Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 149 Flagship Tianqin

In addition to the difficulty in processing new materials, there is another reason for the long construction period of the flagship. That is, this battleship is somewhat different from other battleships. It is not only focused on combat, but also the location of the future headquarters.

"Commander Yue, if the headquarters moves to the Tianqin, does it also mean that the headquarters of the Armed Forces Department will also be moved to the Tianqin in the future?" Yue Yuan, who had just come out of the conference room, was heading towards the cafeteria when he heard a sound behind him. The voice of Manyuemei.

The meeting that just ended was a mobilization meeting about the departure of mankind. At the end of the meeting, Yue Yuan mentioned a little bit about the relocation of the headquarters so that everyone could be prepared when the time came. I came over to ask.

"Hope 1 is too small and is no longer suitable as a military and political center. The other spaceships in the Hope series are all residential spacecraft, and Tianqin, as the flagship of human civilization, is naturally the most suitable place." Yue Yuan said slightly. He slowed down his pace and waited until Manyue Mei came to his side before speaking.

Tianqin is the human flagship that has just completed various tests.

According to human naming rules, battleships are generally called "ships", but as flagships, they are not only focused on combat, so they are called "ships".

The name Tianqin was not decided by Yue Yuan in one word, but was decided through online voting. It was already decided when construction started.

In the flagship naming solicitation, names such as Noah's Ark and Peter the Great appeared, but they were removed before they could survive the first round of voting.

The remaining famous mountains and rivers such as Taishan, Huashan, Songshan, and Kunlun entered the finals, but in the end it was Tianqin that received the most votes.

Of course, the names that entered the finals were not completely abandoned, but were used to name other battleships.

Including the Tianqin, there are a total of 10 mountain-class battleships in mankind. The remaining nine have their own names, namely Kunlun, Taishan, Huashan, Songshan, Huangshan, Lushan, Wudangshan, and Emeishan. Ship, Danxiashan ship.

People think it is reasonable that the Shan-class battleship is named after a famous mountain.

In fact, there were originally Hengshan and Hengshan, but their names had the same pronunciation, so they were unjustly eliminated without making it to the finals.

At this time, Manyuemei General, who was following Yue Yuan's pace, took off his hat, raised his hand to straighten his hair and replied: "Well, in that case, the Armed Forces Department must also prepare when we go back."

"There's no rush, I just want to know in advance. The moving date hasn't been set yet, but I want to get through the new year first." Yue Yuan said, feeling his stomach growl.

Had a meeting and now he is really hungry.

Like everyone else, Yue Yuan was injected with the strengthening potion at the front end, so after just a session, he felt like his chest was touching his back.

He now has strong muscles and does not have a lot of fat to withstand hunger.

It seems that it makes sense for humans to grow fat. A feeling of hunger struck, which made Yue Yuan sigh with emotion about the history of human evolution.


Man Yuemei, who was striding to keep up with her, also heard a hungry sound from her body.

As a result, the two of them stopped talking and quickly walked towards the cafeteria quickly.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon. Although it's not meal time, there are still many people in the cafeteria. Needless to say, it must all be the fault of the strengthening potion.

After injecting strengthening drugs and taking auxiliary drugs, the human body begins to enter a rapid renewal process from the genetic level. Countless new powerful cells are synthesized by the body every moment, and countless old cells age.

Such a violent metabolism directly turned people into gluttons. During this period of time, people seemed to have turned into Saiyans, spending most of their time either eating or defecating.

The work of the new government today probably consists of the meeting organized by Yue Yuan just now.

As soon as Yue Yuan stepped into the cafeteria, he saw mountains of food piled on the tables, and behind the food, hungry people were showing off.

Most of the people who come to the canteen to eat at this time are people who have just had a meeting together, and some people who are too lazy to eat at home.

The only ones left are single men like Yue Yuan.

Yue Yuan also has his own separate residence, but because he is always alone, he rarely goes back and usually eats in the cafeteria.

However, at his level, there is a separate floor in the cafeteria as a working and dining place, so after entering the cafeteria lobby, he did not stop, but walked directly to the elevator and went straight to the third floor of the cafeteria.

During special periods, food is available in the cafeteria around the clock.

"Commander Yue, since so many battleships have been built, it's time to put the military expansion on the agenda again!" Man Yuemei, who followed him into the elevator, said again. She was also hungry, and like Yue Yuan, she often worked in the cafeteria, so now she was working together.

"Of course we need to expand the army, and we must complete the task of expanding the army within the next two years. In the first phase, at least the basic navigation of the fleet will not be affected. For the second phase, I plan to do it during the voyage." Stepping out of the elevator, Yue Yuan went straight to a table And go.

At the same time as the elevator door opened, several wheeled service robots immediately moved and brought out stacks of food from the back hall.

The cafeteria on the third floor is a dedicated cafeteria for top scientists, ministers of various departments, and important officials of the new government. However, there are no people there now, because most other people have gone back to their homes to eat.

People like Zhu Pite, Yi Kai, and Liu Miyan just finished the meeting and ran away to their residences.

Manyuemei nodded: "If it is carried out during the voyage, then the Armed Forces Department will not hibernate during this voyage."

With that said, she also walked towards the square table where Yue Yuan was going. Obviously she had not called the service robot herself before.

Yue Yuan didn't care. Anyway, the food in the cafeteria was supplied in sufficient quantity, and they didn't have to spend money to eat. It would be the same if they sat at one table or two tables. At most, they could just let the service robot make a few more trips.

"It's not necessary for everyone to be awake. The second stage is mainly for those young people who have grown up. Just arrange more people to take turns." Yue Yuan walked to the square table and grabbed a meat bun before sitting down. Gag in mouth.

He already had a rough plan in mind for the army expansion task. In the first stage, ten capital ships would be filled with people, and in the second stage, other ships would be expanded with personnel.

The voyage takes a long time, and those who are still in their infancy or are still children or teenagers will become adults by then. It is just right to recruit a group of people from among them, so Yue Yuan is not very worried about the issue of enrollment expansion.

Moreover, now that human beings have entered a normal stage, there are sufficient living facilities, residential spaceships, materials, energy, etc., so unlike in the past, human beings at this stage do not actually need to hibernate even during navigation.

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