The second day after the government meeting.

Li Lei came to report that the first phase of the artillery training base project was completed. Today Qi Chuan and Ye Fei came here to check and accept the project. If the artillery units are qualified, they will move into the new base. From now on, training in the new base will no longer share the same barracks with the First Battalion.

"Commander Qi, how are you? Let's see if there's anything else that needs improvement."

Ye Fei took Qi Chuan to inspect various facilities at the new training base, and Li Lei also followed.

"Lord Overlord, Minister Li communicated with us frequently when building the base, and I often come here to give some suggestions. There is no problem. I will take a look and we can move our brothers into a new home."

Qichuan has been paying attention to the construction of the artillery base. This is the new home of their artillery. Of course he must always pay attention to it. Now it seems that there is no problem.

"Well, okay, move in as soon as possible and start daily training!"

Ye Fei saw that the artillery base was well constructed and thought about the future development of rune artillery. The territory did not have the ability to make artillery. It would be unrealistic to continue to purchase rune cannons in the mall to develop artillery on a large scale in the future.

"You must have the ability to manufacture them yourself, otherwise the rune artillery will have to gradually withdraw from the battle order. The scale of battles in the future will become larger and larger. It is impossible to rely on a dozen cannons to play small tricks. "

Ye Fei wanted to buy some knowledge related to runes and let Tie Xin see if Integrated Union could innovate a new set of rune equipment suitable for the territory.

"It would be best to imitate the rune cannon, so that the artillery can continue to develop later!"

After quickly inspecting the artillery base, Ye Fei asked Qichuan to start moving. He returned to the Overlord Mansion and opened the mall to search for basic knowledge of runes. After buying a set, Ye Fei picked up the phone and called Tiexin.


"Lord Overlord, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something to tell you. The territory now has a huge demand for rune equipment, whether it is for civilian or military use. You also know that our territory's rune artillery unit has rune equipment that is easy to use but the cost is too high. Purchasing territory in the mall is too burdensome.”

"So I bought some basic knowledge of runes. You can read and study them first. I hope you can use rune theory innovation or imitation to create rune equipment for our Absolute Beginning territory, especially the rune cannon. Class offensive equipment.”

After hearing Ye Fei's instructions, Tie Xin thought about it for a moment and said: "Lord Overlord, the inheritance of the divine craftsman you gave me also has a similar path. After the blacksmith breaks through from the master level to the grand master level, he can activate the special lines on the equipment. The special attributes of equipment, this is the enchantment process."

"Enchant the equipment and form a stable cycle. The equipment will give birth to spirituality, and you can become a Spirit Level blacksmith above the master. The equipment will give birth to spirituality, and finally wisdom will give birth to a new life. The equipment manufacturer has touched the realm of the divine craftsman.

"The enchanted equipment is powerful, but it is relatively difficult to manufacture, and the output is naturally small. Equipment below Rank Four cannot withstand the forging during the enchanting process,"

"Only equipment of Rank Four and above are eligible for complete enchantment, and there are not many blacksmiths above the master level, let alone spiritual craftsmen and divine craftsmen, they are very few."

"The rune equipment seems a bit mediocre in comparison, but it is widely used, not only for military use, but also for many civilian equipment. I think the rune vehicles and the rune equipment of the Ministry of Industry are very simple and can be used by ordinary people, so I am The development of runic literature agrees.”

"However, I have studied rune equipment. Those runes may seem simple but the knowledge contained inside is very profound. It is not easy for Overlord to innovate Integrated Union. However, if there is ready-made theoretical knowledge and finished products for imitation, I can try it. .”

"Especially the rune equipment for people's livelihood below Rank Three. If Overlord can provide you with the corresponding knowledge, it won't take long for me to imitate it, and with some time, I can also train some low-level rune masters. .”

"Rune can absorb all kinds of energy for charging. This is a revolutionary technology that people cannot understand. If we can master this technology, it will be of great significance to the territory, but it is also very difficult."

Ye Fei listened quietly to Tie Xin's explanation. He didn't know much about this aspect. He always liked to let professional people do professional things. Now after listening to Tie Xin's explanation, Ye Fei had some ideas about the future development of the manufacturing industry in the territory. ideas.

"Tie Xin, let me prepare the basic knowledge of runes for you. You will first learn the low-level livelihood rune equipment you mentioned from easy to difficult. The territory also has a great demand for this type of equipment. Let's get started first. .”

"Don't think about the problem of energy conversion at the core of rune literature. The core energy of the territory is aura. Let's solve this technical problem first and focus on the conversion, storage and use of aura. We will do the follow-up later. Research."

"I will assign you a few Rank Two rune masters to assist you in this work, and you will set up a separate department in the forging department to carry out this work."

"Okay, Lord Overlord! However, Lord Overlord, the Forging Department currently has heavy tasks and may not be able to fully study this project in the short term, and the progress will be somewhat slow."

"It doesn't matter, let's finish the important work at hand first. The research on rune equipment cannot be solved in a short time, so you must be prepared."

"I understand, Lord Overlord, I will complete the work at hand and start this work as soon as possible."

"Well! That's it. Later, you can have the people and materials I prepare for you collected and settled."

"Yes, Lord Overlord!"

Ye Fei put away the phone bug and purchased five more Rank Two rune masters. He also added some more information and basic knowledge about runes.

In the development plan of the territory's manufacturing industry, Ye Fei wants to pursue diversified development in his heart. Such a rich variety has no disadvantages, but the reality is that resources are limited and must make choices. This is what Ye Fei dislikes the most, and he wants them all.

After purchasing these, although he still had 300 Origin Points left in his hand, he did not spend any more. He opened the Blue Star Channel to see if there was any new news from the Qingchuan world.

[Blue Star Channel: District 986: 3990 people]

"Big Brother Martial Saint killed nearly a hundred orcs by himself. It was really a mess."

"Is there anyone in the Hundred Thousand Mountains who can form a team to hunt the Void Orcs? I'm in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Anyone nearby can come and form a team!"

"The Void Orcs have Rank Five warriors, aren't they looking for death?"

"The latest news is that not all void orc warships have Rank Five orcs. Martial Saint actually measured that there were no Rank Five orcs in the spaceships he encountered. The shape of the spaceship that Absolute Beginning discovered was much smaller. It’s easy to identify, everyone can take a look!”

"Rank Four can crush me to death, but there is still a chance to fish outside!"

"Is anyone forming a team?"

"I heard that someone successfully formed a team and got good results?"

"Someone showed up over there in the wilderness. I heard it's pretty good!"

"The Qingchuan world is still too big. If it were smaller, everyone could get together."

"It will be convenient once the map is completed. Rank Three plus the escape method is comparable to the high-speed rail. It will be very fast to go in both directions."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand. Why are the orcs we agreed to go to in both directions?"

"Children should stop interfering in adult matters."

"Butt in? What are you interrupting?"


"Then just buy a wife from Hungry Mall."

"I just want to become stronger, I'm just a bunch of scumbags who think from the bottom of their bodies."

"As long as you can..."


Ye Fei closed the channel where the painting style changed and looked at Wu Xiangwen's sharing posts.

"There really is a Rank Four spaceship. It would be much easier to deal with if there were only Rank Four orcs. Do I need to leave this area to find a Rank Four spaceship to attack?"

Ye Fei thought for a while and opened the shared Qingchuan boundary map. Most of the entire Qingchuan boundary map was still dark, but overall it was divided into the Shiwan Mountains where Ye Fei was located, the vast wilderness in the east, the endless desert in the west, and the black in the north. ocean.

Four places converged to form the Qingchuan boundary, but there is still a big error in it. I just relied on the current information to spell it out. The situation in Dahuang is similar to that of Ye Fei, while the Endless Desert is relatively harsh, mainly because the roads are not easy to walk. .

The Black Sea in the north is boundless as its name suggests, but it is overall black. No one knows what is in it. The Overlord who discovered this ocean did not dare to try to find out.

It looks ominous from a distance. The Overlord who landed on the island was basically trapped. Everyone who tried to go to sea died, so there is currently no Overlord trying to cross the Black Sea.

"Fortunately I didn't land on the island."

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