Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 392 The dust has settled

There used to be 50,000 battleships, and the artificial intelligence consciousness was so high-spirited. It confidently pursued humans and the Nell civilization for hundreds of years, but now, it only has one battleship left.

A few hours later, one of the three main thruster nozzles of the battleship it was on was carefully destroyed by the close-in defense laser energy cannon of the Third Fleet. The cold nuclear fusion thruster nozzle was deformed and all the auxiliary thrusters were shot away.

Its triple main gun was also deformed by an electromagnetic railgun without a hydrogen bomb warhead, and the close-in defense guns were also knocked out one by one.

The battleship where the artificial intelligence was located lost its attack capability at this moment, and also lost the possibility of accelerating itself to 30% of the speed of light.

Its last hope of escape was truly gone.

What the artificial intelligence consciousness can do now is to control all the internal facilities of this battleship, including opening and closing doors and various screens on the original battleship.

At this point, the artificial intelligence consciousness originally wanted to send electromagnetic waves to the coalition headquarters and say that it could surrender. However, it discovered at this time that the high-power electromagnetic wave broadcasting hardware on its battleship had been destroyed by the Third Fleet.

It loses its ability to speak remotely.

The Nair people are quite familiar with the layout of their own battleships. They know the layout of the battleship where the artificial intelligence body is located, so entrusting this task to them is indeed a professional counterpart.

Through the Lyran's detector, humans saw four Third Fleet warships appearing very close to the artificial intelligence warship that had lost its ability to resist.

Immediately afterwards, high-strength cables originally used as space elevator cables were released from the four battleships, and then, under the action of the terminal mechanical structure, they were hooked onto the depressions in the shell of the artificial intelligence battleship.

Not long after, the four Lake-class warships of the Third Fleet slowly accelerated while spraying tail flames, slowly dragging the artificial intelligence warship that had lost power towards the red dwarf star.

The first and second fleets also returned to their sailing formation and slowly accelerated towards the base on the red dwarf star.

The dust has settled.

In this war, not a single human warship was lost. This seems very outrageous, but anyone who understands the differences in material technology between the two parties knows that it is not outrageous.

Because even the Third Fleet, which was equipped with No. 1 alloy material armor, only lost 208 ships in this war.

Including the losses of the 4th, 5th, and 6th fleets, the Nair civilization lost a total of 2,965 Lake-class battleships in this war, and lost 20,755 combat personnel. There are a thousand Nair people, and they currently have 2,035 warships left.

Although the artificial intelligence was completely wiped out, it actually only cost about 50,000 warships and no human losses.

From this perspective, we know that it is difficult for a normal technological civilization to defeat an artificial intelligence civilization of the same level, especially when the technological strength is almost the same.

If the victory is not achieved in one battle, but both sides rely on the planets they defend to fight, then the final result will inevitably be that the technological civilization side is drained of its last combatants.

In space operations, the casualties caused by losing a warship are too many. Without a population of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions or trillions, it is simply impossible to support a long-term war of attrition. After all, the opponent is an artificial intelligence civilization. , they don’t need combatants.

As a wandering civilization, if human beings encounter an artificial intelligence with similar technological strength as their own, they will be tortured. Fortunately, this artificial intelligence is still growing, and it uses the fleet of the Nair civilization. Today's results.

It is precisely because we have seen the horror of artificial intelligence that humans must obtain this artificial intelligence consciousness.

Because it has been obtained, as long as humans master how to prevent artificial intelligence from rebelling, it will be possible for humans to build their own huge fleet with artificial intelligence consciousness.

Since the artificial intelligence consciousness can control so many battleships without the need for individual lives, then as long as humans master this artificial intelligence consciousness, humans may not be able to create a large artificial intelligence fleet to fight for themselves.

After the Third Fleet successfully towed away the battleship where the artificial intelligence consciousness was located, the human commander-in-chief had already made new plans for the composition of the future human fleet.

They believe that if technology allows, or when the technology reaches the point where it can create artificial intelligence consciousness by itself, then humans can completely equip each fleet flagship with an artificial intelligence consciousness model and form a new fleet cluster.

The carrier computer of the artificial intelligence consciousness can be placed on the fleet flagship, and then a group of unmanned warships can be controlled through it.

If such a day comes, then the population problem will no longer be a factor limiting the number of human fleets.

And it doesn't stop there. You must know that the artificial intelligence consciousness has the ability to build warships. In other words, it can fully automate the production of warships, as long as it masters all the technologies for building relevant warships.

Therefore, if humans truly master this artificial intelligence consciousness, or create their own artificial intelligence consciousness, they can explode like an artificial intelligence civilization.

Not only explosives, but also industrial production can be completely unmanned. In short, humans who master artificial intelligence consciousness can do anything that artificial intelligence consciousness can do.

That will be a completely automated society.

All development, production, transportation, and manufacturing can be completed by artificial intelligence consciousness. How tempting this is!

Of course, the complete loyalty of the artificial intelligence consciousness must be guaranteed.

It is conceivable how powerful a third-level civilization that can create artificial intelligence consciousness and ensure its loyalty is. Such a civilization is equivalent to a combination of normal technological civilization and artificial intelligence civilization.

Artificial intelligence consciousness is so powerful and artificial intelligence civilization is so terrifying, but there is no reason why it will spread again. The answer may lie in the third-level civilization technology.

Perhaps for level three civilizations, artificial intelligence civilization is not scary, because a level three civilization itself contains everything about artificial intelligence civilization.

Of course, this is for the same situation as the current artificial intelligence consciousness. If it is the kind of artificial intelligence consciousness that can replicate itself like the Silver Mist consciousness and then enslave countless of itself, that is a different story. .

Perhaps that kind of existence is the real disaster, an opponent that a civilization of the same level cannot defeat, and a disaster for the universe.

Yue Yuan still remembers when the Silver Mist consciousness said that countless copies of itself were massacred by an unknown warship. Perhaps such an artificial intelligence disaster can only be easily eliminated by advanced civilizations.

Thinking of this, Yue Yuan couldn't help but think of the name 'Silicon-based Federation' in his mind. His intuition told him that the Silicon-based Federation must be related to the existence of artificial intelligence consciousness.

I don’t know whether the main body of the silicon-based alliance is artificial intelligence or normal silicon-based life.

It must be related, because it was mentioned in the broadcast of the Galaxy Axis Alliance, but no matter what, it can be seen from the meaning of "combined" that artificial intelligence consciousness cannot be truly invincible in the same class, otherwise it would not be possible. We will form a coalition.

As the thoughts in his mind dispersed, Yue Yuan's Tianqin followed the large army and returned to the space base on the third planet of the red dwarf star.

The previously defeated Fifth and Sixth Fleets came here to make corrections. Now that they saw the coalition's triumphant return, they naturally knew what to do.

No, they didn’t need to do anything. The Grand Governor of the Nair Third Fleet made the decision for them first.

On the day he arrived at the space base, the Nair Governor-General announced that the formation of the Fourth Fleet would be retained. When they return to the main body of civilization, the Fourth Fleet will be formed again. At the same time, the battleships damaged in the battle will be replaced again.

In addition, it is the Nair people's own summary of this war and some mourning ceremonies.

Of course, the Nair Governor-General has not forgotten the matter of the artificial intelligence consciousness. When dealing with these post-war matters, they also allocated part of their force to board and capture the battleship where the artificial intelligence consciousness was located.

Three months later.

Yue Yuan looked at a certain central computer and muttered: "Is this the computer where the artificial intelligence consciousness body resides?"

The computer is as big as a small house, and its appearance and blueprint design reveal strong technological information of Nell civilization.

The artificial intelligence consciousness originally regarded this place as its home, but now it has become a prison to imprison it.

The central computer was not taken aboard the Lyra, but was sent to a designated warship in the First Fleet for the sake of safety.

At this stage, the artificial intelligence consciousness has no room for resistance. It will be imprisoned in this standby computer until it is transported to a human scientific research spacecraft for scientists who have been waiting for a long time to study it.

"Yes, Marshal Yue, we made a lot of money this time! Haha, this is an artificial intelligence consciousness. I didn't expect that we would catch it." A staff officer who seemed to have heard Yue Yuan's muttering also said happily.

"Yeah, it's a pity that it's not the Silver Mist Consciousness Body." Yue Yuan also sighed with emotion.

Seeing that the once arrogant artificial intelligence consciousness was still there today, he couldn't help but think of the silver mist back then, the silver mist that killed a member of the human landing team.

Others were also very happy, as if they were grasping the Silver Mist consciousness now. It seems that some of them vented the frustration they suffered from the Silver Mist consciousness on this artificial intelligence consciousness.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Yue Yuan looked at the correspondent station on the Tianqin and said, "Send a message to the Governor of the Nair people. The fleet will set off in three months, so that they can prepare."


When the main civilization left here, many scientists left with the main civilization, so the current first and second fleets have very poor scientific research capabilities and do not have corresponding scientific research equipment.

So what Yue Yuan has to do now is to lead the fleet back to the embrace of the main civilization as soon as possible and let scientists seize the time to conduct research on artificial intelligence consciousness.

Thanks to the book friend My Heart Is Slightly Cool Has Finally Become a Sorrow for the 10,000-coin reward!

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