Words of blood appeared on the surrounding walls, seeming to be warnings, more like intimidation. When Shang Mengyun saw this, he was immediately startled. He already vaguely connected this place with the Seven Veins of Xiaoyuan Mountain, so he was extremely concerned about the words on the wall.

But Chu Yue, who was next to her, made a move that surprised her:

"Fellow daoist, why hide in hiding? Since it's here, it's better to show up!"

As soon as this remark came out, Shang Mengyun was immediately alert, and he did not think of this relationship. However, after the few breaths, there was still no response in the surrounding space, and no cultivator appeared either.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yue frowned slightly, and then continued to speak:

"If fellow daoist doesn't want to show up, I will naturally not force it. It's just what you ask for, I'm afraid..."

Having said this, Chu Yue's voice stopped abruptly just right, and her attention was placed on the stone gate in front. But after a few breaths, the only response to her was the three big characters that became more and more scarlet on the stone wall, and there was nothing else than the first time.

"Chu fellow daoist..."

Upon seeing this, Shang Mengyun called the other party softly, because she also didn't notice any abnormalities. But seeing that Chu Yue's expression was serious, she seemed to have really discovered something, so she asked through Voice Transmission.

But at The next moment, the serious look on Chu Yue's face suddenly turned into helplessness. He sighed and said something that made Shang Mengyun speechless:

"Hey.. It seems that there is really no one."

Chu Yue used to be a profound pill for a hundred years. Although she rarely went down the mountain, she had a very chatty senior, so she still knew a little bit about some interesting facts about some cultivators. Therefore, although she hadn't seen many people outside the Palace of Setting Sun, she knew that there were too many similar people in this world, and she would often be swindled by this sentence.

As far as the two women are concerned, the huge stone gate in front of them cannot be opened, and the way to go is already cut off. At this moment, even if the visitors are unkind, she hopes that there is such a person, at least to leave here. However, the fact that I am facing now is that there is no other cultivator at all, and I can't help but feel disappointed.

As for the exceptions, she didn't think about it, but felt that the possibility was too low. After all, the two of them could be said to be at a complete disadvantage at the moment.

Just as Shang Mengyun was helpless, the blood characters on the wall suddenly changed. Among the original three characters "roll or die", the scroll character was the largest and the death character was the smallest. But at this moment, the two exchanged sizes at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood was dripping down the wall, extremely terrifying.

Chu Yue and Shang Meng looked at each other, the former was very helpless, and the latter was helpless. They really want to tell this wall at this moment, not because they don't want to go, but because they can't go at all. Thinking of this, Shang Mengyun suddenly thought of something, and suddenly leaned the identity jade card against the blood on the wall.

And at the moment when the identity jade card touched the wall, the blood on the wall suddenly drew towards the jade card. Almost instantly, the blood on the wall lost its original luster and turned away. For the last big black letter.


The two women are now okay. As a cultivator, they don't have to worry about ghosts. The only ones who are worried are the current situation. But looking at the ever-changing walls around it, it's hard to believe that no one is observing here, otherwise how all this is done.


At this moment, the huge stone gate that was originally closed suddenly made a loud noise, and the two women immediately turned around and were ready to fight at the same time. But at The next moment, the stone gate did not open, but the entire space began to tremble violently, as if it was about to collapse.

"No, go back!"

When Chu Yue saw this, she immediately decided. She already took the risk of using her escape technique before she opened her mouth. She grabbed Shang Mengyun's shoulder, and then flew away with him. At this moment, it is better for two people to do it at the same time. After all, no one knows whether they will be attacked by Restrictions after launching the escape technique.

But at this time, Shang Mengyun seemed to fall into a certain state of contemplation, and turned a deaf ear to the voices of the people beside him. Fortunately, when Chu Yue spoke, she was already arrested. At this moment, Shang Mengyun did not move, but was simple.

The tremor in the surrounding space became more intense, and Chu Yue was like an eagle catching a chicken. At this moment, when she mentioned Shang Mengyun, she moved in the direction she came. Although she knows that the road to come is a dead end, but at this moment, if Divine Sense is not used, there is no way to follow.

Instead of deploying methods to test Restrictions at locations where Restrictions are unknown, it is better to return to the original position. At least how to trigger Restrictions and how to resist after triggering, I already have experience.

Within a few breaths, Chu Yue had already used her escape technique, leading Shang Mengyun all the way back to the original narrow corridor, but because of the speed along the way, she did not have time to check the surrounding changes. When she stopped her figure at this moment, Chu Yue only realized that there were no Restrictions for this kind of escape technique here, and it took a lot of effort before.

It's just that she doesn't know if she can find another way out if she casts a spell like earth escape. However, this kind of attempt still has to wait for Shang Mengyun to return to normal before performing it by himself. Always keep one person as a backhand, this is the safe way for secret realm to survive.

"Business fellow daoist, fellow daoist?"

Chu Yue put Shang Mengyun aside and looked at the cut off road ahead, but she felt the tremor behind her gradually weakening. It's just that I don't know if the source of the tremor is far away, or the place is not one with the previous space.

With a moment of breathing time, Chu Yue naturally focused on Shang Mengyun's body, but seeing that his eyes were still dull, she couldn't help but whispered twice.


When Shang Mengyun heard the sound, he woke up like a big dream, and while exhaling softly, a trace of cold sweat oozes from his forehead. But after seeing that the person in front of him was Chu Yue, he immediately adjusted his mood, and then slowly spoke, but he unreservedly said what he had just seen:

"Just now...I should have entered some kind of illusion. Fortunately, fellow daoist Chu shot in time."


Chu Yue's mind was above the safety of the two of them, and she did not consider too much, but at the moment she heard the word illusion, but she misunderstood the meaning of Shang Mengyun. She only thought that the spatial tremor just now was nothing more than an illusion.

At this moment, Shang Mengyun seemed to have guessed how much Chu Yue was thinking. He shook his head, nodded, and then said:

"After I touched the stone wall before, what I saw was completely different. At first I thought I had touched some kind of Restrictions, but then I realized that in that space, I couldn't use any cultivation base at all, and the space It seems that the existence within can not see me."

Chu Yue was very confused when she heard the words. She didn't know what the other party wanted to express, but at this moment, she could see that the other party's mood seemed a little confused, and there was obviously something to be said later. So she was not in a hurry, so she waited aside. Sure enough, after half a breath, Shang Mengyun continued to speak:

"That was a battlefield. In the battlefield, the human cultivator and the Demonic Beasts were fighting, and the battle was very tragic. Fortunately, among the human cultivators, there are nine people who are the top Cultivation Base. With these nine people as the center, the advantage of the Demonic Beasts army is constantly growing. Weakened. But later, a Sky-Swallowing Demon Python appeared in Demonic Beasts, and it just appeared and created the First Stage of the Nine.

After that, the Terran cultivator found that this demon python was strong, and it combined the power of nine people to fight with it. But even so, it can only be tied with it, and it has never been able to win it. As time went on, the seriously injured person broke out and was unable to fight again. The situation of the first battle changed instantly.

In addition to the other human race cultivators, the army is not as large as the Demonic Beasts, and it has already come to a time of retreat. Later..."

Having said this, Shang Mengyun's voice suddenly stopped, and then he subconsciously stretched out his right hand and pressed it towards his forehead, seeming to recall these very sadly. After half a breath, he just continued to speak:

"Afterwards, the illusion became another look. On the battlefield, the corpses of human cultivators and Demonic Beasts piled up into mountains, and the nine cultivators severely injured seven people at this moment, and only two of them have the power to fight. Although the python was also injured, the situation was far better than the human cultivator.

At this moment, the cultivator has retreated into a big formation, but they are struggling to support it. Just for some reason, the Demonic Beasts army did not continue to attack the large formation, but launched a raid every once in a while. With each raid, countless cultivators fell into the formation.

In the next picture, the Great Array is on the verge of shattering, and most of the cultivator in it has been killed and injured. However, among the nine cultivators, the two who still have the power of the first battle at this moment fought in the formation, because one of them wanted to use the forbidden technique to reverse the current situation at the cost of a part of the cultivator's soul.

Among the remaining seven severely injured cultivators, they are divided into two factions. One faction feels that if the formation is broken at this time, the lives will be destroyed, so it is worthwhile to trade the lives of the few cultivators in exchange for victory. But the other faction thinks that the lives of a few people and the lives of the people in the world are generally important.

So under the hard fight..."

At this point, Shang Mengyun's voice suddenly stopped, and the cold sweat on his forehead was several times more. Seeing this, Chu Yue knew that if she let the other party go on like this, she was afraid she would not be able to hold it at first, but she was worried that her forcible interruption would make the situation even more dangerous.

So I tentatively opened my mouth, trying to divert the topic...

"This is indeed a difficult question. Who wants to be a given up person?"

As soon as he said the words, Shang Mengyun immediately lowered the arm covering his forehead, and then stared at Chu Yue for half a breath. Just when the latter thought he had succeeded, he saw that Shang Mengyun's gaze suddenly became sluggish, and he spoke again. , But the voice that came out was no longer her own voice, but as if several people spoke at the same time, but they all said in unison.

"The problem is not difficult, because if the sacrifice is not made, the big battle will be broken, and the people in the world will not only be at risk, but the cultivator will be the first to bear the brunt. So the problem is not that a thousand people will die and thousands will live, but a thousand people will die or a thousand people will die. Ten thousand people."

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