Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 299 Suggestions

The mass of the three spacecraft is not large, so the deceleration process is completed quickly. Because they were decelerating for the human probe team, the three spacecraft did not completely decelerate to a standstill relative to the star system, but adjusted their speed to a level similar to that of the human probe team.

In fact, it is not easy to judge your own speed in an empty environment, especially in this kind of cosmic space far away from the star system. There is no reference system around you, and you don't have enough knowledge about space navigation. You don't know where you are at all. Stillness or motion.

On Yue Yuan's side, since the human detector team was constantly detecting with various detection equipment, the pictures he could see were actually continuous. Therefore, after the speed of the three spacecraft slowed down, he could clearly see them.

From the appearance, these three spaceships have a very normal shape. They are neither dish-shaped nor cylindrical. Instead, they have a cool technological appearance. The overall appearance is in the shape of an inverted triangle. The head is smaller and the back is slightly larger, and the upper and lower sides are slightly larger. It is flat and quite consistent with the image of a spaceship in human imagination.

Because they are still too far apart, the positions of the muzzles of the three spacecrafts cannot be seen clearly, but based on their shape analysis, there is a high probability that they may be on the more prominent sides.

It seems to be a design that continues the startup layout inside the planet.

As time went by, the speed of the human detector team also slowed down, and finally maintained a similar relative speed to the three unknown civilization spacecraft at a position of 10 kilometers, and then they faced off quietly like this, with no new changes in the picture. .

"Well, it seems that these three unknown civilization spacecraft are quite sensible." Seeing this situation, Yue Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

Presumably the three spacecrafts must have realized that the human detectors were just detectors. The stalemate at this moment was not a stalemate, but waiting, waiting for the reaction of the humans behind the detectors.

If nothing unexpected happens, this stalemate will continue and last for a long time. In fact, when humans saw this picture, this state had been going on for a year. After all, it took a year for the information to be transmitted from the detector to the human fleet.

Even if mankind's work of deciphering electromagnetic wave signals goes smoothly, the earliest reaction that can be seen by three unknown civilization spacecraft will be another year later.

The distance is long, and information traveling at the speed of light takes two years to come and go. This is the normal state of communication among low-level civilizations, and humans have become accustomed to it.

At such a large scale distance, even light appears like a snail, so there is no need to rush.

Therefore, after seeing that time was still passing but the movements on both sides of the screen were stagnant, Yue Yuan turned around and went about his business. Scientists from all walks of life and important staff of the command center did not come so quickly anyway.

The day passed like this.

After Yue Yuan returned to the battleship living area and had a good sleep, he leisurely came to the Tianqin's command center the next day.

As for Manyue Mei, after discussing life with Yue Yuan, she went to the Second Fleet.

Humanity now has more than 1,200 Lake-class warships. The Second Fleet directly controls 500 warships, with Man Yuemei as the supreme commander. As for the First Fleet, it is naturally the fleet headed by the Tianqin, which controls 700 Lake-class warships.

Of course, there are also various functional spaceships and working platforms allocated to the two fleets. After all, a fleet is not only capable of fighting, but it can also collect supplies, maintain damaged warships, etc.

A fleet must be a collection of spaceships with various functions. You must know that a war on a cosmic scale must be protracted and may last for hundreds or thousands of years. Moreover, it is impossible for a fleet to take residential spacecraft with it. Therefore, the human fleet The matching design is exquisite.

After all, you can't go out on a mission and fight for decades, and then have to go back to the main body of people to replenish supplies and fuel.

Well, let’s get back to the point.

But when Yue Yuan came to the command center early the next morning, the place was no longer deserted like yesterday. The seats in front of the rows of computer work platforms were already full of people. The battleship's first mate, second mate, and Awakened scientists, scholars from various fields, and new government officials have gathered together.


"Shuai Yue!"

As soon as Yue Yuan walked into the command center, all the personnel looked over.

"Yes!" Yue Yuan nodded, walked slowly to his seat, and said, "How is it? Do you have any opinions?"

Yue Yuan came relatively late, and it was estimated that everyone had been discussing for a while, so he asked this question.

As soon as the words came out, a high command official stood and pointed at the picture that had not changed on the big screen, and said: "Commander Yue, in my opinion, although these three spaceships display the technology of second-level civilization, We must not be so one-sided and take it for granted that the civilization behind it is a second-level civilization.

I have also seen the scene of deceleration before. Their engines should undoubtedly be heavy nuclear fusion and cold nuclear pulse, but this only shows the technological content of these three spacecrafts, and does not represent the level of civilization and technology behind them, because these three ships The spaceship is just a small spaceship, and one cannot draw any conclusions before getting data on their capital ship. "

At this time, a member of the think tank also said: "Chief of Staff Lan is right. Everyone must not have forgotten the level 3 civilization mark technology, nor have they forgotten the source of the information about the level 3 civilization technology mark. Everyone said it was Nanotechnology, tell me, is it possible that Silver Mist is hiding something? Or, if a civilization masters true nanotechnology and becomes a level three civilization, does its power system also use heavy nuclear fusion and cold nuclear pulse?"

"No, keep talking." Hearing this, Yue Yuan was also stunned.

He also noticed that from primitive civilization to first-level civilization, and then from first-level civilization to second-level civilization, the essence of the technological changes that marked it was the improvement of energy level utilization and the expansion of the scope of energy acquisition.

But why does it become true nanotechnology when we reach the third level civilization?

Suddenly, Yue Yuan recalled the original situation, so he reminded: "Uh, no, I remember that the Silver Mist consciousness said that the third-level civilization has a hybrid system with charged anti-particles, and the sailing speed can reach 50 %speed of light.”

"Yes." The think tank member nodded: "That's why I said those three spaceships are small spaceships. Perhaps they are not equipped with hybrid systems due to space constraints, so we need to see their main ships before we can make a conclusion. .So we have to take this possibility into consideration in our assumptions.”

Are you predicting the opponent in a big direction? Yue Yuan thought for a moment, and then said: "It makes some sense, so if the civilization behind those three spaceships is a third-level civilization, what should we do?"

The members of the think tank immediately replied: "I suggest that the fleet slow down immediately, change direction and head to another star system, replenish a little supply and then continue on the road."

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