Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 187 Add acceleration buffer and set off

"In that case, is the strategy we have formulated..."

The speaker was Motutu, but before he could finish speaking, he was resolutely interrupted by Pierce: "No need to worry, we will proceed according to the original plan. They have positron cannons, but only the Quaker-class battleships have them. The other battleships are incompetent to us. Threat. Besides, now we are like an arrow on the string and have no choice but to send it."

As Pierce said, the four squadrons of Kuntai Civilization have reached the point where they are about to break into the asteroid belt. Even if they decelerate collectively now, in addition to the main formation and the formation below that plans to decelerate, the formations on the left and right sides will also decelerate during the process. Enter the asteroid belt.

After taking a look at the star map, Pierce then ordered: "Order the second formation to start slowing down with my formation. The third and fourth formations continue to rush into the asteroid belt, attract the attention of human civilization, explore the asteroid belt, and form for me. And the second formation creates breakthrough opportunities!”

"As you command, Lord Pierce!"

Following Pierce's order, the Kuntai Civilization Fleet began to change.

And such changes soon spread to the Tianqin.

The observer who was the first to see the changes in Kuntai Civilization immediately shouted: "Commander Yue, the Kuntai Civilization's central formation and the second formation began to slow down, and the remaining two formations rushed into the asteroid belt at normal speed."


Yue Yuan was stunned, thinking quickly about the significance of Kuntai Civilization's move, and quickly walked behind the observer's position, his eyes fixed on the work screen in front of the observer.

"It seems that this is the strategy that Kuntai Civilization has formulated a long time ago. Isn't this a mistake?" Looking at the star map on the screen, Yue Yuan's mind changed quickly and he remembered his own arrangement.

The two formations that Kuntai Civilization is currently slowing down happen to be one that it wants to put aside first, and the other that is executing delaying tactics.

Since the Kuntai civilization is like this, then the Tianqin formation and Man Yuemei's Kunlun warship formation do not need to move the Callisto-4 battleships and frigates to the middle to support the Wudangshan warship and Emeishan warship formation.

Thinking of this, Yue Yuan's face showed a look of victory, and then turned around and walked towards the captain's seat, and at the same time said loudly: "Pass my order, all ships in the Tianqin formation will enter the ready state, and all warships will fill up the acceleration buffer. Liquid, it’s time for us to take the field.”

There are only three Shan-class battleships in the Tianqin formation, namely the flagship Tianqin, the Huangshan ship and the Lushan ship. In addition, there are ten Calligraphy-class battleships that were originally transferred to support the Wudangshan ship and the Emeishan ship formation. One hundred A frigate.

It seems like a lot, but the main combat power is only three battleships, and the other battleships are mainly used for harassment.

When Yue Yuan gave the order to set off, Man Yuemei on the Kunlun ship also issued an order to block the left formation of Kuntai Civilization.

Compared with the Tianqin formation, the Kunlun battleship formation is larger. There are five Shan-class battleships in total, namely the Kunlun ship, the Taishan ship, the Huashan ship, the Songshan ship, and the Danxiashan ship, plus 20 Callisto-class battleships and 100 A frigate.

There were originally 30 Callisto-class battleships and 200 frigates, but 10 Callisto-class battleships and 100 frigates were previously deployed to launch a surprise attack on the Kuntai civilization's residential spacecraft cluster.

On the Tianqin side, after everyone returned to their posts and sat down, prompts began to appear on the shipboard system.

"Please note that the Tianqin has entered the standby state. Please sit down and get ready. The ship is about to fill the acceleration buffer."

"Please note that the acceleration buffer system is ready. Please confirm according to your own situation."

Yue Yuan sat in the captain's position. After getting ready, he sent a command to the system to start filling.

As the confirmation command was sent, an arc-shaped cover slowly stretched out from behind Yue Yuan's position, covering him, his seat, and the personal terminal in front of his seat.

The cover is very big and there is no sense of oppression at all inside.

After the cover was closed, the curved inner wall changed from opaque to transparent, allowing Yue Yuan to see the situation of the bridge outside again.

At this moment, some people in other positions have completed the action of lowering the hood, and some have just sat down and are ready to start.

For those who had lowered their covers, Yue Yuan could only see an opaque ball, but could not see what was going on inside.

The cover is adjustable light-transmitting material, as is the case with all.

Next, comes the stage of actually filling the acceleration buffer.

Yue Yuan also turned his attention back to where he was. He saw a stream of transparent liquid emerging from the bottom of the seat, and then slowly filling it up around him.

Because the Tianqin bridge is a weightless environment, when the acceleration buffer is filled, it does not rise slowly as the liquid level, but slowly climbs along the surface of the object it contacts. This is because the liquid has adhesion.

Therefore, after the transparent acceleration buffer gushed out, it first began to spread on the floor, then climbed up the inner wall of the curved ball, and at the same time climbed up from the soles of Yue Yuan's feet and up his legs.

Although I have experienced it many times, the feeling of this kind of liquid slowly climbing up from the body surface is still very strange, especially when I feel that the transparent liquid has crawled up to my thighs, while the floor liquid screen is still at my ankles. It felt like being slowly swallowed by something strange.

Fortunately, this feeling did not last long. As the acceleration buffer slowly increased, the strange feeling faded away.

But what followed was indeed another very unpleasant experience.

The fear of drowning and suffocation has been deeply ingrained in human genes during millions of years of evolution. Even though this fear has been subjectively overcome after many trainings, the body still feels uncomfortable.

Especially when the acceleration buffer entered the body through the mouth and nose like running water, the choking reaction followed. Even though he had experienced it many times, Yue Yuan still couldn't help but choke.

But it was only a sip, because after choking, what he inhaled again was a slow sip of acceleration buffer.

The full feeling of his stomach being filled with water was transmitted to Yue Yuan's brain through nerve cells. Before he could feel this empty feeling, he felt a cool feeling in his lungs. He knew that the air in the lungs was being replaced by accelerating buffer.

The cool feeling starts from the lungs and then spreads throughout the internal organs.

Yue Yuan, who had refilled the buffer many times, understood that this was because the accelerating buffer had penetrated directly into the cavities of the body's internal organs. This also marks the completion of filling of the acceleration buffer.

Thanks to previous genetically modified body enhancements, humans can now withstand extreme accelerations of up to 150 G without completely filling all body cavities with acceleration buffer. Areas such as the cranial cavity are not required, which is much more convenient.

After the acceleration buffer was filled, several robotic arms stretched out from behind the seat and attached precision sensors to the skin of Yue Yuan's body, such as sensor patches on the vocal cords, which are components connected to the battleship's communication channel. .

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