After a domineering competition, Shanks and the red-haired pirates became more and more jealous of Kaido, and they saw for the first time that someone did not fall behind in the overlord-colored domineering confrontation, of course, there may also be Shanks’ desire to protect the civilians on the island.

And Ben Beckman also spoke at this time: “Lakilu, you immediately take someone to move the residents of the island to a safe place.” “Actually, in the battle between Kaido and the redhead, the whole island is not safe, and it can only be said that the farther away these civilians from the battlefield, the better.

“I see.” Lakilu listened and immediately took a few people to do it.

After the end of the domineering collision, the blood in Kaido’s body boiled even more, just through the domineering, after all, the opponent is also the four emperors, Kaido does not dare to raise it, directly use the devil fruit, and transform into the “nine five three” dragon form.

After dancing the mace for eight fasts, a gust of wind swept away all the surrounding rubble, and said with a sinister smile: “Come on! Red-haired Shanks, let Lao Tzu see your strength. ”

The corners of Shanks’ mouth also showed a smile, and there was also a desire to fight the strong in his eyes.

Purple thunderbolt and overlord-colored domineering were wrapped around the mace, and the red-haired Shanks’ Western sword also appeared red thunderbolt and overlord color on the sword, and I saw that both of them took a pose, and then glared at their feet and catapulted towards the opposite side.

“Thunder gossip…”

“God avoids…”

Boom two powerful attacks collided together, purple and red thunder and lightning appeared around, but shockingly, Kaido’s Eight Fasts and Shanks’ Griffin did not collide together, it was completely the overlord-colored domineering entwined after the air collision, the entire ground was somewhat unable to withstand the attacks of the two, the land was constantly cracked, and the clouds in the sky were also shattered under the domineering collision of the two.

Yamato’s hair fluttered by the overlord-colored domineering collision, and seeing that the mace and the Western sword did not collide together, he was shocked: “Is this what Ota mentioned in his diary, air collision?” It’s so strong! This domineering spirit is too strong. ”

“Hmm, that’s awesome! This kind of close battle is interesting! Red-haired Shanks. Kaido was even more excited at this time, because he could feel the force coming from the mace, and his hands clenched the mace to strengthen his domineering and strength again.

And on the opposite side, Shanks’ face is a little ugly, he can feel Kaido’s strange power and domineering sea is simply exaggerated, Kaido grinned, the strength in his hand continued to increase, angrily drank, red-haired Shanks seemed to have received a huge repulsion, the body was directly ejected, and for a while a hurricane hit the surroundings, sweeping the gravel and wood chips on the ground again.

Seeing this, Yamato and the red-haired pirate group were stunned.

Shanks was actually forced back by the front. This is the unified idea of everyone in the red-haired pirate group.

When Shanks had just become the Four Emperors, Kaido also came to fight Shanks once, but at that time, Kaido only used human form, but Shanks also showed the strength of the Four Emperors, and Kaido in human form was not left behind.

Now that several years have passed, Shanks’ strength has greatly increased, and Kaido’s strength should have reached its peak many years ago, and the gap between him and Shanks should be further narrowed, why is it now showing the strength to suppress Shanks.

“Oh, stop?” Kaido watched the smoke and dust in front of him continue to disperse, and Shanks was suppressed by the overlord-colored domineering and stick qi just now before being knocked away, retreating more than a hundred meters, plowing two deep marks on the ground, but Shanks did really take a stick from himself.

And on the opposite side, Shanks also felt a fishy throat at this time, and then swallowed the blood back, he did not expect that Kaido’s strength would be so great, the domineering would be so strong, even when facing Whitebeard, he was not able to feel the pressure now.

Although it is a little different, but Kaido, this guy, the current strength may have reached the level of Captain Roger! What a monster! Shanks couldn’t help but say solemnly in his heart: Did he really retain a lot of strength when he fought me last time? I can’t fight with him anymore, if I rely on strength alone, I am definitely not his opponent………

Soon, the redhead adjusted his breathing, shielded his breath, and rushed towards Kaido again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing that Wensei could not even sense his actions. Kaido was a little surprised, because at this time, he couldn’t sense the breath of the redhead, and it was clear that the redhead was in front of him.

See, hear, kill? Kaido’s face couldn’t help but look a little solemn, this seemed to be a special trick of the red-haired Shanks, which could make the opponent unable to perceive his actions, which made Kaido a little dignified.

After all, the redhead is not an ability, so his strength is in domineering and swordsmanship, of course, there are more combat skills and the like, and the weakness is also obvious, that is, the defense is definitely not as good as Kaido.

Suddenly, the momentum on the redhead’s body skyrocketed, and a violent slash slashed down, Kaido was suddenly shocked, lifted the mace to block, the impact between the overlord-colored entanglements, the power of this blow was even stronger than the impact just now.

The redhead saw that his blow was not hit, and the speed all burst out, and he did not continue to fight with Kaido, and immediately moved quickly, dodging Kaido’s mace’s rod, and once again from the other direction, slashed sword qi towards Kaido.

And Kaido is also very calm, facing the red-haired Shanks, he took out 100% combat power to deal with it, he doesn’t want to be slashed by the redhead, let alone dare to use the beast form in front of the redhead 4.9, although under the beast form, it looks full of oppression, but the body is too big, completely a live target, Kaido crossed into this world, basically did not use the beast form.

The battle speed of both sides is very fast, Kaido stands in place, as if it is a target, and the speed of the red hair is extremely fast, the whole person can run out one after another afterimage, one after another amazing sword qi slashed from all directions.

“Military tea Lilong wins the army…” Kaido roared, the eight fasts in his hand swung quickly, dancing out one after another of the afterimages of the mace, amazing red-haired Shanks wanted to win with speed, then he responded with speed, Kaido didn’t believe it, this high-speed movement of redhead could continue.

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