In Qingchuan, Ye Fei rushed towards the last Void Orc spaceship nearby. The previous sneak attacks gave him a taste of the sweetness. When Ye Fei thought about the harvest he was about to get, he hurried a lot faster without realizing it. .

In the end, this spaceship was the furthest away from Ye Fei. After traveling for most of the day, Ye Fei only approached the target in the afternoon after replenishing his spiritual power.

In order to prepare for the battle, Ye Fei stopped to drink some Spirit Spring water to replenish the consumed spiritual energy. After adjusting his condition, he continued towards the outer area of ​​the spacecraft.

Ye Fei came to a mountain peak and looked at the orc's spaceship in the distance. The huge spaceship had only a small outline at this time. This was because his eyesight had been improved after completing Rank Three. Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to see it at this distance. See you.

"It's almost there. I don't know how much energy essence I can harvest this time. It should be no less than the previous times. After finishing this order, I can go back to the territory and wait for a few days to avoid the limelight before coming back."

Ye Fei slowed down and collected his breath. He was about to approach the battle area and began to prepare for the battle.

Suddenly he felt something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what the problem was. With his eyelids twitching, he looked up at the mountain peak not far away in confusion. Ye Fei was already very close to the outer area of ​​the void beast.

At this time, a small group of void orcs marched swaggering on the hillside some distance in front of Ye Fei, extremely conspicuous.

"Is this?" Ye Fei looked at the team of void orcs on the hillside and felt something was wrong. The team of void orcs he usually encountered were not like this. Void orcs with a high level of combat awareness would not wander around like this.

Moreover, these teams of Void Orcs are usually searching and exploring something and have missions, but this team seems to be just wandering around, wandering aimlessly.

"Wandering around? No, no, this is... attraction."

"What are you attracting? Is there anything that needs to be attracted?"

Ye Fei thought of this and suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Damn it, it's me!"

Turning around, he activated the Shadow Escape Technique to the extreme, throwing out the acceleration talisman with constant movement. Ye Fei began to evacuate backwards. No matter if there was an ambush or not, it was definitely right to run first.

At this time, Sharif, who was lurking outside several mountain peaks, was extremely angry. After receiving the news yesterday, he lurked in the center of the current peripheral team activity area and waited for prey to come to him.

When Ye Fei was approaching, he also noticed Ye Fei's arrival, but seeing the other party getting closer, he was willing to get closer and take action.

After all, the opponent is a powerful Void Overlord. If he has any life-saving trump card, if he loses his hand and is run away by the Void Overlord if the distance is too far, he will probably be laughed at by that guy Salula for the rest of his life.

"A bunch of idiots, they can't do anything well, they fail more than they succeed."

Seeing Ye Fei stop, Shalifu knew that these losers under his command had failed and made the other party suspicious. Then when he saw Ye Fei turning around to run away, Shalifu did not hesitate to take action.

Powerful power began to gather. Shalifu stretched out his hand, and a big hand covering the sky gathered in the sky at the same time, and then grabbed Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who had just run not far, felt the strong pressure behind him, and the spiritual power in his body was not functioning smoothly due to the pressure.

"Rank Five, a Rank Five ambushed a Rank Three kid like me, how shameless!"

Ye Fei felt the pressure behind him that far exceeded Rank Four. Even though the opponent was still some distance away from him, Ye Fei still felt a deep sense of powerlessness coming from the bottom of his heart. Even though he had reached the limit of speed, he didn't feel it. A sense of security.

In an instant, Ye Fei crossed the mountain at his feet and continued to run away madly. At this time, the mountain shook behind him. Ye Fei looked back and saw that the mountain he had just left was shattered by a big hand.

Ye Fei was lifted dozens of meters away by the airflow from the mountain peak before he stopped. His head was so dizzy that he couldn't tell the direction.

"Although the mountain peak just now is not very tall, it is still a mountain peak after all. It was directly destroyed by the bomb. Damn it, what kind of monster is Rank Five?"

Ye Fei had watched Rank Five's battle from a distance. He thought he already understood Rank Five. It seemed that he thought it was simple. Only now did he experience the power of Rank Five personally.

Looking up at the sky, another big hand appeared in the sky and grabbed him with precision. Ye Fei showed a wry smile and did not run away again. His speed was too slow and he couldn't outrun the big hand. When he realized something was wrong, he turned around and ran away to the first line. It only takes a moment for the attack to land, and Rank Five's speed is beyond imagination.

"It seems that Ah Qing is really my patron saint. I will use the surrogate puppet before it is warm in my pocket."

Ye Fei put away the Absolute Beginning Sword and Chaos Covering Armor. Rank Three's equipment could not withstand Rank Five's attack. If it was damaged, he would suffer even more losses. After putting away the equipment, Ye Fei went up to meet him. He wanted to Make sure you take this sure-kill attack and activate the scapegoat puppet, otherwise you will be captured alive and lose all hope of making a comeback.

When Ye Fei faced the attack, Shalifu was a little confused. He didn't know if the Void Overlord in front of him was mentally ill and seeking death. However, he quickly realized that the other party's deliberate death wish must have a back-up plan, and he could not let the other party get what he wanted. , so he was preparing to stop and capture him alive.

But he was a step too slow. Ye Fei had already received the blow. Without any surprise, the surrogate puppet sensed the fatal attack and played its role. It teleported Ye Fei's body away and took his place. Ye Fei stayed where he was.

After a moment of dizziness, Ye Fei realized that she had been teleported, and without any hesitation, she took out the teleportation token and immediately teleported back to Absolute Beginning. After a short delay, Ye Fei successfully returned to the Absolute Beginning territory.

After Shalifu noticed Ye Fei's intention, he realized something was wrong and wanted to take back the attack. It was already too late. Later, he discovered that Ye Fei had disappeared. He was furious and frantically searched for Ye Fei's whereabouts. However, there was no Ye nearby. Fei's breath.

"A Rank Three Overlord, with such a High Level scapegoat and a teleportation function, how could he be so rich?"

Thinking that he had let a fat sheep run away, Sharif became even more angry. He attacked the nearby mountains crazily, one attack after another, frantically destroying the nearby mountains, rivers and land.

Ye Fei returned to the territory and sat paralyzed in front of the void vortex. This time he had truly experienced life and death. If it weren't for the scapegoat, he would have been dead. Rank Five ambushed him and he had no power to fight back. He couldn't even run away. Don't fall off.

"I was careless. I should have thought that these orcs came in one group, and there would naturally be information exchanges. I was naive enough to think that the other party was unprepared."

Ye Fei reflected on his own stupidity. He became addicted after taking advantage and subconsciously ignored the potential risks.

He was really stupid this time. He thought it was smart to shoot and change places. However, they opened a net and waited for him. The Rank Five expert personally ambushed him without giving him any chance. If Wang Qing hadn't shown off his power today and gave him a The scapegoat will be gone today.

"Every time you learn, you will gain wisdom. You can never take things for granted like this time in the future. You can't go to Qingchuan Realm recently, so you can practice in the territory with peace of mind!"

Ye Fei was sitting on the ground, thinking about the next plan. At this time, Li Letian saw Ye Fei sitting on the ground and stepped forward and asked: "Lord Overlord, are you back? Do you need me to do anything?"

"No, I'm a little tired. I'll take a rest here. You and Xu Qingshan will contact you to find out what materials are needed to set up the formation. I'll prepare them for him right now as I happen to be here."

"Okay, Lord Overlord, I will contact Master Xu now."

Looking at Li Letian leaving, Ye Fei adjusted himself and sat aside. He was the master of the territory. It was best not to show this desolate state in front of his subordinates.

Soon Ye Fei adjusted himself, and then Li Letian also brought the list over.

"Lord Overlord, these materials have not been collected yet. Please take a look!"

Ye Fei looked at the list in his hand, opened the mall and started shopping.

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