“But Link…”

Luffy, who was busy making jerky rice, raised his head and said, “How are you going to send them there?

He swallowed the mouthful of meat in his mouth and said, “Also, who is Doflamingo?!”

【Thank you for going, going! ‘588 reward, thank you! ! ].

4The Shichibukai Conference is held! How cruel? He just killed his father and brother~

“Why send it over? Of course it’s a prop~~~”

Link smiled and said, “As for Doflamingo, he is [Tenyasha] and [Umi Rogue] from the Shichibukai. His full name is Donquixote Doflamingo.”

“He is also a very cruel and powerful careerist and tycoon, and he also has a very good personality.”

Brother Ming can be said to be a thorough and pure villain.

The Don Quixote family that led him attracted a lot of fans during the Dressrosa chapter.

At that time, there were many pirate fan novels in which the protagonist either dressed as Doflamingo, his brother Rocinante or became a member of his family.

This shows Ming Ge’s charming personality.

As soon as Link finished answering, he heard Nami complaining as she looked at Luffy:

“Ah, Luffy, didn’t you say you were going to pack up this meat and take it back with you?!!”

“I’m hungry. Let’s take a bite for Usopp and the others first. They will understand me.”

“Are you eating it for Usopp? More than fifty portions of meat are almost at the bottom-!!”

“It doesn’t matter…Boss, pack fifty more portions!!”

“You guy…”

Nami shook her head helplessly and simply ignored him.

“Crutal means? How cruel?”

When asked about this, she was more concerned about this issue. It was related to her own safety. She was very concerned about the ferocity of the enemy.

“It’s not that scary

Link saw the worry in Nami’s eyes and chuckled.

“Is that so?”

Nami breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard Link continue:

“It’s just like killing your father and brother with your own hands, and then cutting off your father’s head as a gift to give away.” Nami: “……??!!!”

Killed his father and brother with his own hands, and cut off his father’s head? ! !

Isn’t this so cruel and terrifying? !

Do you have some wrong understanding and knowledge about cruelty? Hey! !

After listening to Link’s introduction, Nami shivered with fear.

And on the other side~

Directly above the Red Continent, the Holy Land, Mary Joa.

In a spacious and luxurious room somewhere.

In the center of the room, there is a large round table and twenty armchairs.

This is the conference room used by Marie Joa for meetings between the Navy Headquarters and Prince Shichibukai.

After all, both the navy and the Shichibukai are, strictly speaking, subordinate organizations of the World Government.

And just today, a meeting of the Shichibukai was held regarding Crocodile’s deprivation of title, the candidates for the new Shichibukai office, and the handling of the Straw Hat Pirates who were the culprits of all this.

Following the two radio introductions, two figures, one tall and one short, stepped in one after another.

It can’t be said that the figure is short, mainly because it looks a bit small compared with the big man.

The tall figure was holding a book in his hands. Although he had such a burly figure, he walked without making a sound.

The smaller figure, however, was walking at a pace of two to five to eight thousand, looking arrogant and arrogant.

“Your Majesty, Bartholomew Bear-sama and Donquixote Doflamingo-sama of the Shichibukai have arrived. Welcome both of you!”

At the sound of the radio, [Tyrant] Xiong, who had a bounty of 296 million beli, and [Tian Yasha] and [Sea Rascal] Ming Ge, who had a bounty of 340 million beli, entered the place that had already been established. In the conference room.

At this moment, the navy who had arrived early was already waiting there.

Originally, before Brother Ming and the others arrived, the conference room seemed very serious and quiet.

But after the two of them arrived~

There was already a noisy scene in the room.

“D Fu B Fu B Fu Wei, if you don’t want to continue making trouble, then explain the matter quickly! Let’s end this boring party as soon as possible!”

Tenyasha, who was wearing a pink coat and pink sunglasses, and Doflamingo, the flamingo, smiled strangely and sat on the balcony with his legs crossed.

At the same time, his fingers were moving up and down rhythmically.

In front of him, there were two generals from the Navy Headquarters who looked very ugly and anxious, fighting there.

“Doflamingo, were you the one who did it?!”

The two of them seemed to be toyed with by the applause, with invisible threads on their bodies manipulating them, making them make various movements as Doflamingo moved his fingers.

“Why don’t you stop quickly!!”

“You can’t talk but you can’t roar, so you should hurry up and talk about things~”

He smiled lowly, “I’m very busy~”

Next to him, the Chief of Naval Staff, who was sitting next to him, was already extremely old and no longer as young as he had been. The wrinkled He just held his chin with his hands.

He glanced at it very coldly, with no intention of stopping it.

Being played by pirates and applauded, and he was still a general-level navy, it would be a joke to tell him.

With such manipulation and turmoil, she was too lazy to take action, nor was she willing to take action to make this incompetent general suffer.

Seeing this, Doflamingo glanced briefly at this old opponent who he had been chasing and fighting for many years. He had no intention of taking action. He couldn’t help but smile, and the movements of his hands became more unrestrained.

He tapped his finger in the void, and immediately the two generals looked ugly, impatient and uncontrollable, and pulled out their sabers from their waists.


Just as the two swords were about to collide, at the entrance of the gate, Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters stood there and shouted in a low voice.

There was a seagull hat on his head, and his body was standing upright, like a standing green pine.

“How do you think you look? Are you here for a meeting or a fight?!”

“Feng was beside him, and there was a cute little sheep following him.

The awe-inspiring might of the navy, and the overlord-colored aura at the pinnacle of the navy slowly floated from his body.

Doflamingo’s eyes flashed with fear under his sunglasses, and he slowly retracted his hand.

The two generals who had released the parasitic thread and finally escaped from control were also ashamed. They could not continue to attend the meeting here, but left in despair.

Sengoku’s majestic gaze slowly swept across the entire office, and then faced the Shichibukai, who was the only two present:

The arrogant and wanton Doflamingo, and Bartholomew Bear, who was also sitting there with his legs crossed and reading quietly.

A smile appeared on his face: “Sorry, sorry, I haven’t said hello to everyone yet. I didn’t expect you to really come~”

“Trash on the sea.”

“Koufukoufuhehe. Fu~”

Hearing this title, Doflamingo couldn’t help but laugh wildly, “Can I take this as you complimenting me?”

“Let’s start the meeting. I don’t think anyone will come if we wait any longer.”

Ignoring Doflamingo’s words, Sengoku sat down directly.

“Two of the six members of His Majesty Shichibukai came, and the attendance rate has exceeded my expectations.”

・・()Please give me flowers……

Warring States said pointedly.

In the past, only Bartholomew Bear, who seemed to obey the World Government’s orders, would attend the meeting.

Moreover, it was said to be a meeting, but it was actually an instruction to Bartholomew Xiongbu on what to do next.

“Fu D Fu Cong Baboon, I didn’t want to come here at first. If it weren’t for the fact that the construction project on our island was going so smoothly, I decided to come here to have fun because I was really bored.” Doflamingo licked his tongue. , jumped directly onto the conference table without any image, and sat cross-legged directly opposite Warring States.

“I see, that’s really troublesome, because the more successful your pirate career is, the busier our navy’s life will be.”

Warring States raised his eyelids and said unceremoniously.

“II Fu Xiao B Fu, your tone seems to be very envious. Wouldn’t this insult your title of Buddha? Marshal of the Warring States Period~”

After Doflamingo finished his teasing and confrontational words, footsteps sounded again at the door.

“After listening to it for a long time, it turned out to be nonsense. I even wondered if I was in the wrong place~”

A very recognizable voice sounded, making everyone’s eyes turn to it.

Even the bear, who had been sitting there silently, raised his head slightly.


Under the shocked gazes of the rest of the navy present, Mihawk’s figure, carrying the black sword Night on his back, appeared at the gate.

“If the Navy Headquarters and the Shichibukai still hold opposing attitudes, then this roundtable meeting will be meaningless, right?”

Hawkeye strode in and said calmly without changing his expression.

The Shichibukai under the King is an agency under the World Government. Strictly speaking, it is at the same level as the Navy.

But having said that, look at each round table meeting being hosted by the Navy instead of the King Shichibukai, and the order to convene the Shichibukai~

It can be seen how the attitude of the world government treats the two differently.

“Hey, no way, even the most unlikely people are here?”

Doflamingo’s tone was slightly higher.

He looked at Hawkeye carefully for a while, and suddenly he burst into laughter.

“Is the previous rumor true? When you were in the East China Sea, you had a fight with the pirates who were the culprits of this incident, right?!”

“There is indeed such a thing

Hawkeye casually pulled out a bench and sat down, “So I’m quite interested in that person as well.”

“And I’m just here to join in the fun and observe. As you can imagine, I’m more interested in the pirates we’re going to discuss, that’s all.”

Seeing Hawkeye’s straightforward and generous approach, Warring States and He who was sitting there had a strange look in their eyes.

As for Big Bear, he still had no reaction, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Under Doflamingo’s pink sunglasses, you couldn’t see his eyes and didn’t know what he was thinking, but you could also see that his body paused slightly.

“Is that so~”

Sengoku’s eyes lingered on the calm-looking Hawkeye for a while, and then he coughed lightly.

“Then the meeting will officially begin…”

“Da da da~”

Before Warring States finished speaking, a tap dance suddenly came from the balcony.

[Thanks to the boss of ‘Qingxi Yingyue’ for the tip, thank you! ! ! 】corpse.

44 Luffy made a phone call in front of many bosses! The powerful words killed his father and brother!

“If possible, can I also attend this meeting?”

A chuckle followed, “No, it may be a little different from simply observing.”

The man who laughed was holding the crutch in one hand and holding the hat on his head with the other.

“Who are you?! Where did you come in from?!”

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