The little host was distracted for a moment, but now he has recovered, because the space he is in is all set by the other party, and what happens inside naturally cannot escape the other party's eyes. Now recalling the look of Chu Ningyue when she suddenly shot, it should be a little bit of incitement to intervene.

After all, the direct conflict here is still in the hands of her alone, if she is willing to show up, everything will stop naturally.

"Thank you..."

The word "Purple Skirt Woman" is because the other party used the operation to help her stabilize the unstable Spiritual Qi in her body. Although she has not healed, it has made her feel much better. There is no need to worry about this. And this move, at the same time, demonstrates the intention of the coming person, not the heart of extinguishing the mouth, but the coming of kindness.

At the same time, for some reason, the song that suddenly appeared here also uttered aloud at the same time, asking the previous question:

"How can you be sure that the person you are looking for is me?"

When the voice fell, there was a breeze suddenly blowing behind Qu'er, which seemed mediocre, but any cultivator could easily do it, but falling into the eyes of the woman in the purple skirt made her eyes slightly condensed. Because at this moment Qu'er's techniques all affect his body, although it only disappears in an instant, it is still unforgettable.

"This battle was set up by senior?"

The sentence of senior said that the Cultivation Base of Qu'er is already above it. Xiaolouzhu and Chu Ningyue were not surprised, because in their eyes, Qu'er's Cultivation Base was unpredictable, but they didn't know how high they were.

It's just that they are somewhat different from this question, because they know that this place is not a fantasy formation, but an independent space like a mountainside wooden house. The opponent didn't see this at the moment, either it was deliberately probing, or it was suppressed by the magical power, which affected the judgment.

But at The next moment, Qu'er's words made the two women suspicious...

"This place is indeed what I did, just because I have lived in seclusion for a while, and you are not the only visitors. But so far, the Cultivation Base has reached the half-step fall from the sky, but you are the only one."

The woman in the purple skirt narrowed her eyes when she heard the words. She thought she was hiding extremely deeply. Even the man in black who had fought with her before, could not know her true Cultivation Base. But in front of him, the person who just showed the pressure of the Fallen Heaven Realm, he saw at a glance that his own real Cultivation Base is really...


While speaking, Qu'er approached the woman in the purple skirt for a few minutes again, but the small poster did not stop it, because she knew that she could not stop it at all, so she simply let it stand aside, looked at Chu Ningyue, and smiled apologetically. The latter smiled slightly. Nodding.

The woman in the purple skirt looked at Qu'er up and down, and was almost indistinguishable from the person she was looking for. But when the Cultivation Base arrived at a Realm like hers, it was natural to know that the cultivator could change his appearance with spells, not to mention that he was still in the illusion, and what he saw might not be true.

So between the openings, presumptuous of the cultivator world, asked aloud:

"I don't know the Cultivation Base of senior, but it is the realm of Falling Heaven?"

It is a taboo to directly ask others about Cultivation Base if it is not between relatives, friends, teachers, Junior, and strangers. As for this question, Chu Ningyue and Xiaozhuan are actually equally curious, because Qu'er is too mysterious.

However, Qu'er didn't get angry when he heard the words. Instead, he seemed to think about it seriously, and then said:

"Well, it is indeed the realm of Falling Heaven."

It's just the words she answered, but it makes people think about it, because they are still two words and have a lot of meaning.

The complexion of the woman in the purple skirt returned to calmness, but she secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Although she didn't completely believe the other party's words, she had no reason to be sure that the person in front of her was the one she was looking for on this trip.

Because at the time I received a subpoena, the letter from the person who wanted to pay back the favor made it very clear that the Cultivation Base is above the top five Sect Elders in Yunzhou, even if there is injury Breaking through the sky, entering Nirvana.

And the reason that the person wanted to come by himself was because the inheritance he had accepted had something to do with that person, so even if he exposed his deeds, he would not worry about his life.

I know very well that the power behind the entrusting person is so huge, and the person who can make him care so much, Cultivation Base must be good. Although the Falling Sky Realm is considered to be the mainstay of Yunzhou's first-class Sect, it is definitely not enough to make that person care so much.

It's just that now that I am seriously injured, it is difficult to test the Cultivation Base of the person in front of me. What's more, if the other party has a bad heart, I have no power to fight back now, and I want to use it. And The next moment, there is no obstruction between its openings.

"The appearance of senior and Cultivation Base are indeed quite different from the person I'm looking for. I dare to ask if there are other hidden people in the back mountains?"

The reason why he speaks this way is because he did not feel hostility from the other party, and the other is he knows that what the letter says must be true. If the person in front of her is the one she is looking for, then she will probably not hurt herself because of her inheritance.

And if she wasn't the person she was looking for, then she could feel the kindness right now.

It's just that one sentence settled, but Qu'er didn't answer directly, but smiled without saying a word. After half a breath, he just continued to speak, but he answered the wrong question, and it was even more shocking:

"Your injury is mainly due to the secret backlash. Although I can help you suppress the Spiritual Qi in your body, if you want to restore the Cultivation Base, you still need to rest. Since you are suspicious, you are sure that this person is in the backlash. After Cultivation Base is restored, how about self-checking?"

This is surprising, naturally it is not the woman in the purple skirt that surprises, but it makes Chu Ningyue quite surprised. She didn't expect that Qu'er senior would take the initiative to speak and leave the other party in the Palace of Remnant Sun. Wouldn't it cause the fire to burn her body?

As the third Elder of the Palace of the Setting Sun, she naturally knows that the mountain behind is already barren and the Spiritual Qi is scarce. Apart from Quer senior, where are there other hidden people?

If the woman single-mindedly believes that Qu'er senior is the person she is looking for, and then spreads the message to the forces behind her, then the person in crisis will still be the Palace of the Sun, not Qu'er senior alone.

"Don't worry, I have my own way."

Just as Chu Ningyue was worried, Qu'er's voice sounded in her ears, as if she guessed her worry. Chu Ningyue had always believed in the existence of this teacher and friend. After her affirmation, her heart relaxed a lot, but she still looked at the woman in the purple skirt with some inexplicable meaning.

"This...I'm afraid it's wrong."

The five-character exit of the woman in the purple skirt made the small original poster dispel his doubts. The heart said that Qu'er just said that it is to retreat, but it is calculated that the other party will not stay, so that he will speak like this. It is really dangerous. NS.

Unexpectedly, between Qu'er's opening of The next moment, it was...

"It's really wrong. The Ruins of the Sun Palace will not leave anyone with suspicious behavior. If you really want to stay, you still need to get the permission of the Head Teacher, otherwise you will still be considered as sneaking into the other righteous Sects and plotting bad things."

When the words fell, the woman in the purple skirt smiled, like flowers in full bloom, from the heart. Because the person in his heart is the one who, as a disciple of Sect, does this unrighteous thing, contrary to his original intention. But if you come here as a guest, then there is no such worry.

As for looking for the person hiding behind the mountain, or confirming whether the woman in front of you is the person you are looking for, you only need to consider a long-term plan.

"So, it's disturbing..."

As soon as this statement came out, the small poster was slightly stunned. He did not expect this kind of reversal, and also did not expect that in this small residual sun palace, except for himself, the first-class middle-grade Sect, one of the small posters of the Shenshui Jianlou In addition, there will be a personal disciple of the first-class top-grade Sect as a guest here.

If this matter was made known to Nanxuan's other Sects, especially the Rock Seal Sect who occupied the number one Sect in Nanxuanzhou, they would not know what they would think.


As the sun sets, half a day has passed. In the Great Hall of the Setting Sun Palace, the real man Dan Song and Fang Xian Elder are sitting opposite each other, their expressions are rather solemn. At this time, the two of them didn't know that the Third Junior Sister had already returned to the sect, and they were still worried because of the two uninvited guests who had just left not long ago.

The Cultivation Bases of the two are above the two of them, and since they entered the Inner Sect, they have been deliberately getting out. If the two of them hadn't seen this and accompanied them almost all the way, I'm afraid that at this time, in the Inner Sect, I don't know what will happen.

It's just that although the two of them can stop each other for a while, they may not be able to stop each other's life. Sect has these two Xuandan peak cultivators "remember", I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

"You said... is the Third Junior Sister really related to the Yanyan Sect Elder in their mouth?"

Madam Tan Song was the first to speak to break the silence, but it was a change of topic. It was just that the effect of one sentence was quite poor, which made Fang Xian Elder snorted and said:

"It’s nonsense, don’t you or I know what kind of character the Third Junior Sister is? She will associate with people casually? What's more, it's still Elder, let alone traveling south. In my opinion, it is mostly their so-called Elder secretly following the Third Junior Sister. Then the deeds were revealed, and the younger sister..."

"Eh...Junior Sister is just changing her pulse late stage Cultivation Base. Although she can leapfrog and fight, but that person is a virtual pill..."

Really Tan Song saw that his junior brother was still angry, so he had no choice but to speak, but he heard the voice of his disciple outside the door before he finished speaking.

"Master, someone worships the mountain!"

Second, when Elder Fang heard the words, his eyes condensed, and he thought that the two profound pill cultivators had just left, and they had come back so quickly. So he got up, glanced at the real person Dan Song, and said:

"In order to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, I will let him take a look. You stay in Sect to prevent anyone from taking advantage of it."

Master Dan Song smiled helplessly when he heard the words, but he didn't blame himself, his junior, for being so violent, nodded and said:

"You must not go with other people..."

Just as the word grievance has not yet been spoken, Fang Xian Elder has already used the escape technique and left....

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