The sound, like the sound of cows drinking, gradually revived the refugees who fell on the ground.

Just at this time.

Tick tock~

Suddenly, everyone felt as if their faces were hit by something cool falling from the sky.

“Is this… raining?!”

Everyone, including Jaka and Bell, as well as the victims who had finally been pulled back from the brink of death, all raised their heads at this moment.

The endless black cloud that enveloped the entire Albanado was right above everyone’s head.

Originally, this was supposed to be a dark cloud pressing down on the city, giving people a depressing and dark feeling.

But for everyone in the city, this dark rain cloud has a completely different meaning to them.

Everyone understands what the appearance of rain clouds means in this desert country! !

Tick tock~tick tock~crash! !

First there was a small drop, then several drops, then dozens of drops, and finally it turned into a downpour covering the whole city! !

The capital of Albana, after a moment of silence~

“It’s finally raining!!!”

Suddenly, unimaginable cheers broke out! !

The ruined city of Juba.


The shovel held by Duo Tuo, who was digging hard, fell weakly to the ground.

“It’s raining, it’s really raining, the king is not lying, it’s really raining…”

He was mumbling there, repeating these words over and over again incoherently.

“This is really… great!!”

The heartache and sadness that had been weighing on me for this country had become like this were all released at this moment! ! Doto buried his face deeply into the rain-soaked desert soil, and the tears in his eyes were mixed with the mud.

It was obviously very dirty, but he didn’t feel dirty at all.

I just want to quietly feel this rare rain of happiness! !

In the city of Cateleia, the general base of the rebel army.

“King, has he really found a solution?!!”

All the cadres and generals ran outside and couldn’t help but look up at the dark clouds in the sky, completely in disbelief.

“It actually rained?!”

Some cadres even feel that they are dreaming now.

If it weren’t for the cadres next to him who had the same dull expression as him, he would have truly thought that this was a dream.

He hadn’t seen rain for almost three years.

“It’s raining…”

Kosha stretched out his palm and felt the touch of raindrops falling on his palm.

Listening to the joyful shouts of other soldiers and residents in the city not far away, I felt sincere joy in my heart.

“The king really does what he says~”

In Kosha’s mind, the benevolent and kind-hearted monarch in the past appeared again.

“Could it be that it’s just raining in a few cities, and it’s the king’s dancing fans…”

Farafola hesitated and gave such doubts.

“No, I have already asked my companions in other cities…”

Kebi, the cadre next to him, put down the phone bug in his hand and said, “It’s raining in every city in this country.”

“I don’t know how the king did it though.”

There were two lines of marks on Kebi’s face. I don’t know if they were the traces formed by the rain falling on his face or the traces of his tears.

“But this is definitely not the result of dancing fans!!”

A heartfelt smile appeared on his face. He had not seen rain in many years. Kebi was moved to tears and said:

“King, he has fulfilled his promise!!”

Farafola fell silent for a moment.

“Then if you say so…”

In addition, some cadres also touched their heads with some dejection, “Are all the efforts we have made over the years in vain?!” “The king we have been fighting against has also been framed, so what we have done Is everything you do meaningless?!”

He was a little confused. Now he had some faith in the king, but this long-term behavior made him confused.

What are you doing while you wait for others?

“No, it’s not all in vain. At least we have so much power that we can help the king find the real culprit behind the scenes and deal with him!!”

Kebi suggested from the side. The other cadres were startled at first when they heard this, and then their spirits perked up again, as if they had new motivation again.

Well, the rebels are so pure and simple.

In the original version, being beaten out of Crocodile, Vivi’s appearance and the rain falling from the sky, plus Ikarem’s words to a child, actually brought this war, which cost hundreds of thousands of levels, to a halt…

Even the leaders of these rebel armies did not complain at all, and they disbanded directly on the spot afterwards, and Kosa just went home and lay down.

It can only be said that people in the One Piece world are too simple. They really fight for their ideals and have no thoughts about domination.

Moreover, their belief in rain is much stronger than that of people from other places.

At this moment, under the heavy rain, everyone, even those who were unhappy with Cobra, began to change their attitude towards him.

For a time, Kobra’s prestige was extremely high, and the reputation of the Nefertari royal family was restored to its previous peak.

Even higher and better than before! !

“This is all thanks to Mr. Link…”

In the palace, King Kobra looked at Link who drew a blue rain pattern on the entire map of Alabasta and praised him heartily.

・・Please give me flowers……

“It’s just a little effort.”

Link emptied his pen and took out his eraser.

“It can’t rain in Alabasta all the time. Just wait for a while and then use the eraser to erase the pattern on it.”

“With the [Universal Faucet] here, Alabasta will no longer be lacking. The problems that have plagued this place for many years can be solved.”

As he spoke, Link patted another prop on the table next to him:

“Of course, if you still need dark clouds and rainy days, you can try this prop.”

I saw a pink marshmallow-making machine on the table.

Next to this machine, Chopper was also there, holding a ball of marshmallows and stuffing them into his mouth.

“This [Marshmallow Cloud Making Machine] can also make the dark clouds and rain clouds you want.

Link smiled and said, “It’s just that the scale may be a little small.”

Props: [Marshmallow Cloud Making Machine].

Introduction: You can make various clouds in the same way as marshmallows, such as thunder clouds, rain clouds, tornado clouds, etc. However, the clouds created are smaller in scale and are suitable as toys for learning about the weather.

The miniature rain clouds made by this machine can be placed anywhere you want.

If it could be seen everywhere in Alabasta, it would bring rain clouds closer to people’s lives, and maybe it would allow the unique dark cloud and rain cloud culture to form here again.


“And this prop can not only make ordinary clouds, but also has a special point, that is, it can make marshmallow-flavored clouds~”

Link said, opened the machine and demonstrated it with his own hands, and then rolled out a beautiful pink marshmallow.

It looks like a cloud wrapped around a wooden stick, but if you eat it carefully, the taste and texture are the same as real marshmallows.

Even the marshmallow cloud created has the softness of a cloud and is even more delicious than normal marshmallows.

You can tell by the way Chopper next to him has stars in his eyes as he wolfs down his food.

“And on top of all that, there’s this weird umbrella that’s available.”

Link picked up a seemingly ordinary umbrella on the table, but opened it with a snap.


Suddenly, heavy rain started pouring down from inside the umbrella.

“This is [an umbrella that makes it rain when you open it], and you can bring it in at certain times.”

Props: [Umbrella that makes it rain when opened].

Introduction: This umbrella is one of the series of strange umbrellas. Its function is that after it is opened, it will fall from the umbrella. It may seem useless but it is actually a very useful tool.

The frequency of this umbrella is not low, especially when Nobita is adventuring on a desert island, it provides a very important function.

“So much rain and props provided…”

Cobra stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

“Of course, I can’t give you all these props.

Link closed the umbrella, “I can leave this umbrella, the extra [Universal Faucet], and the [Marshmallow Cloud Making Machine] for you.

“I would like to take the [Observation Meteorological Pen Combination] with me. This prop may be of great use on our next voyage.”

“After all, apart from man-made disasters, the most difficult thing to deal with on the Great Line is the extremely bad and severe weather.

“It should, it should!;:,;:,.???;:?’?:,”.?:’::,.”‘”:”‘,!!,;.?,.:! :!!!;?”! ! ”

Cobra heard what Link said and quickly responded:

“Mr. Link, we are very grateful that you can leave these props to us…”


Before Kobra finished speaking, he heard Chopper next to him cough violently.

“Wait?! Link, are you going to keep this marshmallow making machine?!!”

Chopper looked in disbelief, and even the marshmallow cloud in his hand felt no longer fragrant.

When he thought that he would never be able to eat such delicious marshmallows again, Chopper felt bursts of heartache and discomfort, and even felt so sad that he wanted to cry.

Unknowingly, Chopper’s eyes became filled with tears.

“Don’t worry, Chopper, how could I not consider your feelings?”

Link knelt down and touched his head, smiling and saying:

“This is called [Marshmallow Cloud Making Machine], not a marshmallow making machine, and I just happened to get another one recently, so don’t worry.

“In the future, you can still eat the corpse of this delicious marshmallow.

Confused about justice? ! Is this your handiwork? [Props Master] Link…


Hearing this, Chopper immediately held back the tears in his eyes.

“Do you think I’ve ever lied to you?”

“Very good!!”

Chopper immediately cheered happily. His happiness was so simple. His sadness came and went quickly.

Immediately, he took the marshmallow cloud and started stuffing it into his mouth.

“The problem has been completely solved, and the people’s hearts will return to the Neferutari royal family. Then, the second question comes.” Link looked at the person holding the [Message Plane] and walking away Weiwei came in, “It’s time to deal with the rebels.”


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