that the current popularity of mages in the engineering team is not high. According to the difficulty of practicing earth mages, the engineering team is mostly ordinary people, so it still needs to be equipped with engineering equipment.

Rune equipment is Ye Fei's choice. The territory's aura concentration is sufficient, so it would be a pity not to use these automatic charging equipment.

"It's just that many of these devices require professional and technical personnel to operate them. This is inconvenient. You have to find something that ordinary people can operate."

Ye Fei thought about it and started searching in the mall. There were indeed rune devices that ordinary people could operate, and most of them were civilian devices, which just met Ye Fei's needs. He spent two hundred Origin Points to purchase a batch.

"Well, the earth mage originally trained by the engineering team still has a Rank Two inheritance that is too low. It needs to be upgraded. It needs to exchange the Rank Three inheritance and buy all the supporting spells."

This time, Ye Fei directly equipped the engineering team with all the skills in Rank Three. He plans to make the engineering team mainly earth engineering mages. Of course, in the future, other professions that are helpful for engineering construction can also be added. .

After spending more than 3,800 Origin Points, Ye Fei spent a lot of Origin Points on all the personnel, equipment, and skills of the engineering team. He spent 2,000 Origin Points on just the skills and skills.

"The problem of the engineering team has been solved. There are currently no major problems in the forging area and agricultural production that do not require investment. In terms of troops, the first infantry battalion is enough, but the long-range firepower needs to be strengthened. The main reason is the lack of a powerful and decisive output. .”

Ye Fei is planning to buy another Rank Four rune cannon for the current finale's firepower output.

A Rank Four ordinary rune cannon costs one thousand Origin Points, but Ye Fei did not skimp on these one thousand Origin Points. The Origin Points were invested Absolute Beginning The strongest firepower at present was born, Ye Fei specially made the shells to match the cannon Fei also allocated some, and the artillery squad also equipped them, which was nearly two hundred Origin Points, for a total of twelve hundred Origin Points.

In addition to artillery and infantry, Ye Fei wants to form a cavalry, but the territory is small and ordinary cavalry is of little use. Ye Fei wants to form a flying cavalry, so that Absolute Beginning will have an air force.

However, Ye Fei did a search and found that the lowest flying troops are Rank Three. It is okay to raise a few. It is a bit difficult for him to form an army. The logistics pressure is also high, and flying mounts are difficult to raise.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Fei put aside the matter of flying troops first and started searching for martial arts. The territorial troops had the Heavenly Soldiers Body Training Technique, he himself had the Primordial Origin Sutra, and the engineering team had the inheritance of the earth mage. These three methods They have all been redeemed to Rank Three, which is enough.

"Tie Xin's and the others' inheritance from the God of Craftsman and that from Ling Zhifu at the farm have not yet been exchanged for the subsequent Rank Three part."

Ye Fei spent another 2,500 Origin Points to redeem the Rank Three Ling Zhifu's inheritance and all the skills of Ling Zhifu within Rank Three, as well as the former Rank Three's Artisan God inheritance.

In the past, Ye Fei picked a few of the most commonly used skills and didn’t have Origin Points to buy anything else. This time, he had enough Origin Points and everything was neat.

Of course, the skills that Ye Fei is equipped with are mainstream skills whether it is an earth mage or a spirit planter. Many of the derived skills are not matched, and the number of derived skills is too much. No matter how many Origin Points Ye Fei has, it is not enough, and Many Ye Fei feel that they will never be used and their practicality is too low.

"In this way, the practice problems of all professionals in the territory have been solved. All the remaining residents of the territory will practice the Primordial Origin Sutra. Those rune masters will also practice the Primordial Origin Sutra first, and then they can conduct rune research later."

Ye Fei doesn't plan to invest too much in rune research. He will use ready-made ones if necessary. The territory's resources are limited and it is impossible to invest in the development of everything.

Although he implements universal cultivation, the general subjects have to practice hard on their own without much support. Unlike military training, Ye Fei allocates resources as they can. The remaining subjects Ye Fei cast a wide net, and there are Focus on cultivating talent after it emerges. If you don't have talent, you can't blame others.

After looking at his Origin Points balance, he saw that there were still 10,500 Origin Points left. In a short time, he spent more than 7,500 Origin Points.

"That's enough, let's continue!"

Ye Fei doesn't plan to keep too many Origin Points, and leaving them without interest would be a waste. Later, the essence of the Origin Points will be absorbed and converted into Origin Points, so he doesn't plan to keep all the Origin Points and spend them into real combat power and foundation.

Ye Fei first found a set of armor for himself. As a weapon, he had the Absolute Beginning sword, which was enough, but he still needed a set of armor. Like the Absolute Beginning sword, Ye Fei also wanted a growable type of armor, so he searched for it. After a while, Fei found his favorite armor.

[Chaos Shrouding Armor] and his Absolute Beginning sword both have Chaos Stones as the same material. However, unlike the sword embryo, these armors must be at least Rank Two equipment before they can be purchased. A set of Rank Two ordinary level Chaos Shrouding Armor is enough. It costs two thousand Origin Points.

Although it is a bit expensive, the equipment that can be grown is worth the price. Ye Fei had enough Origin Points in his hand to buy a set. In this way, he has all the equipment for attack and defense. It is two together with the Absolute Beginning Sword. A big eater will have to work hard to feed him.

Then Ye Fei chose talents and skills for himself. His cultivation talents are very high and do not need to be supplemented, but his combat talents are still lacking. He needs to make up for his shortcomings in this area. His combat skills are also relatively simple. He can only use swords. Once the flying sword is used If he were to restrain him, most of his fighting strength would be wasted.

Ye Fei first chose two Advanced Talents [Fighting Instinct] and [Fighting Instinct] for himself, and then chose a Middle Level Talent [Unyielding]. The two talents "Fighting Up" and "Unyielding" can improve Ye Fei's performance in battle. His endurance and fighting instinct can improve his combat response and combat skills.

After that, Ye Fei chose two more skills, [Five Emperors Fist] [Opening Heaven Hand] and a technique to forge Soul Refining consciousness [Eight Consciousness Origin Returning Method]. Opening Heaven Hand and Five Emperors Fist make up for his shortcomings in fighting enemies with bare hands. Ban, the Eight Consciousness Origin Returning method can use his strong spiritual advantage to hammer the Soul Refining Consciousness. In the future, he can use his spiritual power to fight against the enemy and kill the enemy invisibly.

Talents and skills plus a divine consciousness skill cost a total of 3,500 Origin Points. Ye Fei has never understood the price of talents. Some Advanced Talents can be purchased with only a hundred Origin Points, while others require one or two. thousand.

The price of Low Level and Middle Level talents also fluctuates greatly. Ye Fei estimates that it may be related to practicality. At the same time, some talents can be acquired through training, such as Ye Fei's dragon spirit, tiger strength, steel and iron bones, which can be obtained by taking pills and drinking alcohol the day after tomorrow. Body Tempering Spring Hammer Flesh Refining is obtained by the body, and some talents may be born with it or not. This kind of talent may be more expensive.

Talent price Ye Fei didn't think much about buying it, but he couldn't afford it. Let's talk about it later. According to the actual situation, the skills and techniques he bought are enough for him to practice and use, and he can't practice too many.

After investing in himself, Ye Fei selected talents and skills for several capable subordinates, mainly Wang Zhan, Zhao Ming, and Qi Chuan. Each of them chose a High Level combat talent corresponding to their own profession to increase their combat effectiveness. Wang Zhanye Fei adds an additional talent for military management and adds some basic knowledge.

"Tie Xin, Li Letian, and Li Lei are left to choose an Advanced Talent corresponding to their profession. Fei Ling Ye Fei plans to take a break first. The Spirit Medicine field in her territory was destroyed and the construction of the alchemy room was delayed. She will be able to add alchemy later. The talent of a teacher.”

"Ah Qing, Ah Qing relies on his own talent for fishing, so he doesn't need to add a life-saving talent. Yes, a life-saving Advanced Talent."

Ye Fei made a plan and started shopping in the mall.

Ye Fei accurately searched according to his needs, and soon equipped his talents with all the talents. More than 5,000 Origin Points also disappeared. Among the several talents, Wang Qing's life-saving talent [Escape from the Golden Cicada] was the most expensive and required more than 1,000 Origin Points. , the others are all fine.

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