boom! !

puff! !

The strong magma exploded, and a hole was directly punched through the man’s lower abdomen. His figure was sprayed with blood freely, and he flew backwards quickly.

And the flamingo coat he was wearing also burned quickly under this [Pluto Dog] move.

“Doflamingo from the Shichibukai?!.ˇ!”

Akainu glanced blankly at the figure that was knocked away by him.

He suddenly understood, and bloodshot eyes instantly covered his entire eyeballs.

“Having said it all, this is still on my operating table!!”

On the iron wall, Luo slowly put down his fingers and chuckled.

At the same time, the instructions given to him by Link once again appeared in his mind.

“Ace is easily provoked and won’t tolerate others saying bad things about Whitebeard. So once Ace is rescued, you should always keep an eye on him and don’t let him fall prey to the navy’s provoking method.”

Originally, Luo thought that Ace was such a big man after all, and that he should evacuate immediately after being rescued.

How could he be so superficial and stupid and accept other people’s provocations? !

But just now…

Well, it turns out Link was right.

“So, do the sons under Whitebeard have any brain problems?”

Luo thought of that idiot Scuyard before, and then Ace’s current mindless behavior.

“Or, after meeting Akainu, my IQ automatically dropped?!”

His eyes looked at the swelling magma and surging murderous intent all over his body.

“After all, both of them were bewitched by Akainu and almost made a big mistake. It seems that when we meet this general in the future, we should not listen to what he says. If we can, we will fight. If we can’t, we will run away!!”

Luo thought this, and then glanced at [Ame] Nozomi Kiri who was also retreating quickly next to Akainu.

“Since the beginning of the war, I have been searching for a suitable Devil Fruit while satisfying my desire to kill.”

“I suddenly took action at that critical moment. I guess I got the same advice from the [props master] as me~~”

Then, he stopped looking at Shiliu, and instead looked at the figure of the flamingo that Akainu flew away with one move.


Luo Na’s hateful eyes flashed with joy.

“This is the meeting gift and appetizer I gave you first!!”

“Good show, we are all behind you!!”

There is no doubt that at that critical moment, he used his power again and successfully rescued Ace who was in a critical situation.


He replaced his sworn enemy and successfully withstood Akainu’s attack for Ace! ! !

“Cough cough cough!!!”

The soles of his feet plowed two deep marks on the ground, and Doflamingo was able to stop himself.

And another mouthful of blood vomited out from his mouth.

“It’s you again, Luo…”

Doflamingo picked up the hand covering his lower abdomen, looked at the blood overflowing on it, and felt the sharp pain coming from his lower abdomen~

Veins popped out on Doflamingo’s head, and his entire face was completely shrouded in black shadow.

“It’s really amazing! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!”

He was grinning ferociously every word, and even his sunglasses couldn’t hide the surging murderous intent in his eyes.

If he was still greedy for the ability of the surgical fruit and the immortality of the immortality surgery before.

So now, there is only the ultimate murderous intention towards Luo Na! !

If he wasn’t much taller than Ace, even just a little taller, Akainu’s [Pluto] would have almost killed him! ! !

Ace is 1.85 meters tall, and Doflamingo is also 3.05 meters tall.

Ace’s chest also happened to be Doflamingo’s lower abdomen.

Under this blow, his body was penetrated, and he was already seriously injured.

“Sooner or later there will be a time of reckoning, Luo!!”

The internal organs and body were continuously entangled and sewn with white threads, and Doflamingo’s face gradually turned pale as he retreated.

He had lost too much blood and was still on this dangerous battlefield.

In his current state, if some guy really wants to kill him for God’s sake.

He’ll be in for at least one tough fight, and his injuries will continue to get worse.

You can hide yourself first and save yourself before talking about anything else, but for Luo’s debt… let’s settle it later! ! !

Doflamingo thought this and wanted to retreat to a safe area.


Uh-huh! !

A figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

At the same time, a green blade shone in his field of vision.

“¨〃Gamma Knife!!!”

With a low voice, the bright green short knife sank into his chest in an instant! !

“This is the main meal…”

Under this green electric light, Luo’s cold face slowly showed an emotionless arc at the corner of his mouth! !

All of this is reflected in Doflamingo’s ferocious and twisted sunglasses.

The Gamma Knife, this is one of the special skills that Luo developed after more than two hundred days of practice! !

By utilizing the power of the surgical fruit, it is possible to emit a certain amount of gamma rays from the hand.

And let these gamma rays gather in the hand, forming a gamma short knife with a partial hollow near the handle.

As long as it pierces the opponent’s body, this ray with strong penetrating power, high energy, and strong enough to kill cells will destroy the opponent’s internal organs and cells, causing the opponent to suffer irrecoverable serious injuries! ! !

This attack will only cause damage to the opponent’s body instantly and will not cause external injuries.

But the power is already considerable! ! !

“Awesome methods and moves~~~”

Shiliu, who was also retreating, held a cigar in his mouth and shook away the blood drops on Akainu’s shoulder from the blood-drinking thunderstorm.

He also glanced at where Law and Doflamingo were.

First, benefit yourself.!.!,.:!”!?!!;:.,:;;;”;!”‘:,.'”‘;,:??:?’,’,;:.; :?!:In the gap where I cut Akainu, I moved the positions of Ace and Doflamingo.

Then, while Doflamingo was retreating to heal his injuries, he moved himself in front of him, and at the same time used the move (Zhao Nuo’s) that he had already charged up to attack Doflamingo.

“It’s really a convenient ability…”

I have to say that even Shiliu was quite impressed by the ability of this [surgery fruit].

After all, just this kind of metamorphic spatial ability has already had a great effect on this battlefield.

“It’s a pity that I’m not a doctor…”

After thinking for a moment, Shiliu shook his head regretfully.

When looking for Devil Fruit abilities, you still have to find one that suits you.

“[Fire Fist] Ace’s ability is also pretty good. It’s a bit of a waste to pair such a good fire ability with an idiot.”

Thinking of this, Shiliu couldn’t help but look towards the harbor, where Doflamingo originally stood, where Ace was panting violently, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

Just a few words from the other party can easily inspire him to stay.

The blood son of Roger the Pirate King? That’s it? !

If it weren’t for the instructions given to him by the deputy captain Link at the beginning, he told him to always pay attention to Akainu’s movements and the traces of [Fire Fist] Ace.

Maybe [Fire Fist] Ace had already died at the hands of Akainu! ! !

It seems that this so-called son of the Pirate King is not very good~~~

“Gula la la la!!”

The heroic laughter echoed through the sky.

Whitebeard doesn’t care what kind of character Ace is, as long as he is his son, as long as he can be safe.

Then all is enough! ! ! .

Wake up! Nika form! ! Knock out Akainu with one punch! ! Powerful phantom beast ability!

“It seems that your navy’s last chance is gone, Sengoku!!”

Whitebeard smiled wantonly there, while the latter remained expressionless and said nothing, except for a few more dark black lines on his forehead.

“Still… failed?!”

The four generals who originally tried their best to stop Luffy and Sabo from affecting Akainu.

After seeing Ace being rescued from Akainu’s hands again, the hope that was ignited in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Until it disappears.

They knew that the best and last chance to win [Fire Fist] Ace was gone.

Poof~! !

The exhaustion in the hearts of Xinli Huoshaoshan and Flying Squirrel gradually emerged, and Sabo seized the opportunity and whipped them away with a pipe.

On Luffy’s side, they also fought with [Ape King Spear] one after another, beating Jonathan and Stoloberg until they were vomiting blood and fell back.

“Is it okay, Luffy?!”

Sabo’s face was also covered with blood, and there were even blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

The two top generals joined forces to fight, but they were still fighting for their lives. Even Saab could not avoid being injured.

Of course~~

“I’m fine.”

Luffy panted slightly and shook his head.

He possesses the highest level of armed-color Haki and overlord-colored Haki [entanglement].

To be honest, except for the three generals and those above, there are very few people on this battlefield who can hurt him.


Just when Sabo and Luffy breathed a sigh of relief, Akainu suddenly raised his head.

The pair of bloodshot eyes that chose and devoured others were staring at Luffy and Sabo.

“Even if I can’t defeat [Fire Fist] Ace, he still has the unforgivable sinful bloodline, the son of the revolutionary Dorag, and his deputy, I will completely keep you here today!!”

After saying that, his legs suddenly turned into a spurt of lava.

Like a volcano erupting, with the help of that high and powerful thrust, it is even better than Luffy’s fourth-speed jet forward method.

In an instant, Akainu was in the sky above Sabo and Luffy.

“Big fire!!!”

The signature giant lava fist made of lava, and the fist that was sprayed out to simulate the impact of a volcanic explosion, shrouded the sky above Luffy and Sabo.

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