After a night of devouring, a huge hole appeared in front of Ye Fei's eyes. This was the result of the Absolute Beginning Sword and the Chaos Sky-Shielding Armor overnight. If the mountain containing the mineral veins were not hard and the mine was not deep enough, perhaps this place would have collapsed. .

The Absolute Beginning Sword that reached Rank Four saw little improvement when it devoured these ores again. Ye Fei, who saw the Absolute Beginning Sword devouring the ores without any improvement, gave up on letting it continue to devour these ores, and instead let it continue to mine. The ore was swallowed up by the Sky Covering Armor.

The Absolute Beginning Sword has no objection to helping to mine ores for the Sky-Zhou Armor to devour. It has grown tired of eating these ores which are bland and tasteless.

Ye Fei was constantly replenishing the spiritual power for the Absolute Beginning Sword and the Heaven-Shielding Armor. Although he did not need to control the swallowed ore, the consumed spiritual power still had to be replenished. Qingchuan Realm did not have spiritual power for the Absolute Beginning Sword and the Heaven-Shielding Armor. Absorption can only waste oneself continuously supplying spiritual power.

"One night has passed, Zhetian Armor should be promoted soon, right?"

Ye Fei estimated the number of people swallowed by the Chaos Sky Covering Armor and felt that it should be at the critical point of promotion.

The Absolute Beginning Sword of Rank Four is very efficient in mining ores. The amount of ores swallowed by the Chaos Shrouding Armor has exceeded the amount swallowed by the Absolute Beginning Sword before.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Chaos Covering the Sky Armor to start to advance. Ye Fei skillfully used the blood refining method to perform sacrifices. After a while, the Chaos Covering the Sky Armor officially entered the Rank Four ordinary level.

"Master, I have become more powerful..."

"I'll call you Xiaokai from now on. Once you and Xiaochu are promoted to Rank Four, my subsequent plans will be much easier."

Feeling the bursts of excitement coming from the Zhetian Armor after his spirituality was greatly enhanced, his sense of security has now increased several times. Although he is still unable to fight against Rank Five, he is already capable of fighting against Rank Four. .

"The Absolute Beginning Sword and the Chaos Sky Covering Armor are both offensive and defensive. Even if I can't beat Rank Four, he can't do anything to me."

Ye Fei now wants to find a Rank Four void orc spaceship to hunt. Such a goal is just right for him. If he can kill an orc in a Rank Four spaceship, it will be a great complement to Absolute Beginning.

After the Absolute Beginning Sword and Sky-Zealing Armor were promoted, he was no longer prepared to stay in the mine. He was going to go out and continue searching for the target. He marked the mine on the map, but did not share it with the channel.

"There is still a large amount of ore that has not been mined here. It seems that this vein is very huge and the reserves are very rich. It would be great if we could locate the Qingchuan boundary and the territory and open the portal to let people from the territory come here to mine."

Ye Fei looked at the huge mineral veins and wondered if Absolute Beginning could be mined here in the future. Since the void vortex could teleport him, there must be other ways to solidify a teleportation channel, but he hasn't found a way yet, and he can't do it now. Just because you've reached it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future.

Mark the location first. If people from the territory can enter the Qingchuan boundary in the future, he will make a lot of money by taking this mine.

After marking it, Ye Fei left the mine.

Arriving at the entrance of the mine, Ye Fei looked at the huge entrance and swung his sword to smash the surrounding rocks to cover the entrance. Then Ye Fei moved to clean up all the surrounding buildings to completely hide the mineral vein. .

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. If other Overlords or other Void Species discover this vein, they will be in trouble if they come to take it again. Take care now to avoid these troubles in the future.

After hiding the mineral vein, Ye Fei first took out the teleportation token and returned to the territory. If he didn't go back for a day and a night, he had to go back to show his face to stabilize people's hearts. At the same time, he also gave the ore he collected to Tiexin for him to study.

After returning to the territory, Ye Fei took out the phone bug and sent a greeting message to everyone on the public channel, then went to the forging area to find Tiexin.

Tie Xin took the silver-gray ore in his hand and looked at it carefully, while Ye Fei waited quietly without making a sound.

He handed over all the ore he collected to Tie Xin to see what the value of the ore was. He couldn't see the information about the Qingchuan realm using his territorial authority, so he could only explore it by himself.

However, judging from the previous progress of the Absolute Beginning Sword, this ore is at least a Rank Two Perfect Grade ore and may even be a Rank Three ore. Otherwise, it will not have any effect on the Absolute Beginning Sword and the Chaos Sky-Shielding Armor.

After a while, Tie Xin put down the ore materials in his hands and said to Ye Fei:

"Lord Overlord, this ore should be a Rank Three ordinary ore. The data is pretty good after looking at all aspects, but the specific special effects are not clear yet. Further research is needed and it will take some time."

"It doesn't matter. You take these raw materials first and study them slowly. Remember to contact me when you understand them."

Ye Fei didn't expect to be able to figure out the characteristics of this ore right away. Now that he knew it was Rank Three, it was useful.

"It's Lord Overlord. I'll study it as soon as possible and report back to you!"

Ye Fei left the Forging Department and came to the Government Affairs Council to give all the collected Rank Two source power essence to Zhou Heng. Then he came to the Spirit Spring and replenished the consumed Spirit Spring before continuing to return to Qingchuan Realm to explore.

He wanted to find the location of the top of the cloud as soon as possible and join the other Blue Star Overlords, but looking at the cloudless sky, he had no choice but to continue in the direction he had chosen at the beginning.

Other Blue Star Overlords in the Shiwanda Mountain area are also constantly searching for traces of the top of the clouds. Many people have discovered that the clouds on the horizon are beginning to gather in the direction of the clouds and mist.

At this time, Ye Fei was searching for traces of the Void Orcs in the desolate mountains. After walking for a while, he finally found the whereabouts of the Void Orcs.

Looking at the spaceship of the Void Orcs in the distance, because it was too far away, he could only see an outline and could not tell whether it was the Rank Five spacecraft or the Rank Four spacecraft he encountered before.

Ye Fei used the Qi Condensation Technique to lower his breath to the lowest level and then started to move towards the spacecraft. He carefully observed the movements around him along the way. Once there was any change, he quickly evacuated and took the random teleportation talisman in the storage ring. Come out and hold it in your hands.

Although it is already far away from the four spaceships he encountered before, and the possibility of being ambushed again is low, Ye Fei cannot guarantee that it will be safe, and it is definitely right to be cautious.

"If the spaceship here is also in contact with the four spaceships from the beginning, the danger is still very high."

Ye Fei moved forward cautiously, and the distance between him and the spacecraft was constantly shrinking. After he climbed a few more hills, he stood on a high ground and looked at the spaceship in the distance. This distance was enough for him to observe the spaceship in the distance.

"Looking at the appearance, it's really different from the original four Rank Five spaceships. It's a lot smaller in size."

Ye Fei saw that the void orc spaceship in the distance was much smaller than the four spacecraft he encountered before, and was very similar to the fourth-level void orc spacecraft shared by Wu Xiangwen.

"Except for the difference in size, these Void Orc spaceships are all similar. The strength can be judged by their size. There should be no Rank Five Void Orcs in the spaceship in front of you."

"After I go back this time, I have to exchange for a skill that enhances my eyesight. It will be much easier if I can see far enough."

Ye Fei has spiritual exploration, and he knows the situation around him at close range, but his ability to observe distant targets is much weaker, and he needs a method to increase long-distance observation.

Ye Fei initially judged that the spaceship in front did not have a strong Rank Five, but the real situation needed to be further understood. However, judging from the current situation, the opponent did not ambush him, which gave him the opportunity to attack the opponent's peripheral team.

"At least I won't leave empty-handed this time."

Taking out the Spirit Spring water and drinking it in one sip to replenish his spiritual power and adjust his fighting state, Ye Fei began his hunting.

The vigorous figure kept moving back and forth, searching the area where the orc team might appear. It didn't take long for him to find his target, but this time it was different from before. The target he found was not the void orc team that was out on a mission, but the Void Orc team that was out on a mission. A camp of void orcs.

Looking at the simple camp in front of him, Ye Fei stopped.

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