Void Transformation

Chapter 1446 Conflict

Moon stars crowded, brightly lit, inside the Inner Sect of the Setting Sun Palace, in a side hall, the formation rune lingers around, shielding the breath and Divine Sense from prying eyes. In the side hall, there are a total of five people at this time, both inside and outside the formation.

There were three people outside, all of whom were sweating on their foreheads, with a conscientious expression. It seemed that because of the reprimand of the middle-aged man in front of him, they felt ashamed, but unable to leave. Therefore, from time to time, he looked at another fat man, as if he wanted to ask for help, but he waited with a smile.

"Although I don’t pay attention to the order of disciples in the Palace of the Sunshine, let alone the core disciple, what you say is also the head teacher personally. But you look at yourself. For many years, Cultivation Base has not made any progress. Among the many personally transmitted disciples, Cultivation Base It has also been the bottom.

So I don’t know how to make progress, I really learned the essence of your family, but I just don’t understand. Is it possible that after a hundred years, my Sun Palace will be among the influential Sects, and I will not be able to lift my head for the rest of my life? "

The middle-aged man has black hair but white temples. He is wearing a dark brocade suit. He looks not like Sect Elder, but more like a patriarch. He is the second Elder Fangxian of the Palace of Sunshine. At this time, the person who was reprimanded by him was the only personal disciple under the seat of Head Teacher Dan Song.

Because its name is too common, it is even incompatible with Sect cultivator. In addition, it is the only direct disciple of Head Teacher. It is not as dedicated to cultivation as other direct disciples. Instead, it often mixes inside and outside to deal with miscellaneous matters, so it is the former discipline. Everyone will call him a big brother.

As time passed, few people in Sect remembered his real name. Only in Sect, there was such a big brother who was a personal disciple who was responsible for Sect Elder.

"Da Yong, although you have solved a lot of troubles in Sect for more than ten years as a teacher, you have delayed cultivation because of this, and I really feel sorry for the teacher."

The real man Tan Song on the side smiled, but his words contained a lot of meaning. It seems that the position is to help the second Elder encourage his disciples to cultivate, but in fact it is just to excuse the disciple and find a high-sounding reason.

Having known the master for decades, this big brother knows the real person Dansong, and at this time he casts his grateful eyes on him. But just as the latter nodded slightly, he heard Junior Brother Fang Xian next to him suddenly raised his voice several times higher and said:

"Who is it that idles every day and doesn't want to make progress, and who is to be the shopkeeper and leave all trivial matters to the apprentice? Now pretend to be a good person and understand the righteousness?"

Head Teacher heard the rumors and looked at his master's eyes, and he was even more grateful, thinking that the master is worthy of being a master, and he took the initiative to cause harm to himself and protect himself from arrows. However, I don't know that the real person Tan Song is complaining in his heart at this moment. Although he is a real person Head Teacher, his actions are indeed unreasonable and unable to refute.

In addition, since I was young, I have been urged by the second junior apprentice, which has long become a habit. Once the aura is formed, it is not easy to change.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It seems that this trip down the mountain, not only Cultivation Base has made a breakthrough, but also the mood has changed."

After the real person Tan Song coughed slightly, he tried to change the subject. Just when the two women in the formation were fighting, there was a clever move, so Real person Tan Song seized this opportunity. Special materials...

"I heard that you played chess for half a month in Houshan, why? Our head teacher is a real person, this is abandoning the cooking skills and switching to the practice of chess? I don't think it will be used for a hundred years. It will only take more than ten years, the setting sun. The palace can be changed into the courtyard and become the No. 1 Miscellaneous Sect in Nanxuanzhou, which can be regarded as a revival in a certain sense."

As Elder spoke, he glanced at the two women in the formation. The reason he dismissed it was because there was no suspense in this battle. Although the Cultivation Base suppressed the two players in the same Realm, their actual combat experience and level were completely different.Moreover, the little girl in that formation, although the Cultivation Base has made rapid progress, she is also affected by it. If it is not for the Qi Condensation disciple to break through the cultivator's defenses, I am afraid that a Qi Condensation disciple can easily destroy it. Kill this woman.

As for the third younger sister own, she wanted to teach by precepts and deeds, and she deliberately exposed her flaws many times to attract the other party to catch, but this woman was still indifferent. So in desperation, Junior Sister began to guide the opponent to attack, trying to use this method to Ascension this female actual combat ability.

But this battle has lasted for several hours. Although this woman's actual combat ability is somewhat Ascension, it is still unsightly. But even so, the Cultivation Base alone is enough to inspire junior cultivator, so he invited the elite of Inner Sect and his own disciples to watch here.

However, the name "watching" was actually reprimanded by him. It took half a day to educate almost the entire elite disciple of Inner Sect. The only person who is still here today is the head teacher, who can listen to his own reprimands so far, but this son's disposition is desirable.

In the formation, the three Elder Chu Ningyue were fighting against a girl in plain clothes, saying that they were suppressing the Cultivation Base in the state of Zhuanmai, but in fact they had already fallen to Kaiyuan. The more she fought with each other, the more clearly Chu Ningyue had a problem in her heart. That was the hidden danger that Cultivation Base Ascension quickly brought, which was the unstable foundation.

Cultivation Base Ascension can be described as extremely fast by rebuilding the exercises by myself, but I have a hundred years of profound pill experience as the basis, and now I am back to the top. Although it is no longer a sword practice, there is always something in common between Wanfa.

However, this woman is different from herself. Although the cultivation speed is extremely fast, or it is very compatible with the setting sun, the growth rate of Cultivation Base is much faster than her own. But in fact, the war talent is really bad, not only lacks experience, but also doesn't know how to work around.

It is like a bachelor who memorizes an article by rote, and when it is applied, it will only quote the original text without any internalization. As for the spells, they only know the shape, but don't understand the reason. No matter how many times they have performed the same offensive, they could not resist at first, but they still cannot resist.

"Forget it, it's useless to fight anymore, and that's it for today."

Three Elder suddenly spoke, and at the same time, the sky fire dissipated, and a hand that was about to fall on the opponent's shoulder was also dissipating its mana at this moment, stroking it towards the top of the girl's head, but there was a little disappointment in his eyes. Although the cultivation speed of this woman is fast, her combat talent is the worst cultivator she has seen in a hundred years.

If he is a formation cultivator, amulet cultivator or specializing in the technique of pill refining, he will not have Sect to fight against others in his life, or he may be able to live safely. However, since he cultivation the Sun God Technique, he is destined to be impossible to be mediocre. She thought, and no one else would allow it.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps...

Hearing the words of the three Elders, the plain-clothed girl was relieved, as if prostration immediately, she fell limply and was held by the three Elders with one hand. Immediately, a sound transmission was passed into the ears of three Elders, with a bit of guilt.

"Sorry... let you down."

Chu Ningyue did not respond to her words, but looked sideways at the two seniors outside the formation, because this formation was not organized by her, and she did not expect that the second senior brothers would call a group of Inner Sect disciples here to watch. This is for the girl. His character is undoubtedly a test.

"You should withdraw first."

Fang Xian Elder waved his right hand, and the countless rune Restrictions in the side hall sank into the ground and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, he looked at the Head Teacher behind him and passed it personally, and said faintly. The latter felt relieved when he heard the words, and even knew that Elder would distract himself and discuss something important.

Although the Cultivation Base is not high, the head teacher personally passed on, but he knew how to behave in the world. At this time, he naturally understood what to listen to and what not to know, so he left quickly without staying for half a minute. But when he was about to step out of the side hall, the second Elder's voice sounded behind him.

"Tell you Junior Sister, the three of us have something to discuss today, and we want her to come back tomorrow."


At the same time that Head Teacher passed away in person, he also knew who the younger sister in the mouth of Elder was in his heart, and also knew that she came here not to watch a fight, but to meet Elder. It's a pity that Elder's words made his day's work in vain, which is a bit of a pity.

Watching this son leave, the second Elder reopened the formation, but this time it was not the ordinary formation in the side hall, but the defensive formation covering the entire side hall. With the support of this formation, it is the Profound Pill Realm cultivator who comes here, and cannot easily break through the Restrictions to enter it, let alone know what the palace is saying.

"Junior Brother, are you...?"

Master Tan Song originally thought that today's affairs were over and he could go back and continue to study the chess game, but he didn't expect that he hadn't left the Great Hall before the Junior Brother opened the Partial Hall formation, and he couldn't help but feel a bad premonition in his heart.

Because since Junior Sister returned to the Palace of the Sun, the attitude of the Second Junior Brother has been abnormal, especially when the third Junior Sister and the plain-clothed girl are alone, the Second Junior Brother's look has become more and more wrong. Now it seems that it must be time to reveal the answer, but it always feels that this matter will not be simple.

"There are only you and me. After watching today's fight, there are some things that I have to say."

Second, Elder suddenly spoke, but his eyes fell on the girl in plain clothes, his eyes sharp. The plain-clothed girl has nothing to do with the second Elder. In addition, she lives in the back mountain all the year round and traces it in the Outer Sect. She knows the rumors of the second Elder quite well.

As far as she is concerned, the second Elder is a fierce and wicked representative of extremely strict law enforcement, a person who never wants to provoke. Therefore, when he saw it in this way, even though it was just a glance, his heart trembled, and there was unspeakable suffering.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Upon seeing this, Chu Ningyue blocked the plain-clothed girl behind her, and at the same time looked at the second senior brother, but vaguely guessed what the other party wanted to say in her heart, and at the same time her heart sank, she couldn't help but sigh that she still couldn't escape this day.

"Brother, this girl is young, and the cultivation time is not long. Actual experience always needs to be cultivated slowly. Since she has this Cultivation Base, she only needs to practice more, and one day she can..."

Zhenren Tan Song thought that Junior Brother Own, after reprimanding all the elite disciples of Inner Sect of the Setting Sun Palace, finally set his sights on the girl in plain clothes, planning to use his unique method to reprimand the woman, and hurriedly relieved.

Because he can see that this woman has reached her limit now, everything will be reversed.

"You and I can wait, but the Sunset Palace can't wait!"

The second Elder sounded, and a sound wave spread out from the side hall, and when it touched the formation, it bounced back again, instantly forming a huge mana, enough to tremble Divine Sense. At this time, the girl in plain clothes was somewhat exhausted, but it was only because of her eyes that she lost her mood.

Now the great magical power was poured into him suddenly, causing him to faint with a grunt in his mouth.

"Second Brother!"

Under Chu Ningyue's reaction, although he blocked the front mana, he did not count the formation rebound and the blessing of mana. At this moment, seeing the girl in plain clothes fainted on the spot, she couldn't help but feel angry, but at the same time she said three words, she realized a problem.

That was half a month after he had left. The second brother's Cultivation Base seemed to have improved again. The injury he suffered last time seemed to have healed.

"This woman's heart is too fragile. If you are not afraid of her planting Heart's Demon, you can wake her up."

"Second Brother, if you have anything to say, you can say it directly."

Seeing the younger brother and younger sister, suddenly tit-for-tat, the real man Dan Song was rather helpless. When he was about to speak, he heard the younger brother speak out first, but he said something amazing:

"The Cultivation Technique you are learning now is no longer my Sunken Sun Technique, right?"

The truth about this matter has already been known to Elder Tan Song and Fang Xian, but they have never been able to tell. The reason is that the Cultivation Technique must have been taught by the Quer senior. Therefore, if this Cultivation Technique is only learned by the junior sister and cannot be passed on, they will have nothing to do.

At this moment, the real man Tan Song thought about it a little bit, and he had guessed what the younger brother was thinking and understood his thoughts, but this approach was a bit too radical.

"I thought Brother had already noticed it."

Chu Ningyue didn't conceal this, because although both the Shenyang Jue and the Sun Jue came from the Palace of the Sun, and the mana release was almost the same, there were some differences in the details. This matter may be concealed from ordinary disciples, but they cannot be concealed from the two seniors who have cultivated for a hundred years.

"Of course we have already noticed that only when you are under the control of others and cannot help you, you must not pass this Cultivation Technique to others. But now, just before the battle, I can see very clearly that this woman is extremely talented, and her mood is extremely weak. This Cultivation Technique is simply a violent thing.

But even this kind of disciple can use this Cultivation Technique to break into the realm of turning veins in a short time. If it is handed over to other disciples for cultivation, it will not take half a year at all. My Inner Sect of the Palace of Ruins of the Sun will be able to change the pulse of everyone, and then I will be able to change the pulse of everyone. The palace can be revived! This is the truth, Junior Sister really doesn't know? "

Chu Ningyue's face was slightly cold when she heard the words, but she smiled bitterly in her heart. Of course she had thought about what the senior brother said, and Qu'er Senior did not explicitly say that she asked not to be spread out. But the truth in this can even be figured out by himself, so how can I not know the brother?

Everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crimes, just as Qu'er senior said, if there is no strong person in the Palace of Remaining Sun, even if everyone is a turnaround, it is the ant in the eyes of the last sect. Not only will the Remnant Yang Palace not be revived by then, it will be the time when the Remnant Yang Palace is destroyed.

After a moment of contemplation, Chu Ningyue spoke again, but she said shocking words, uncharacteristically:

"Senior brother can only see the Cultivation Base of the setting sun, but can't see the cost of cultivation this Cultivation Technique. Really... short-sighted, extremely stupid!"


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