Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 174 Hot and cold

Before anyone could answer, the think tank member answered himself: "If it were me, I would do everything possible to dispel the fog of war, because I am not sure how many things are hidden in it, and I can't dispel the fog for just one day. , I don’t dare to take the risk of dividing my troops to attack.

Because once I divide my troops, I may be wiped out by the enemy in the fog with superior force. Not only that, I am also worried that after I divide my troops, the 293 residential spaceships behind me will be attacked by the opposite side due to their weak defense. "

This member seemed to have opened up his mind, and he went on to analyze: "Actually, there is an important factor here, and that is resources! If it is a normal situation, then Kuntai civilization does not have to worry about the destruction of detectors or raiding teams, and it may even be possible We must explore the fog of war at all costs, but now Kuntai civilization has limited supplies and energy, and there are one less ship to fight!"

"Faced with this situation, Kuntai Civilization can't move, and it doesn't dare to delay. It has many worries about attacking. So I think we don't need to think about how to let Kuntai Civilization maintain a large formation attack. We just need to Just do your best to ensure that the asteroid belt is in the fog of war!"

"During this process, we don't even have to worry about some of the warships in the Kunlun fleet being discovered by them, because even if they are discovered, they can't tell how many warships we have hidden in the asteroid belt."

After hearing these words, Yue Yuan suddenly felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter.

Yes, as long as the fog of war remains, the enemy is in the clear and we are in the dark.

The other party is short of resources. In this situation, Kuntai Civilization is in urgent need. As for war, once it is rushed, something may go wrong. As long as something goes wrong, you will have to bear a fatal blow from mankind.

Isn't this the situation that has been arranged for so many years? Isn't it the so-called invincibility first, and then waiting for the enemy to be victorious? The invincibility lies with oneself, but the victory lies with the enemy.

Yue Yuan felt that his previous thinking was a bit dark under the lamp. He had made so many arrangements, but he couldn't figure out the problem because he thought about it for a long time.


Thinking of this, Yue Yuan first affirmed the think tank member, and then said with bright eyes: "Then, let's convey this meaning to the Kunlun Ship and Wudangshan Ship!"

"Chief, do we still want to restore Kuntai civilization?" a scholar asked.

"Go back, why don't you go back?! As long as the asteroid belt is kept in fog, the longer it takes, the greater the consumption of Kuntai civilization will be, but we don't have to worry about energy and material issues. Under the situation of one ebb and flow, we The odds of winning will only get bigger and bigger." Yue Yuan looked at the scholar with a smile, "We will just let them leave Aldebaran, and then draw a red line for them, and leave the rest to their own judgment."

"Having said that, is it possible that this Kuntai Civilization Fleet is really one of their exploration fleets?" The expert next to the scholar asked worriedly.

"So what, the first-level civilization can conduct interstellar voyages for hundreds of years. By the time their large forces arrive, we will have already left." Yue Yuan, who was in a good mood, replied patiently.

In this way, the Wudang Mountain Ship sent a reply to the Kuntai Civilization Fleet according to the results of the discussion by Yue Yuan and others on the Tianqin.

3 hours and 36 minutes later.

Another anxious ultrasonic voice sounded from the flagship of Kuntai Civilization. It was Mo Tutuo talking to Pierce.

"Mr. Pierce, human civilization has responded. They asked us to list the types of technology we want to exchange and send them in items. They need to see what type of technology they are before they can decide whether to agree to our supply request. Also, they said they need to see us. Sincerity, let us withdraw those eight detectors first."

"I can see it!" Pierce looked at Motuo Tuo, who was about to undergo metamorphosis, and let out the unique laughter of the Kuntai people. She seemed to be in a good mood, "It seems that this human civilization is not stupid. They said before The 'First Convention of Galactic Civilizations', the 'Eighth Provisions on the Coexistence of Galactic Civilizations', the 'Star Zone Beacon' and other issues we mentioned were not mentioned at all.

You should already know that what you said has been seen through by us, and you don't believe our rhetoric. It should have been like this a long time ago! Mo Tuotuo asked the scientists to compile a random list and send it to them. "

"Yes, Lord Pierce!" Mo Tuotuo responded and left.

With the experience of sending messages for the first time, Kuntai Civilization quickly solved the translation problem.

Eight hours after the reply was sent, Kuntai Civilization once again received a reply from humans.

So the ultrasonic voice of Mo Tuotuo sounded again on the flagship of Kuntai Civilization: "Your Excellency Pierce, human civilization says that we are not sincere. They have already realized the technology they sent us. Let us exchange for something valuable. "

"Cold fusion technology was not included?" Piers asked curiously.

"It's in!" Mo Tuotuo replied.

Upon hearing this answer, Pierce fell into deep thought.

She couldn't make up her mind for a while, so she anxiously held a meeting with a group of Kuntai people. After discussing for a long time, they compiled a new list and sent it to humans.

Then ten hours later, the human reply came again, but it still said that Kuntai civilization was not sincere, and also made a lot of nonsense about friendly exchanges between the two parties.

Kuntai Civilization once again boasted about its list, saying it was specialized in technology and so on.

Kuntai Civilization did not expect that when it came to specialization technology, human civilization changed its previous indifference. In its reply, it made a lot of inquiries about specialization technology. It also said that it was very interested and that Kuntai Civilization might exchange this technology for Things like Aldebaran resource development rights.

Seeing the results, Kuntai Civilization also became serious, and in the subsequent exchange of information, he boasted about the specialization technology he had invented.

Of course, humans also seemed to believe it and showed great interest.

After going back and forth like this, more than a month passed.

During this period of time, Kuntai Civilization discovered that human civilization always seems to suddenly become interested, and then when they are talking about the results, they suddenly start talking about other topics such as the rules of communication between cosmic civilizations and friendly exchanges between civilizations. After talking about these topics, I suddenly became interested in other technologies on the list.

This happens over and over again, as if he is always keeping a distance from you, and when you stop, he suddenly flirts with your girl.

This makes Kuntai civilization very uncomfortable.

Therefore, in a reply, Kuntai Civilization finally couldn't help but said, "You, human civilization, are not sincere."

The result was an explosive reply.

Motutu roared in the bridge as usual, but this time he gritted his teeth even more: "Your Excellency Pierce, the hateful human civilization said that we slandered them and that we did not respect their character, and then asked us to leave Biju immediately. Five, and also said that we should immediately withdraw the eight detectors within one day, otherwise we would directly open fire and destroy them. This is too deceiving, how could they do this!"

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