Upon hearing this, Fang Xian's Elder's complexion suddenly changed, and at this time, there was a bit of chill in Chu Ningyue's eyes. And when he spoke again, he did not shy away from it, with a great condemnation:

"Naturally, I do not have a second brother in the Palace of the Sun to consume my own Cultivation Base and pay the price for others to choose. However, the way of cultivator is inherently impermanent. If you want to try a miraculous work, you should pay the price. There will be no shortage of taxis, so this Cultivation Technique must..."

But at the end of his words, when the last few words were about to be spoken, the real person Dan Song on the side suddenly changed his tone, his tone changed suddenly, and he said coldly:

"Fang Xian Elder, can you listen to me?"

The four-character word came to his ears, like a basin of cold water pouring on the top of his head, causing his thoughts to gradually fall into the paranoid second Elder, who suddenly became sober for a few minutes. On weekdays, Senior Brother Head Teacher has always been known as his senior brother. The title changed at this time, which shows that what he said next is quite serious.

On the other hand, although Elder has a lot of control over the real head teacher, and even has been dissatisfied with his actions, he has been acting on his behalf in many places, but in his heart he knows his own identity. At this moment, since Head Teacher really treats each other as Head Teacher, not brother, then he can only deal with himself as Elder.

"Head Teacher, please."

Although Chu Ningyue is the third Elder, he is very familiar with the two seniors, but he is not very clear about some of the details between the two. As a result, seeing the two of them now looks gloomy and seems to be tit-for-tat, which makes her feel quite sentimental.

What she didn’t want to see was that the two seniors turned against each other, but she didn’t know that although the two seniors looked indifferent now, in fact they knew exactly what they were doing, and would not do anything out of order as she thought. Things.

Real man Tan Song heard the word "Head Teacher", although he still looked serious on the face, he felt a little bitter in his heart. However, since today's matter has been said, I also need to be tough again, because there is no turning back.

Therefore, my eyes condensed slightly, and when I spoke again, I was shocked:

"Fang Xian Elder is concerned, it should be the Nanxuan sword test half a year later. It is related to the preservation of the Immortal League in the Remnant Yang Palace, right?"

The words of the real man Tan Song can be said to uncover the last layer of tulle, which also has the meaning of alerting the three junior sisters. But Chu Ningyue heard this, although she was silent on the face, the inexplicable sentimentality in her heart had disappeared a lot, and the second senior brother was concerned about the Nanxuan sword test.

And the second Elder was silent for a while, then sighed softly, and simply said what he was thinking in his heart. He originally concealed it because he felt the matter was too heavy.

But I don't want things to develop so far, and it is not a personal effort that can be reversed.

"Yes, the Nanxuan sword test is imminent, you and I have not recovered from the Cultivation Base, the identity of the people in the back mountain is unknown, and the Shenshui Sword Tower is a foreigner, unable to play for my Sun Palace. In this way, my Sun Palace peaks battle. Insufficient power.

Among the direct disciples, the Head Teacher’s personally passed Cultivation Base has been stuck in the middle stage of the Cultivation Base for more than ten years, and the three personally passed disciples under the Junior School are now only the late stage of the Cultivation Base. Two of my disciples... died.

Now that the battle power of the Ruling Sun Palace is faulted, not to mention the shining glory in the Nanxuan Sword Test, to rejuvenate the Ruling Yang Palace is to preserve the current rank, and it is also extremely difficult. Is it true that Head Teacher really wants to become the lord of the last ruling sun palace, sitting and watching the ruling sun palace in our hands, being removed from the fairy league, and being associated with the uninfluenced Sect? "

At this point, the second Elder once again set his sights on Chu Ningyue. In his opinion, Sect is now at the point of life and death. Only with the help of this Cultivation Technique, the younger generation of Sect, within half a year, can produce a number of disciples of the Transforming Vessel Realm in Hang Seng, before they can try to preserve their current rank in the Nanxuan Sword.

Without the help of this Cultivation Technique, even if the Three Junior Sisters could reach the Profound Pill Great Perfection in just half a year, they would not be able to compete with all the peak combat power of the other Sects by one person. What's more, when Nanxuan sword tries to compete with each other, he is mainly concerned about his disciples. Although he can play as an Elder, he is not the leader.

As for the girl in plain clothes, Elder had lost high hopes for it, but when I saw it today, he was extremely disappointed. With this woman's talent, even if she cultivated to the realm of Xuan Dan like a junior, participating in the Nan Xuan Sword Test was just a joke.

If you lose to the virtual pill in the realm of the profound pill, or even the cultivator, the face of the Palace of Remaining Sun will be completely ruined. How can such a person be worthy of the important task? !

"Fang Xian Elder has forgotten. There are three levels in the Nanxuan Sword Test. The upper one is for the peak strength of Sect, the middle one is for the mainstay of Sect, and the lower one is for the blood of Sect. Although my Palace of the Sunken Sun has lost its peak strength, there are still several personal reports. The disciples are the mainstay, such as the nephew of the merchant who joined Sect a few days ago.

As for the blood of Sect, looking at the Nanxuan Immortal League, can there be any Sect that can be more united and united than my ruling sun palace? As long as the hearts of the people stay and Sect survives, the revival will only take place.

In the Nanxuan Sword Test, even if I was unable to advance to Sect in the Palace of the Sunken Sun, or even ranked at the bottom again, I would not be removed from the Immortal League. Could it be that in Fang Xian Elder's eyes, my Sunken Palace is already so lonely, can't it be compared to those incompetent Sects who want to be among the immortal alliance? "

Tan Song really said it, but he put it in a high-sounding strategy, and even ridiculed each other in the way of the other party, which made the two Elder's heart sullen, but because of the other party’s identity as the Head Teacher at this time, he didn’t know how Refute forcefully.

Seeing that the second younger brother was ready to go, Zhenren Tan Song immediately understood that he had to take advantage of the chase now to dispel the radical thoughts of the younger brother. In addition to the worries of the younger sister, she also had some guesses, so she no longer worries about anything at this moment, and speaks bluntly:

"Furthermore, the two people who worshipped the mountain the day before, and the Rogue Cultivators who attacked the mountain before, must have something else. It is not as simple as the surface. Shen Jue is open to the disciples, even though the disciples of the setting sun are tight-lipped..

But if you want to cultivate this Cultivation Technique, you need to disperse and rebuild. When many Inner Sect disciples of the Ruins of the Sun Palace die from the power, the news will also spread like wildfire. At that time, the mainstay of my Palace of Remnant Sun has also been lost. Even if there are really a few people who can carry the Divine Art of the Remnant Sun, how can they contend against the entire Sect with the power of several people? "

Second, Elder was speechless. Although he had thought about it, he did not think deeply about it. This is because when a person is faced with a choice, he will always subconsciously return to the determination of his own hard work, and the more paranoid the person, the greater the strength of the return.

Therefore, it is natural to exclude all words or questions that can refute one's own position, and it is also out of self-protection. But in this way, the audiovisual will be blocked. If it is not corrected in time, it may go farther and farther and deviate further, and eventually make a big mistake.

And when the real man Dan Song saw that the second younger brother was silent, he was secretly relieved, and the expression on his face was also much eased. It seems that although I haven't interfered with Sect for a long time, I still sell my face. Although today's matter will be exposed in the future, it will inevitably be ridiculed, but also...

"Bearing Baoshan but not using it, can I continue to forbear, so that outsiders can come to see Sect unscrupulously, and that Rogue Cultivators and others can attack the mountain gate wantonly?"

However, at this moment, the second Elder spoke again. Although he was shaken, his attitude remained firm. Upon hearing the words, the expression on his face that had just been relieved suddenly solidified, and then he spoke in a deep voice, his voice categorically decisive:

"Yes, only wait, wait until this girl’s Cultivation Base is equivalent to today’s junior sister, wait until the junior sister’s Cultivation Base is comparable to the cultivator of the Sea Division, and wait until my Sun Palace has its own peak combat power, and can sit in Sect without fear of foreign enemies. It is the time to teach this Cultivation Technique to all the disciples, to look for volunteers, and to give it a try!"

The voice fell, before Elder spoke, Madam Tan Song looked at Chu Ningyue in a commanding tone:

"Three Elder, today’s matter is not accidentally passed on. It’s getting late, so you should take this woman down to rest. As for this matter, you need to make a gradual process and don’t go ahead. If someone mistakes Sect’s plan, I won’t be the first one. Qing Rao!"

After that, the real person Dan Song gave the junior sister a wink, and this made Chu Ningyue, who had already splashed countless ripples in his heart, suddenly recovered a bit. It seems that at least the elder brother is not really angry. As for the second elder brother's attachment, it cannot be resolved in a day.


Just as the third Elder was holding the plain-clothed girl and preparing to leave, the second Elder spoke again. Just when he made a sound, the real person Dan Song stepped in front of him, his face was slightly cold, and he said in a deep voice:

"Frozen three feet is not a day of cold. The decline of the Setting Sun Palace is also a thousand years old. If you want to rejuvenate the Setting Yang Palace, you must slowly figure it out. You and me are the cultivator. When the longevity is exhausted, Sect must also be guaranteed to be rejuvenated.

Otherwise, it's just a glorious moment, and it will plummet, and then you and I will be the sinners of the Palace of Setting Sun! "

While he was speaking, a right hand with his back behind him gently waved towards Chu Ningyue, who saw it and quietly walked towards the entrance of the Great Hall. But at this moment, the second Elder suddenly spoke in a cold voice, spitting out:

"Hmph, if I don't tell her where the secret door of formation is, how can she get out?"

Master Tan Song was taken aback when he heard the words, then coughed dryly and gave in for a half step. However, the second Elder did not speak directly, but walked towards Chu Ningyue, passing by the real person Dan Song. But when she arrived in front of Chu Ningyue, she informed the other party where the secret door of formation was, and at the same time a voice transmission was poured into another person's ears.

"Little girl, I don't care why you set foot in the cultivator. You are both a disciple of the Palace of Sun, and the inheritance of Palace of the Sun, so you can't help it. Ruthlessly, take everything you treasure one by one!"

And the sound transmission was settled, and the girl in plain clothes lying in the arms of Chu Ningyue, her eyelashes moved lightly, as if the breeze was blowing, it was caused by nature.....

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