There is no other possibility other than powerful Devil Fruit abilities.

“But why…”

Nami had also been scared and hid behind Link. “When we asked about the situation of the island and the news about the priest, he didn’t take action, but waited until now?” “Maybe it’s because he thinks these are not important anymore, right?” ?”

Sauron’s face gradually became serious, “The priest just said that Enel is conducting a so-called [God’s Selection].”

“Selection also means elimination. In other words, he no longer cares about the situation on this island being known.”

“Because all the people who are eliminated will disappear due to the move he used just now, right?”

Sanji also echoed, “So whether we know it or not, it doesn’t make any sense.”

“Is this why we came down to attack after we talked about him and touched his taboo?”

Usopp was also very alert at this time, “And the attack coming down was not aimed at us, but at the priest just now…”

This meaning is obvious, it means that the priest has been eliminated, but they still have enough qualifications to be selected.

This means that, from Eniro’s point of view, this group of people are just pawns in the selection competition.

“Of course there is another possibility

Link slowly spoke at this time, “He feels that we don’t pose any threat and can kill us whenever we want, so he doesn’t care at all about our previous offensive actions.”

“After all, elephants often don’t care about crickets. This should be what he wants to express.”

Link glanced at the potholes on the ground. I’m afraid it was more than just that. It also contained threats and warnings.

I can deal with you at any time. You’d better really accompany me in this trial, otherwise you will be eliminated immediately! !


Sauron couldn’t help but smile and said, “You are really arrogant!!”

“But he does have an arrogant nature…”

Sanji also tapped his heel, “Such a level of power, at least a natural ability, right?”

“The blue-white light beam…”

After reading the devil fruit illustrated book, he couldn’t help but ponder, “It should be the ability of the natural thunder fruit!!”

“Thunder Fruit?!”

Robin couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly, “It can be said that many Devil Fruits are so powerful that they can be called ‘invincible'”

“Do you actually have such a powerful devil fruit?!”

Chopper and Usopp next to them were dumbfounded, and their bodies could not help but tremble a little more. C Thunder Fruit~~~

Link next to him also had a flash of light in his eyes, and his eyes became slightly darker.

He happened to have an item in his hand that could perfectly obtain Devil Fruit abilities.

If it were the Thunder Fruit…

“It doesn’t matter if he is a thunderous person or not!!”

At this moment, Luffy, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

He put his hand on his hat: “I only know that guy stole my boat!!

One of the abilities, the natural ability with the most destructive power. ”

Luffy said with firm eyes, “If that guy dares to stop me again, I will beat him away!!”

What he said was very courageous and determined.

Even after seeing this kind of power just now, Luffy was still happy and fearless! !

“That’s right!”

Link also chuckled, “He’s just a natural-type ability user. No matter how strong he is, he’s still just a human.”

“It’s not like we haven’t fought against natural ability users before, and we won.”

“Then this time, facing such an opponent, it will definitely be no problem.”

“At least we have established that he is either a mysterious god or a powerful natural ability user.”

“Hit him and take back Merry, it’s that simple!!”

When Link’s sonorous and powerful words fell, they gradually surrounded everyone’s hearts, and Enel’s tyranny and oppression were instantly wiped away.

“Yes, Link is right!!”

Usopp was the first to stand up and express his support, “No matter what kind of enemy it is, we must get Merry back!!

“For Mellie!!”

“For our ships!!”

Chopper was like a man, shouting with all his strength.

“When I came to this empty island, I finally met a worthy opponent.”

Sauron’s eyes also showed a fiery fighting spirit.

Sanji smiled slightly, and Nami also spread her hands.

Now that we have become opponents, the next thing to do is not to give up on ourselves, but to face it with a smile.

Come on, Ollie! !

The happy-minded Straw Hat Pirates quickly adjusted their mentality, and one person continued to move in the direction pointed by the [Traveling Cane].

While they were advancing, those from the Sandia nation had also arrived on the island.

“What we have to face next is a tough battle, so everyone should brace themselves.”

Weipa, who was the leader of the tribe before and was known as the War Ghost, looked expressionlessly at the careless companions around him who were almost killed.

After they arrived on this island, they were trapped by the priest Shura, Sheng Yun and Jiao Bei who were undergoing the [Rope] Trial, and their bodies were restrained.

If Weipa hadn’t stepped forward in time, this man might have fallen at the entrance.

It is ironic to say that a large number of Sandia tribe members were almost wiped out by Shura alone.

No wonder they have not been able to regain their homeland in these four hundred years.

This kind of mobility is really hard to complain about.

“Keep moving forward~”

Weipa passed through the body and turned his back to the companions around him, “If you continue to be so careless, the price you have to pay is your life!!”

After speaking in a deep voice, Weipa stepped on Yunbei and jetted forward without even looking at Shura who was knocked down by his volley of shells.

At this point, the two priests were eliminated.

In addition to these four priests, Anilu also has many divine servants who look like sheep heads.

After the brief contact with the Shandia nation, the war broke out instantly.

Fierce fighting broke out once again on the entire Apayado island! !

At the same time ~

After Luffy and the others defeated the priest, they experienced a series of difficulties and obstacles in the jungle, and finally arrived at Merry’s location.

It was an altar standing above the sea of clouds. Meili was located in the center of the altar, as if he was offering something as a sacrifice.

“・・, Merry!!”

Usopp looked at the lost ship with tears in his eyes and shouted loudly.


On the boat, Aniu’s cry also sounded.

“He said that in this sea of clouds, there is an animal called a cloud shark. Let’s be careful. Chopper faithfully translated A Niu’s words.

“Cloud shark? Is that that kind of animal?”

Zoro pointed at the long shark fin with black, purple and blue that was clearly exposed above the sea.

“It looks delicious!!”

Luffy took a breath.

“Shark soup and shark fin rice are indeed a good combination~”

Sanji also held his chin with his fingers, looking at it with interest.


Aniu’s cry came from Meili again.

“It said the shark must taste good.”

Chopper continued to translate, “Aniu said that a cloud shark jumped up and tried to eat it, but it was eaten instead.”

It’s okay to eat it instead…

“But it’s really late this day.”

Sanji raised his head and looked at the sky. The sunlight had dimmed and clouds were burning on the horizon.

“It’s indeed time to eat and replenish physical energy.”

“Eat meat, eat meat!!”

As soon as he heard that dinner was ready, Luffy jumped out.

“Rubber…screw pistol!!”

boom! !

A huge cloud shark was knocked out by him.

In this way, it can be regarded as a complete stab in the cloud shark’s nest, and the sea of clouds began to churn~

After a while.

The sun sets and the stars begin to twinkle in the sky.

Black night shrouded the sky over this empty island.

Plop! !

“Yo Xi, Meili will be fine now.”

I saw Merry being driven down by Link’s [aircraft-type universal joystick] and landed on the coast next to her.

Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, and little Chopper next to him also followed suit and wiped his sweat.

“Are you okay, Sanji! Stop!”

Luffy squatted next to a jet black iron pot, smelling the aroma coming from the pot, and his mouth couldn’t be restrained.

“Hey, Luffy, stay away, don’t put out the firewood with your mouth!!”

Sanji was cooking and stewing cloud shark meat there while scolding Luffy.

One of his hands was stirring the pot to taste it, and then the other hand was grilling fragrant shark meat skewers on the stone platform set up nearby. Next to him, there were a lot of skinned shark skins.

Campfire! You are such a wild girl, I love you so much!

At first glance, it was clear that there were quite a lot of captures, and even the sea of clouds became quiet.

There were so many cloud sharks and they were not fools. After Luffy captured a lot of them, they were so frightened that they left here without looking back.

Otherwise, it is very likely that, like their companions, they will become a part of that big iron pot and that barbecue stone platform.

Ah Niu was helping Sanji, and he had a white chef’s cloth tied on his head, which looked quite similar.

“If you don’t continue to practice, you might be able to become a pretty good chef if you learn cooking from me!!”

Sanji took a sip of the barbecue sauce prepared by Ah Niu and couldn’t help but praise it with a raised eyebrow.

This tastes really good.


A Niu shook his head vigorously, saying that his goal was not to be a simple chef.

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