“godlandskypiea, the kingdom of gods?”

Robin said with a slightly surprised tone after seeing the words clearly.

“That’s the entrance to Sky Island! The entrance to Sky Island!!”

Luffy shouted excitedly while sitting in the special seat of the ship.


Under everyone’s surprised gazes, Express Shrimp rushed to the end of the cloud road and took Meili into the air.

Then it released its chelicerae, gently twisted its abdomen and legs and crawled into the cloud road again, leaving Meili falling in the air.


With the help of soft clouds, Melly landed lightly.

On the deck, after the numbness in their legs caused by the impact calmed down, everyone began to observe the situation around them.

“Whoa! What is that!”

Luffy pressed the straw hat on his head, looked into the distance, and couldn’t help but yell.

,:;..!,.,,,”!,!?!.’:!’!?:,:.’!'”‘?!.?,””:!??”;,!” !’;,”.?”? I saw misty clouds in the distance, and various houses of different colors could be seen looming. In the sky, there were white bridges connecting the white clouds, making the whole look slightly dreamy.

“Is this Sky Island?!”

Link also looked at this dreamlike world scenery that seemed to only exist in fairy tales, and he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“So beautiful!!!”

Everyone looked at this scene in amazement, and their mouths couldn’t help but grin.

This is Sky Island, and they actually came to this legendary place.

“It’s really… a great adventure!!”

For some reason, Usopp suddenly felt like tears were filling his eyes.

“It will be fun to explore here!”

After Merry gradually arrived at a beach, Luffy couldn’t bear it anymore.

After saying this, he immediately jumped off the boat.

“Hey, Luffy!”

This move also caused Usopp, who was also eager to try, to look over.

He was deeply afraid that Luffy would be stupid and jump into the sea.

“The clouds here have bottom reading!”

Luffy jumped under the boat and tried his feet. Then he looked up and said to Usopp with a smile.


While still doubtful, Usopp followed suit and jumped off the ship.

But with his physical quality, he was inserted into the cloud like a green onion.


He forcefully pulled his head out of the cloud, sat down on the ground, and looked at Luffy blankly:

“…It’s true, it’s soft when you step on it.”

“Soft, right?”

Luffy grinned and looked at Usopp with an excited smile.

The two of them looked at each other in silence, and couldn’t help but see the same burning desire for adventure and fun in each other’s eyes! !

Next second~

Then he saw Luffy taking steps and running towards the shore.

Usopp followed closely behind, and the two of them ran together, splashing drops from the ocean of clouds they stepped on.

“It’s obviously clouds, but there are still drops~”

Zoro also walked down, sighing as he moved forward.

“After all, clouds are made of particles.”

Robin chuckled and kept up with Luffy and the others.

“Not only is the scenery above this sky unique, there are also many strange ingredients!”

Sanji picked up a balloon-like sea fish inside and looked at it carefully.

“There is no harsh sunshine on this beach. There is even a small pavilion, which is the best place to bask in the sun! Nami saw a small pavilion not far away and couldn’t help but walk over quickly.

When she sat on the cloud chair in the pavilion, she could not help but moan softly:

“Aha, it’s so soft and comfortable!!”

She couldn’t help but sigh, “Sure enough, Kongdao has the technology to process clouds.”

“But the touch of this chair is different from the soft clouds just now. It feels more like fur…”

Chopper, who followed and had a coat of fur, also sat on it and expressed his opinion.

“It’s so relaxing~!”

Next to him, Luffy was hanging upside down on a coconut tree like a monkey, his eyes filled with indescribable comfort.

Then, he saw a huge pumpkin-like coconut fruit growing on the tree next to him.

“I’m going to start!!”

After taking the fruit into his hand in a few seconds, Luffy fully used the elasticity of the rubber man. He opened his mouth to cover half of the fruit, and then suddenly closed his upper and lower teeth!


“it hurts!”

Luffy covered his chin which was so painful from being slapped. He knocked the fruit shell hard and said angrily,

“What kind of rotten fruit is this! Why is it so hard?!!”

He knocked hard and found that his fist couldn’t do anything to the fruit. He couldn’t help but turn his head and look aside:

“Link, do you have an item that can open the fruit? Link?!”

After shouting twice, Luffy couldn’t help but feel a little strange when he found that Link didn’t look over.

“He seemed to be looking in a certain direction, and there seemed to be…”

Usopp, who had good eyesight, looked over and explained Luffy’s doubts.

At the same time, bursts of melodious music came to his ears.

Not only him, but other people also heard a gentle sound of music in their ears.

“Huh? What’s that sound?”

Luffy also stopped chewing and looked at the ground.

“There seems to be someone over there!”

Zoro looked ahead, and vaguely seemed to see a figure in the sun.

“Is it the god from Sky Island?!”

Little Chopper was afraid, with half of his body exposed, hiding in the grass, and cautiously showing his head to watch.


Sanji, whose eyesight was even sharper than Usopp’s at some points, stared blankly ahead.

As if his soul had been taken away, he muttered to himself with dull eyes, “That’s an angel.”

In the direction where everyone looked at at the same time, there was a raised marble stone.

On it, Miss Jin, who had a light yellow braid with a double-ball shape at the end, a white scarf, and a high-necked dress and miniskirt, was standing there, playing the harp gracefully and gracefully.

After she felt everyone’s gaze, she couldn’t help but slowly opened her blurred eyes.

She smiled softly and looked at everyone

The corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, and the red lips slowly uttered a word, “Hi Sui!”

This refreshing smile

It seems to have healed people’s hearts, and they are like real angels.

With all kinds of charm

It also has the loveliness of the pure Holy Spirit, which is simply a fusion of two completely different kinds of beauty.

You are truly worthy of being a resident of an empty island.

She really looks like an angel! !

Everyone said with emotion in their hearts

At the same time, I was also a little strange about what this angel lady said.

“belly button?”

Luffy tilted his head in confusion.

In the neon language, the sound of “Hi Suo” is exactly the same as belly button.

[Rocket Straw] and [Blow Motor], the modification of Weiba! Props for auxiliary transportation! !

“She said belly button?”

“What does belly button mean?”

“What else could a belly button mean?”

Others were also confused by what the young lady just said.

“Are you from Qinghai?”

Miss Angel looked at the crowd curiously and asked, walking towards them with lotus steps.

And when she was walking slowly in a pair of simple slippers, everyone discovered that the white scarf hanging around her neck turned out to be a strange creature with a fox face.

“Well, we came up from below.”

Luffy replied, then he pointed at the creature on the young lady’s neck and asked curiously, “What is that on your neck?”

“It’s called Sisi, and she’s a cloud fox.”

Miss Angel touched the hair on her neck and said with a smile, “My name is Cornis, I am a resident here. Welcome to Angel Beach in the Kingdom of God.” “How do you know we come from below? ”

As soon as Zoro asked, he was suddenly pushed aside by a figure.

“Miss Cornis, my name is Sanji, and I am your very own prince charming and knight!!”

Sanji held a rose in his mouth that he got from nowhere, and his eyes turned into absolute love.

His face was hot, and his entire chest and heart were filled with angelic love:

“I seem to have been struck by the sharp arrows of Cupid, the god of love, who strung your heart and my heart together into concentric circles.”

“I am convinced that you are my special angel, and no one can replace you in my heart…”

boom! !

Before Sanji could finish his words, he was hit by a fist on the head.

“Sorry, I’m just kidding.”

Nami, the bully on the boat, coughed and retracted her fist. Sanji, who fell to the ground without looking at him with a big bump on his head, apologized:

“This guy is like that, don’t be like him.”

Deserve it!

Zoro, who almost fell down before being squeezed to the side, was so angry that he wanted to kill someone with a knife. When he saw this scene, he also spat happily.

Well done ~

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