Hearing the words of the black carbon big snake, all of a sudden, the faces of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were ugly, and even Yamato was surprised, she had always known that the black carbon big snake was just a puppet arranged by Kaido in the country of Wa, and now this puppet was so bold to talk to Kaido.

But they all understood one thing, the black carbon snake was dead.

And Kaido’s face was also cold at this time, and he originally planned to wait until the end of the war on the top to slowly cook the black charcoal snake, but he was looking for death like this.

“Lord Snake, please don’t say that!” At this time, the big snake royal court behind the black carbon snake was also a little panicked, after all, Kaido is a pirate! And he’s a strong monster-like pirate.

It can be said that when the black carbon big snake said this, the entire people of the country of Wano were also shocked, is the black carbon big snake going to openly call Kaido? So what is Kaido going to do next!

At this moment, the people of the country of Wano couldn’t help but hold their breath, they were afraid of the black carbon snake, but they were more afraid of Kaido behind the black carbon snake, and now the black carbon snake is talking to Kaido like this, it is difficult to imagine what kind of situation Kaido will be if he is angry.

The members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group also swallowed their spit at this time, and they had already labeled the black charcoal snake as a death sentence.

“Big snake, do you know why Denjiro of the Chixiao Nine Heroes and Mitsuki Ri and Ming Ming went undercover by your side, but they didn’t kill you?” Kaido’s icy voice passed into the ear power of the black charcoal snake.

Suddenly, the black carbon snake sobered up a lot, and he regretted in his heart that he had just been so rude to Kaido.

And Kaido continued: “Because they know very well that the real ruler of Wano Country is me, and you are just a dog that I push to the foreground. ”

“Kaido, you…” Hearing this, the black charcoal snake looked at Kaido angrily, he didn’t expect Kaido to say it so bluntly at once, and suddenly his heartbeat began to accelerate, and his inner fear deepened, at this moment he recalled that Kaido was not only the protector of the country of Wano, but also a powerful pirate.

Kaido’s icy voice continued to reach the ears of everyone in the country of Wano: “However, now that you dog has been a general for more than twenty years, but you think that the country of Wano is yours, and you have disobeyed, and even disobeyed my orders, then it is redundant to keep you, and now I will take back everything that was given to you.” ”

After saying this, Kaido stepped on his feet and rushed to the black charcoal snake before everyone reacted.

“Thunder gossip…”

A violent stick fell on the big face of the black carbon big snake, the physical fitness of the black carbon big snake is far less than Yamato, a stick down, directly smashed the head of the black carbon big snake, blood splashed on the surrounding people, the strong stick smashed the wall behind the execution platform, and ploughed out a trace on the ground.

Everything happened too quickly, everyone did not react, snapped, the headless body of the black carbon snake fell to the ground, at this time people reacted, one second the black carbon snake is still alive, the next second has become a headless corpse, which makes Fulu Shou and others who are watching on the side also feel frightened, this kind of power, people can not have the slightest sense of resistance.

“Come, handcuff the black charcoal snake and prepare for execution.” Kaido commanded.

And a few pirates around were a little confused, looking at the black charcoal snake that was already a headless corpse, and asked: “Lord Kaido, he will be executed if he is like this!” ”

Kaido glanced at the pirate who spoke, and immediately the pirate was frightened, and immediately took the order: “Yes, yes, subordinates will do it immediately.” ”

And Kaido also explained at this time: “The big snake is an ability person in the form of the animal snake fruit phantom beast species Yagi Great Snake, with eight lives, although he killed him once, but as long as he is given a little time to recover, he can be resurrected.” ”

Just now, Kaido also opened the domineering of the sight, although the breath of the black carbon snake is very weak now, but Kaido can feel that the black carbon snake is not dead, and Kaido in the original book was deceived by the black carbon snake like this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After hearing Kaido’s explanation, the group of people understood, and soon several pirates handcuffed the black carbon snake and put the sea lou stone handcuffs, and the neck of the black carbon snake that lost its head began to squirm, and a new head grew in the next second.

“It’s actually growing.” Several pirates who handcuffed the black charcoal snake were shocked when they saw this scene, and this scene was also broadcast to the entire country of Wano, did not expect that the legend of eating demon fruit can obtain demon power, but did not expect that it was such a powerful demon power.

Looking at the head of the black charcoal snake, it is more than ten times smaller than the original huge head, and it is estimated that it is only as big as a baby’s head, and at this time, the black charcoal snake opened its eyes and said with a look of horror: “Spare your life!” Lord Kaido, I know it’s wrong, don’t kill me, I can help you manage and the kingdom, I can continue to provide you with money, and I am still useful. ”

Kaido looked at the small-headed black charcoal snake and said coldly: “After the death of Mitsuki Ota in the beginning, you are dispensable to me, the emperor.” ”

“In…” the royalist listened and immediately jumped to the middle of the execution ground.

Kaido also directly ordered: “Inform the whole country of the crimes committed by the Black Carbon Great Snake during his reign for more than twenty years.” ”

“Yes.” When the emperor listened, he immediately read out the crimes that had been prepared for a long time, and read them for several minutes, whether they were or not, and all of them were buckled on the head of the black charcoal snake: “Above, the black charcoal snake has a total of 78 crimes, of which twenty-one crimes can be completely sentenced to death.” ”

When Kaido heard the answer, he directly announced: “I heard it all!” The Black Carbon Great Snake has committed so many crimes, from now on, strip him of his position as the general of the country of Wa, immediately press the Black Carbon Great Snake to the execution platform, and execute together with the traitors of the Mitsuki family. ”


“Don’t! Lord Kaido, I really know it’s wrong. The black charcoal snake begged loudly, looking at Fulu Shou and the others also shouted loudly: “Fulu Shou, what are you in a daze!” Hurry up and save me!” You are all my subordinates. ”

And Fulu Shou heard the shout of the black charcoal snake, and his heart was also very anxious, but when he saw Kaido, he was also terrified in his heart, and begged: “Lord Mingwang, although the big snake general is wrong, but the country of Wano can’t do without a general!” Please also ask General Ming to spare his life! ”

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