“That’s right. He’s obviously an animal-type esper, but how can he still have superhuman-type rubber properties?”

Chopper also looked at Luffy with curiosity, “And I’ve never seen Luffy use three levels of transformation.”

As we all know, users with animal devil fruit abilities have three forms: human, beast, orc, or human-animal.

And some people with abilities who have developed animal-type abilities to advanced levels can do so in a small area and only partially transform their bodies into animal characteristics.

For example, Xiao Ma, Margao can only turn his hands into the wings of a phoenix, while the rest of his body still maintains human characteristics.

“I don’t know either~”

Compared to Chopper, Luffy, who was involved, was even more confused.

“I’ve never heard of a three-stage change, and I don’t feel anything like it…but~”

He went from being confused to being eager to try in an instant, “If I am really an animal type user, wouldn’t I be able to transform back and forth like Chopper?!”

Is now the time to get excited? !


Are you so interested in things like transformation? ! !

The others rolled their eyes and looked speechless at Luffy.

“The vice-captain said that this is a Devil Fruit that the world government has always been afraid of. It has never awakened in eight hundred years, and it also specially changed the name of this Devil Fruit. Robin held his cheek lightly with his palm, his eyes twinkling. Extraordinary, “Then there must be something extraordinary about this Devil Fruit. ”

“That’s right~!”

Link nodded and said, “Also, Luffy, the name of your Devil Fruit’s ability is the same as Chopper.”

“Qi? Same as mine?!”

Little Chopper, who was watching a show and eating melon, was suddenly startled when he saw Link looking at him.

Did I eat it on myself? !

“That’s right, he is the fruit of everyone just like you.”

“Hey read read read?!”

Chopper immediately opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief, “Luffy is also a person with the ability of the Everyone Fruit?!”

Not only Chopper, but also everyone else’s eyes widened.

They looked at Chopper first, then at Luffy.

“Let me tell you, no wonder Luffy looks like an ape!”

Usopp suddenly said, “Humans evolved from apes, so after Luffy ate the Human Fruit, he became more like a monkey. This is a symbol of atavism!!”

What an atavistic symbol of God? ! !

Nami couldn’t help but cast several dead eyes at Usopp, “Then you can explain to me why Luffy still has the characteristics of rubber?!”


“Ah, well…”

Usopp was pondering there, making up some unreliable lies.

“And if humans eat the Renren Fruit, is it really okay?”

Sanji was also so shocked by the breaking news that he lit a cigarette to cheer up:

“It seems that if a normal person eats the Renren Fruit, they will not have any abilities or effects other than becoming a landlubber.”

“But the ordinary Renren Fruit has been eaten by Chopper, right?”

Zoro glanced down at Chopper, “Does that mean Luffy is a branched form of the power that ate the Everyone Fruit?”

“Ah, I know!!”

Usopp clapped his hands together and suddenly realized again, “Luffy must be in the form of an ape who ate the Human Fruit!!”

“How can he have such an ability?! And after all, how do you explain his rubber ability?! And he is just an ape, so the world government specially renamed it?!” Nami directly punched Hunan and beat him. Usopp, who was confused in his thoughts, was knocked down with a punch.

“If you have the ability to branch out…”

Sanji frowned and thought, “I’ve only seen two kinds in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, and they were all phantom beast species.”

“One is the Renren Fruit, the Great Buddha form, and the other is the Renren Fruit, the Great Enlightenment form.”

The former can transform a person into a golden Buddha, and can fire a powerful Buddha shock wave, which is extremely powerful.

In addition, the real effect it brings is that the eater can gain the power, wisdom and spirit like the Buddha.

Combine a huge body like a golden Buddha with a smart mind and perfect skills to become the ultimate person with both mental and physical skills.

The Warring States Period, which has the quality of being one of the millions of people, has become even more powerful after obtaining the Buddha form of the Everyone Fruit.

The latter, the Great Entrance Form, allows one to transform into a legendary monster, the Great Entrance Form.

This fruit was eaten by a fox named Ushikimaru from Suzugo of Wano Country.

After eating this fruit, it transformed into a monk soldier and collected weapons. It was called “Ushikimaru who robbed Dobashi” and was quite powerful.

Nika! New island! What will happen when Luffy eats a blue wave ball?

Well, including Luffy, a total of four Renren Fruits have appeared so far.

Three of them are phantom beasts, and only one is in normal human form.

Chopper said, I am the fruit of everyone, in the form of an ordinary person~~~

“Then according to Link, Luffy should also be in the phantom form of the Renren Fruit.”

Sanji blew the mist and looked at Luffy, “After all, he also has the special ability of rubber, which can explain this situation.”

The phantom beasts of the animal system are the incarnations of animals or characters from myths or legends.

In addition to the most basic animal-type basic characteristics that can enhance the physical quality of the esper, they can also provide the esper with special superpowers similar to some superhuman ones.

For example, the immortal blue flame of the Phoenix, the shock wave of the Giant Buddha, the transformation of the nine-tailed fox, the rejuvenation of the vampire, etc.

Then the Renren Fruit that Luffy possesses should also be a phantom beast species with special abilities.

“You’re right.”

Seeing everyone there, they started to make random guesses, and gradually got closer to the truth, “What Luffy ate was indeed the phantom beast species of the Renren Fruit, in Nika form!!”


This is the first time everyone has heard this form.

Are there such legendary gods or phantom beasts?

“Nika, the sun god, is the name given by ancient slaves to the people who freed and rescued them.”

“Nika itself is an elf god living on a banyan tree, that is, a rubber tree, so Link explained it this way.

Link didn’t hide it, he simply revealed the answer directly.

“Is that why Luffy has the power of rubber?”

Usopp, who was lying on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, and said with difficulty with his swollen face: “I have guessed this situation a long time ago!!”

Eh? Really Usopp? ! ”

Little Qiaoba said in surprise that he believed it was true.

“Hmph, when I first met Luffy, my keen observation ability immediately noticed something was wrong with Luffy. I had already guessed at that time that Luffy’s ability was Nika!

“That’s awesome, Usopp!!”

Well, even the drawing Oda didn’t expect things at first, but you guessed it as soon as we met~~~

Also, he’s just a cartoonist, does he know anything about Hammer Pirates? ! !


Luffy tugged at his face and chuckled, “That’s a pretty good name!”

He is also quite satisfied with his new devil fruit ability.

“The World Government has always wanted to get this Devil Fruit and gave it a new name…”

Robin saw another side of Luffy’s extraordinary ability:

“Then once the world government knows that Luffy has acquired this ability, maybe it will pay extra attention to us.”

“Maybe even top-notch combat forces will be sent to capture Luffy.”

“What a mistake? Really?!!”

Chopper and Usopp, who was bragging, both looked at each other dumbfounded, and then waggled their tongues in shock at Luffy:

“Then wouldn’t it be dangerous for us to do this?〃II!”

“Well, maybe the strong men sent by the world government are already on their way to throw us into the frying pan and into the prison.”

“How scary, Robin! Don’t have such dangerous associations again!!”

Several people stopped him.

“No matter who comes, I will beat them away!!”

Luffy is full of fighting spirit and is not afraid of those who come.

Especially after learning about his new ability, he became even more eager to try it.

“Link, this bottle of potion just awakened my ability to a certain extent, right? Can the remaining two bottles of potion also strengthen my abilities?” He turned to Link and asked.

Luffy’s eyes were twinkling with stars, he was obviously coveting the two bottles of potion left in Link’s hand, and wanted to awaken his abilities earlier. In fact, from Luffy’s point of view, the awakening of new abilities is nothing more than a fun toy.

The original [Rubber Fruit] brought Luffy the greatest benefit besides fighting, which was that he could bulge his stomach and eat a huge amount of food to satisfy his appetite.

So on the basis that these abilities remain unchanged, new abilities can be awakened, and Luffy is really excited.

“Don’t think about it. This potion can only work once, and using it a second time is a waste.”

Link quickly dismissed Luffy’s thoughts.

“And the previous bottle of potion has slightly unlocked some of your abilities, and it must have improved your body. If you train more, you might be able to awaken your abilities as soon as possible.”

“It’s better to put these two bottles of medicine away. Maybe there will be companions on board the ship in the future.”

Link is not worried about the pursuit from the World Government. They will not pay too much attention to Luffy in the short term.

“That’s it…”

Once he heard that this was his future companion, Luffy immediately stopped worrying.

“Luffy can awaken the fruit’s power after drinking this potion, so after I drink it, can I do the same?”

Chopper looked at the potion in his hand with some longing, and he was also looking forward to his fruit’s ability to awaken.

“probably not

It’s a pity that Link killed Chopper’s beautiful fantasy, “Luffy can do what he does because his Devil Fruit is so special.”

“Your devil fruit can only be regarded as an ordinary species, so if you want to awaken, you still have to rely on yourself.”

At this point, seeing Chopper looking a little disappointed, Link couldn’t help but comfort him:

“There is no need to force the awakening of abilities, just let everything take its own course.”

“Besides, didn’t you also develop a pill with wonderful effects like Blue Wave Ball? It can disrupt the transformation wavelength of animal devil fruits and increase the transformation point to seven

“This is also a great study of civilization across the ages.”


As soon as he heard such praise from Link, Chopper immediately became happy, arched his eyebrows, and began to dance in waves.

“Well, of course it’s true…”

Link said with a smile, and then suddenly, a light flashed in his head.

“The blue wave ball can disrupt the transformation wavelength of the animal devil fruit and increase the transformation point, then…”

He slowed his head and looked at Luffy.

“Luffy, he is also an animal type, with the ability of the phantom beast species of the Renren Fruit!!”

“So if you think about it…will the blue ball also affect Luffy?!!”

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