A navigator next to him introduced Yamato: “Yamato-san, this is a waterproof membrane, before we dive to the bottom of the sea, we will fill it with a lot of air, so that this waterproof membrane can become inflated like a balloon, and then we can dive into the sea.” ”

“Dive into the sea?” When Yamato heard this, he suddenly became a little excited and asked, “Are you going to Fishman Island?” I saw in Mitsuki Ota’s diary that there seems to be the legendary Fishman Island 10,000 meters below the sea, right? ”

Suddenly, Yamato’s heart trembled, because she remembered that she had just said Mitsuki Ota, and turned her head a little weakly to peek at Kaido, and found that Kaido did not react, which made Yamato breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that as long as there is no honorific title for Mitsuki Ota, he will not be beaten.

The big “087” and yes were really beaten out of the psychological shadow, they were almost killed before, they seemed to see their souls at that time, and the sense of despair of the passage of life was really terrible.

The navigator popularized knowledge to Yamato: “Yes, because before the New World and the Great Seaway, there was a 10,000-meter-high red earth continent, and there were only two ways to go from the New World to the Great Seaway, the first is the road through the world government Mary Joa, and the second is through the passage of 10,000 meters under the sea, passing through Fishman Island as a transit point to the Great Seaway.” However, as pirates, we cannot pass through the official passage of the world government, and we can only take the passage under the sea. ”

Kaido looked at the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and ordered: “Okay, don’t be ridiculous, hurry up and go!” ”

“Yamato, you should also take advantage of these two days to hurry up and recuperate! Otherwise, when you get to the headquarters of the navy, you will be in trouble. ”

Yamato listened and suddenly said unpleasantly: “I haven’t been beaten by you for this injury, you bastard smelly old man.” After Yamato said this, he suddenly felt a little weak.

Seeing that Yamato seemed to have returned to his original heartless and lungless appearance, Kaido also looked playful: “It seems that you don’t seem to have much respect for my father!” But forget it, I’ll forgive you this time. ”

Yamato heard this, also breathed a sigh of relief, soon, the pirate ship set sail and sailed away from the ghost island, and Kaido has now removed the sea floor stone handcuffs on his wrist, now Kaido has completely adapted to the 100% pure sea floor stone handcuffs, the next step is to adapt to the sea, but this step has to wait until the end of the top war.

And Yamato is the first time to leave the country of Wano sailing, can be described as very happy, and the pirates on the ship also introduced Yamato to the sea and some sailing stories, which made Yamato very fascinated, after all, he liked the stories on the sea very much, he used to like to read the diary of Mitsuki Ota, and then he would listen to some pirates on Ghost Island tell some things about navigation, which made Yamato very yearning for the sea, and now he finally went to sea.

However, when he saw Kaido lying in the chair, Yamato was a little unhappy in his heart, going to sea tax number, but it would be nice if he didn’t sail with Kaido.

Although he is not handcuffed now, as long as Kaido is around, it is like an invisible cage, making Yamato want to get away from Kaido at any time.

And Kaido lay on the beach chair, the next three days, no, two and a half days to be exact, less than sixty hours left from the execution of Fire Fist Ace, during this time Kaido is also ready to take a break, after twenty days of cultivation, every day cultivation is more than ten hours, indeed Kaido’s strength has been improved a lot, but according to the training method of Sun Wukong in the original work, cultivation also needs to combine work and rest, and for a long time has been cultivating, the fatigue of the body is too high, and it is difficult to continue to become stronger, Before the big battle, relax your muscles!

“Lord Kaido, are we going directly to the headquarters of the Navy?” Soon, a waiter ran over and asked.

Kaido was wearing a pair of sunglasses at this time and sipped a drink: “No, you just need to send me and Yamato to the Chambord Islands, and we can walk the rest of the way by ourselves.” ”


And the voyage of the hundred beasts Kaido, this moment also attracted the attention of the Navy headquarters and the red-haired pirate group, Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world, with the power to destroy the world, and Kaido is the strongest creature in the land, sea and air, known as the strongest existence alone, such a powerful pirate, his going to sea, will naturally attract attention……..

“Kaido, doesn’t this guy think this era is not chaotic enough?” After learning this information, the red-haired Shanks’ face was also gloomy and terrifying, also as the Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks had also fought with Kaido, so he understood that Kaido was powerful, but in order to maintain the pattern of the world, he must be stopped.

Ben Beckman smoked a cigarette and said with some solemnity: “I’m afraid this guy Kaido knows that the Whitebeard Pirates have left his base camp, so he wants to seize Kaido’s territory!” ”

“Boss, are you going?” Lachiro asked with a smirk as he nibbled on his chicken leg. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Of course.” Shanks said with a firm face: “Whether it is for the stability of the Whitebeard Pirates or the peace of the New World, Kaido is not allowed to annex Whitebeard’s territory, and he must be stopped.” ”

“Little ones, let’s go.”

However, not long after the red-haired pirate group set sail, they found that something was wrong, because in their expectations, Kaido should have gone to seize the territory of the white-bearded pirate group, but the ships of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group did not go to the second half of the New World, the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, but towards the first half of the New World, which made the 2.5 red-haired pirate group a little confused.

But the red-haired pirate group is also notoriously nosy, especially at a time like this, when the white-bearded pirate group and the navy headquarters are about to go to war, so the redhead still decided to catch up with Kaido’s pirate ship and go up to ask for clarification.

The Blue Dragon One has been driving in the New World for more than a day, with the banner of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and has not encountered any pirate groups to attack them along the way, and finally can now see the Red Earth Continent.

“Wow, this is so high! Is this the Red Earth Continent? It extends completely into the clouds. Directly below the Red Earth Continent, Yamato on the Blue Dragon One looked up at the towering Red Earth Continent and was shocked, and said excitedly: “The sea is really amazing. ”

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