Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 257 What do you want?

A human base can be said to be a base, but as a base established by a second-level civilization, it can be called a city.

Viewed from the sky, this base is connected by various facilities, including smelters, ore processing plants, dye plants, log processing workshops, power plants, steel plants, machinery manufacturing plants, secondary processing plants, parts processing workshops, and finished products. Assembly workshop.

There are also human settlements ready for landing, that is, residential areas, office areas, etc., but these areas are different from factories. They are directly based on landing ships. To put it simply, the residential areas and office areas are located in the original landing areas. On the ship.

After the landing ship was deployed, its core area became the human living area and office area. This is also the control center of the entire base.

Various types of building facilities stand on the ground, like a shining steel city.

Buildings are connected by spacious roads, which are covered with layers of special glass and filled with air needed for human survival.

Human beings did not waste the open space between the buildings. Instead, they built transparent domes here, with leisure areas inside.

On the outside of the base, humans opened up an open space and built it into a large square. The orbital mass accelerator was placed in the large square close to the base.

As for the hardening of the ground where the orbital mass accelerator is located, it is not worth mentioning. Sufficient cement can be produced by mining stones and other materials in the early stage.

After the construction of the ground base is completed, the next step is naturally for the personnel to land, then explore various resources, transport them to the base for processing, and then send them to space.

Now the first crews have begun to land.

At this time, Yue Yuan also received a proposal.

Yes, Yue Yuan did not go to the ground base with the first batch of landing personnel. Although he also wanted to board the planet and experience the scenery, as a leader, he was really not suitable to go to the ground base at this time.

It's not that there is any danger on the ground, but Yue Yuan feels that being on the Tianqin is the safest. Besides, if you really want to experience the ground environment, you can actually get a ground robot to control it. There is no need to go there yourself.

After reading the proposal, without saying a word, Yue Yuan asked his assistants to notify scientists and senior personnel in various fields to attend a meeting in the Tianqin conference room the next day. Those who were unable to make it would participate via video link.

Most of the decision-makers are on the Tianqin, but there are also scientists in many fields on other warships or research spacecraft. In order not to affect the work of these scientists, Yue Yuan did not force everyone to be present in person. After all, he did not expect it. A proposal can be decided in one meeting.

As for the content of this proposal, it is actually the one Yue Yuan heard before, about the plan to deal with dog-headed aliens.

The day passed quickly.

This time, before the meeting time, Yue Yuan, who had nothing to do, arrived at the venue early and waited. Not long after, a group of attendees also entered the venue one after another.

The so-called conference room is actually the place where Yue Yuan and other decision-makers usually hold meetings. It is located next to the command center and just across the corridor.

Tianqin is big, but this conference room is not big. It can accommodate about a hundred people. However, there are not many people in this meeting, only thirty or forty people. They are all sociologists, Biologists, military leaders, and other relevant scholars.

After all, this is the first discussion meeting, and no conclusion will be drawn immediately to implement the proposal.

According to the procedure, if the majority of people support the proposal at this meeting, the next round of enlarged meeting will be possible. Otherwise, the proposal will be temporarily shelved.

More than 30 participants were seated, plus eight people who participated in the meeting via video, for a total of 42 people.

"Okay, this meeting is not a key meeting, and I won't say too much nonsense." After everyone was seated, Yue Yuan took the lead in speaking as always, "I believe everyone has read the proposal, so what follows is the proposal. Researcher Xu Pace, please share your opinion first."

After saying that, Yue Yuan moved the microphone on the conference table and looked at Xu Peici, indicating that she could speak.


Xu Peici cleared her throat, then opened her personal terminal and took a look at her preparations, and then slightly opened her red lips: "As you all know, this proposal is about the disposal plan for dog-headed aliens. I also said in the proposal Yes, we should gather them for our human use.

I have four reasons. 1. Dog-headed aliens are intelligent creatures and are rare consumables for us humans in life science research.

Second, dog-headed aliens are different from the mature aerospace-level civilization of Kuntai civilization. Their social form is in the transition from uncivilized to civilized. This stage is very suitable for reshaping the world view, and we can provide them with specialized ideological education. , make their species loyal to us humans, and then send them to the warships specially made for them to become our swords. In this way, we can also avoid the occurrence of huge human casualties in future wars.

Third, based on the research needs of biodiversity and life medicine, we are bound to collect a large number of various creatures on this planet and the kobold planet to build a new biosphere spacecraft. As intelligent creatures on the planet, we can easily take them. Yes, it doesn't take much effort.

Fourth, rather than simply using dog-headed aliens for experimental research, making the best use of them is the best strategy. "

Xu Peici’s fourth point is not so much a fourth point as a supplementary statement.

Obviously, her four reasons were not considered perfect. After all, she is just a biodiversity researcher. It is good to think of using dog-headed aliens and come up with corresponding plans. She really has no idea how to use this aspect. She couldn't think of it all by herself.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, a military officer refuted: "This is a woman's kindness. I don't object to you using dog-headed aliens as consumables for research. I also think the third and fourth points you mentioned are valid. It makes sense, but if you say that kobolds will be put on board as combatants to fight for us humans, then I have to ask."

The military personnel paused, looked at Xu Pace, and asked: "First of all, we are a second-level civilization. The dog-headed aliens are intelligent creatures at best, but they are what you call the future at worst. civilized race,

Do you know how much manpower, material, time, energy, and resources it takes to cultivate such a race into a group that can fly lake-class battleships? The dog-headed aliens have not even entered the information age, and the gap in civilization level is there. Things are decidedly difficult to accomplish. "

Thanks to book friend Baicha Qinghuanwuwuwushi, Andy555 for the 100-coin reward, and thanks to book friend yy178 for the 500-coin reward.

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