Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 380 Planetary Defense War

Chapter 379

That was more than a thousand battleships, an entire fleet, just gone.

Not to mention the losses of the Fifth and Sixth Fleets, just talking about the 1,250 battleships of the Fourth Fleet and the 7,000 Nair people on each battleship, 8.75 million Nair people were killed in one fell swoop.

When the Nair civilization coexisted in the three-star domain, this number of people really didn't matter. However, since being beaten by artificial intelligence and leaving their armor and setting foot in the starry sky, the total population of the Nair people has plummeted.

Not to mention that the population of the home planet was slaughtered by the artificial intelligence consciousness, there are only more than two billion people who can follow them to escape in the starry sky.

Now that more than eight million people have died in the war, how can the Nair Governor-General not feel distressed.

Well, due to the higher degree of mechanization and automation of human warships, a warship only needs about 5,000 people to exert its full combat effectiveness. However, the Neer civilization cannot do that. One of their lake-class warships requires at least 7,000 men. Only when our people work in various positions can we ensure that the warship can exert its full performance.

Therefore, even if a battleship was destroyed, the Nair people's losses were much greater than those of humans.

Including the losses of more than 400 battleships of the Fifth and Sixth Fleets, at least 12 million Nair people have been killed in battle now.

The Nair civilization is a normal second-level civilization. If it were placed in the previous era of the partition of the three-star region, this loss would be nothing at all, but now, it is also a bit broken.

When receiving the report of the first phase of the battle, the Nair Governor even believed that humans had deliberately allowed the Nair people to die.

It's just that he didn't dare to question Yue Yuan face to face, because he and even the entire Nair people's top brass had deeply realized that human civilization was much stronger than Nair civilization, especially in terms of military strength.

Even if humans only have two fleets, if a fight really breaks out, the Nair civilization will definitely be defeated.

What's more, now that the Nair civilization has boarded the ship of the coalition, the main body of the Nair civilization, the residential spacecraft cluster with more than two billion Nair people living there, has now followed human civilization to the next star system.

In this case, Nair civilization can only follow humans all the way to the dark side.

Well, in fact, many senior Nair people also understand that it is not correct to say that they have gone to the dark side with humans, because this trouble has nothing to do with humans in the first place. It is entirely caused by the third star field of the Nair civilization committing suicide. The emergence of this artificial intelligence consciousness.

However, seeing the Nair people's battle losses, they still complained a little.

Of course, humans do not know the thoughts of the Nair people, nor do they know that many Nair people have attributed the Fourth Fleet's desperate move to their own propaganda.

If you know, even though humans don't care much, they must feel very wronged.

Because during the joint tactical drill of the coalition forces, the human commanders only said some words about military glory to some Nair commanders and captains, but did not specifically mention asking them to sacrifice themselves. fighting.

Therefore, from the perspective of humans, this is entirely the bloody awakening of the Nel civilization itself.

Just as a group of Nair senior officials were struggling with their battle losses, the image of Yue Yuan appeared on the big screen on the flagship of their third fleet.

"Your Excellency, Deputy Commander, the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness has rushed towards the second planet, and the second phase of the war is about to begin."

After the video communication was connected, Yue Yuan went straight to the point. At this time, he did not address the Nair Governor as His Excellency the Governor, but as deputy commander, which meant that he was speaking as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

Nominally, all the fleets of the Nair civilization must be under his command, as is the third fleet personally commanded by the Nair people's great governor. This was negotiated by both parties when the coalition headquarters was originally established.

So when they heard Yue Yuan speak like this, even though they had all kinds of doubts in their hearts, all the Nair senior officials sat upright and looked at the big screen, looking serious.

After seeing many Ner people, Yue Yuan could probably tell some of the behavior of the Ner people. He knew that when none of the Ner people raised their double or single claws, it meant that they were listening attentively.

So seeing the state of the Nair people, Yue Yuan also nodded secretly, and then he continued: "With the heroic fighting of the Fourth Fleet, the Fifth and Sixth Fleets successfully escaped the pursuit of the Artificial Intelligence Squadron. Now that it has circled back to the orbit of the second planet from both sides of the starry sky, it is time to carry out the planned planetary defense battle!"

What he said, in fact, Yue Yuan knew very well that the successful escape of the Fifth and Sixth Fleets had nothing to do with the Fourth Fleet, because the squadrons were only commanded by artificial intelligence combat AI programs. The reason why he spoke so eloquently was only after he learned that the entire Fourth Fleet had been destroyed.

The purpose is to let the senior leaders of the Nair people know that the Allied Forces Command still remembers the contribution made by the Fourth Fleet.

"Now we already know that the squadron separated by the artificial intelligence consciousness is controlled by combat AI, so the general strategy remains unchanged. Your third fleet, Man Yuemei's second fleet and our first fleet, the three fleets are based on The original plan was to conduct defensive operations against the artificial intelligence fleet.”

"Remember, this battle is the second phase of the entire strategy. We must not be annihilated like the Fourth Fleet. Remember that our purpose is to use the second planetary defense system to consume the artificial intelligence fleet, not We want to annihilate the artificial intelligence fleet here, so we must preserve our strength as much as possible.”

"After that, the fifth and sixth fleets that have completed their mission will head to the first planet on the other side of the red dwarf after the second planet's orbit. Our three fleets will also head to the second battlefield after the second planet is lost. Evacuate, victory or defeat depends on this one move, I hope you all will encourage us!"

Yue Yuan's call was not only directed to the third fleet of the Nair Governor, but also to the second fleet of Man Yuemei.


"Commander-in-Chief, don't worry, we know!"

After the commander of the two fleets, who was also the deputy commander of the coalition forces, responded, the three fleets began to distance themselves and headed to their respective positions to begin the second phase of the blocking mission.

As Yue Yuan said, the mission of the second phase is not to defend, but to cooperate with the second planet's base cannon to consume the artificial intelligence fleet.

The overall tactics are the same as those of the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets, except that the charge and test are missing.

In other words, the current first, second, and third fleets must first distance themselves and release the second planet area. When the artificial intelligence canon fleet begins to land, they can then jump out to attack it. Attrition attack.

Tactics mainly focus on long-range strikes.

However, because there is a precedent for artificial intelligence consciousness to separate into squadrons, the Allied Forces Command also reminded the commanders of the Second and Third Fleets to pay attention to this situation.

Yes, just pay attention.

The combat effectiveness of these three fleets is not comparable to that of the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets. As long as the artificial intelligence consciousness dares to separate squadrons and control them by the combat AI program as before, there will definitely be no return.

The general strategic policy is to further consume the artificial intelligence fleet at this stage, and then launch a decisive battle to annihilate it on the second battlefield.

Therefore, in the plan, the end of this stage is marked by the artificial intelligence fleet breaking through the planetary defenses. Of course, there are also emergency preparedness plans.

For example, if during the consumption process, the artificial intelligence consciousness rotates like the fourth fleet, and the entire fleet presses towards a certain fleet, then this fleet will move to the second battlefield in advance.

If the artificial intelligence fleet follows in pursuit, the war will enter the second battlefield early.

Everything is still planned.

In this way, the three fleets began to move slowly from their relative positions, which were only a few light seconds apart, towards the distance of the starry sky.

Such behavior, in the eyes of the distant artificial intelligence consciousness, is as if the three fleets deliberately gave up the second planet.

In fact, this is also true.

When the three fleets left back-to-back with long tail flames, the second planet was like an undefended planet, opening its arms to welcome the approaching artificial intelligence fleet.

At this moment, after the first round of consumption, the artificial intelligence fleet has also lost almost more than 6,000 warships, and its total number is only about 43,000 warships.

The squadrons that were previously separated by the artificial intelligence consciousness have returned to the main force, and now the artificial intelligence fleet has gathered into the same battleship cluster as before.

The planetary defense war is an attrition tactic planned by the Allied Forces Command.

However, what surprised the Allied Forces Command was that the artificial intelligence fleet suddenly began to turn after arriving at a position about 1 astronomical unit away from the second planet.

The entire fleet turned on the steering thrusters in the starry sky, made an obvious turning movement on the forward voyage, and headed towards the third fleet.

Thanks to the lessons learned from the Fourth Fleet, this seemingly repeated measurement did not pose much of a threat to the Third Fleet.

After learning that the artificial intelligence fleet had given up its mission to land on the second planet and was heading towards him instead, the Governor of the Nair people made a decisive decision and immediately disembarked the third fleet and headed towards the second battlefield.

When they saw this situation, the first and second fleets did not sit idle, but immediately ordered the fleet to make a 90°~180° turn in the starry sky, biting the artificial intelligence fleet from two directions. butt.

However, what is surprising is that the artificial intelligence fleet only pursued the third fleet for about 0.3 astronomical units, and then made a big turn in the starry sky, facing the first fleet behind it and killing it.

Regarding the artificial intelligence's move, Yue Yuan did not engage in combat with it, and directly came down and the first fleet also changed direction at maximum acceleration and continued to keep a distance.

The maneuverability of human warships is better than that of Nair warships, so it is not easy for the first and second fleets to use such pulling tactics.

As long as the artificial intelligence fleet does not land or be lured to the second battlefield, the first, second, and third fleets will not formally engage in battle with it, but will see-saw with it as it is now.

Anyway, the human fleet has slightly better maneuverability and is not afraid of being bitten by the artificial intelligence fleet during the chase. And there is another important point. The artificial intelligence fleet has come from afar. If it continues like this, it will eventually have to land on the second planet to develop and supply supplies because of fuel.

Therefore, the coalition forces are not in a hurry now. On the contrary, they are more willing to continue to fight with the artificial intelligence fleet in space.

There are two chapters today, but both chapters are 3,000 words, so they are quite large.

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