“Can objects also produce souls?!”

Chopper sniffed in shock, with an expression like “I don’t study well, don’t lie to me.”

“If it is a normal object, it will not happen, but…”

Robin’s beautiful eyes fell on the [Psychic Calling Machine] that Link took out:

“If it was a prop brought out by the vice-captain, then everything will be explained.”

Well, Link and his items have magical effects that can make the impossible possible.

Therefore, any abnormal and impossible things that happen to Link are possible and normal! !

Now, if it was Link and his props that did it, then nothing would be surprising.

The Straw Hats looked at the machine and then at Link, and they all nodded in agreement.

Although Robin basically said nothing, they just felt very convincing.

“And I also heard that there is a legend called [Ship Spirit] spreading on the sea.”

Robin looked at Merry, who was a little nervous and uneasy:

“Holding a small hammer, wearing a raincoat, no facial expression, short stature…all the characteristics fit the bill.

So instead of saying that Link created a soul for Merry, it is better to say that it was Link’s prop that summoned Merry’s ship spirit.

Robin thought silently in her heart, and as a scholar, she guessed the correct answer so easily.

“Ship Spirit…”

One person heard a new legend again.

Although they didn’t know what the content of this legend was, whether it was Link or Robin, their words confirmed one thing.

“Are you really Melly’s soul?!!”

Usopp looked at the other person in disbelief. He suddenly felt extra friendly to that small appearance.


Facing Usopp’s increasingly fiery gaze, Merry nodded slightly.

Everyone heard this cry.

“Surprisingly, it’s really…”

The Straw Hats stared blankly at the petite figure, finding it difficult to connect it with the sheep-headed Merry at their feet.

But no matter what, even the dullest Luffy and the simplest Chopper knew that they would welcome a new companion.

No, or rather, it’s a “new” companion who has been with them all along, but didn’t show up until recently! !

After Link and Robin explained to everyone the legend of the Ship Spirit, the restrictions Merry had previously received, and the fact that he could now summon items~

Only then did they realize that there were such magical things in the sea! !

“It’s really Melly!!”

Usopp was howling wildly there, wiping away tears from his nose.

“Did you show up because you sensed my closeness and longing for you and came here specifically to see me?!”

He tried to grasp Melly’s illusory figure, but failed.

“What does it mean to be close to and miss you?! It’s obviously good for all of us, isn’t it?!”

“That’s right!!”

Luffy and Chopper were also jumping up and down very unhappy.

“Oh, I’m obviously the one who helps repair the ship on weekdays. You two guys who only know how to destroy things, if I don’t complain about you or cause trouble for you, it’s okay!!”

Usopp snapped with his fangs.

The three of them started to quarrel over who was the main reason for Merry’s appearance, this extremely stupid question.

The others didn’t want to pay attention to these three idiots at all. They were all amazed by Merry’s existence and marveled at him.

They have never seen such a life form before.

Afterwards, with Link’s introduction and advice, Merry greeted each crew member, and then got back into the ship’s body with some shyness.

This timid behavior is quite similar to Chopper, who was afraid of humans at first.

After all, Merry had only been built for a few months, and the birth of the ship spirit Merry was only a recent time.

He is just a little living thing that has just been born.

As for his desires… don’t be in a hurry, you have to eat the food one bite at a time and walk the road step by step.

Everyone else also understood Merry’s timidity, and they all looked to the side, where the three idiots were about to be knocked out of their heads.

Well, as long as these three idiots are around, there is absolutely no problem in getting along with Merry.

It is only a matter of time before we can get along with them on a daily basis.

Everyone kept Melly’s affairs in mind,;”..’!”,,:”!;?;;;”?,!’!”!;”!;!.’?,!?.’;’,; ::!:’:. After putting it in his mind, he began to discuss the next action with Link.

According to Nami’s thoughts, she definitely wanted to let Link directly use the aircraft joystick as a prop to take Melly and escape from this damn ghost place with them.

She didn’t want to face those powerful men who claimed to be gods.

But after seeing the huge blue-white thunder light pillar falling from the sky, and the other party’s ability to monitor the entire island and their every move, all under the other party’s nose~

Nami knew that waiting for others to leave like this was a luxury.

They had defeated the priest and knew some of the other party’s secrets. How could they just let them leave? !

Even if Link can really escape with Merry, the other party will never let them go without giving up.

In addition, Merry has awakened and resurrected his soul. Then if Link controls Merry to leave, he encounters the opponent’s lightning attack.

It would be bad if it caused great harm to Merry.


There seemed to be only the last way before them.

“Do we have to fight them as enemies?!”

Namisheng lay helplessly on the table, the great shore in front of her bouncing and trembling.

“I finally made it to Sky Island, but within two days, I had to fight against such a powerful enemy…”

“Are we here to take risks, or are we here to fight with others!!”

She once again had the urge to regret boarding this pirate ship, why other people’s adventures were so dreamy and exciting.

When it came to her, the excitement was exciting, but it also came with great danger! ! !

“Accept the reality, Miss Navigator.

Robin, who had already carried his belongings next to him, pursed his lips and smiled, “Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, it’s better to look forward.”

“That’s right, he’s just a god!!”

Luffy was full of energy and confidence, “I will definitely beat him away!!”

It’s up to you…

Nami rolled her eyes with pale eyes, indicating that she didn’t want to pay attention to them or talk to them.

Sanji next to him comforted him, “Miss Nami, don’t forget, there is still a [Golden Land] on this island…”

“Yo Xi, let’s go and defeat that god together!!”

Before he could finish his words, Nami was immediately there, full of blood and resurrected, waving her arms and shouting.

other people:”……”

Do you want to fight? Obviously he is going for the gold! !

Everyone rolled their eyes and complained about Nami in their hearts.

She is really a very realistic woman–

“Where is that so-called god?”

Zoro touched the scabbard on his waist, and then looked at Link.

“The [Traveling Cane] can actually find his direction, but it’s just temporary.”

Link said.


Usopp failed to understand what Link meant.

“If he really has the ability of the Thunder Fruit, then he will naturally have the teleportation of lightning and the speed of light. Coupled with his powerful sight and color domineering, he can appear anywhere on this island. ”

Link explained, “I’m not even surprised that he appears in front of us the next second.”

“Is that so?!”

When the others heard this, they all immediately shuddered.

And that is in the palace located in the center of the island.

“I didn’t expect you to know so much about my abilities.”

Enel, who was lying on the sand, was eating a bright red apple and squinting his eyes indifferently.

He was naked from the waist up, with short blond hair and a white cloth scarf on his head. Two long large earlobes hung down, almost close to his chest.

“There are also the canes that can control ships, magical rafts, canes that find targets, sprays that solidify clouds, guns with powerful slime, pills that make people unable to resist speaking their true thoughts, and magical creatures that call out the ship spirit. machine……”

Enelu was there one by one taking inventory of the props he felt.

The look of interest in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

“With so many unique effects and interesting things, this is simply my most ideal divine servant!!!”

“This kind of person is the most suitable candidate to accompany me to the infinite land!!”

It has to be said that after seeing the many props that Link brought out, even a person as arrogant, self-centered and arrogant as Enel couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

Without him, Link’s props are so magical, so practical, so convenient and so delicious! ! !

No one else would be able to resist the temptation of a fat blue man’s treasure bag! ! !

“Let me see if you have anything else interesting in your hand~!!”

Enelu’s interested voice sounded: “If there is any more, even if you lose this [God Selection] competition, I will make an exception and take you to the infinite land.

“This is a gift from God, hahahahaha!!!”

That high-pitched laughter, which seemed to be a great honor and gift, echoed in the palace.

“There are also people from the Sandia clan. It seems that they are planning to make a desperate move this time?”

“After Gazda, Shura was also easily knocked down. [War Ghost] Weipa? It is indeed in line with the qualifications of a divine servant.”

“Then let me go and see what kind of determination and fighting will this Sandia nation has.”

A burst of blue-white thunder flashed in the palace, and Enelu’s figure suddenly disappeared.

Enelu, who was already a little unable to hold back, also wanted to participate in the fun.

Of course, what he wants more is to rely on his powerful and invincible ability to come down and stand in front of everyone with the attitude of an absolute strong man, enjoying their shocked and desperate looks.

Then surrender to him, the great, omnipotent god.

[Thanks to the ‘System Recycling (Black) Merchant’ boss for the 588 point reward, thank you! !

Powerful mobility! Lord of the sky! ! [Golden Country] with lots of gold!

Well, if one word could describe what he did to its essence, it would be…

Appear holy in front of others.

To put it in layman’s terms, it’s just a pen.

He wanted to show his divine posture and power in front of this person, and then receive those very satisfying eyes.

Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, no matter what race you are.

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