“The magnificence of this sea is that it can accommodate any man in the world who is interested in adventure and sailing.”

“No matter what kind of existence you are, whether it is a fish-man, a long-legged tribe, a long-hand tribe, a long-necked tribe, a blue-nosed tribe, a red-nosed tribe, a crescent-moon white beard, even if you have a rudder on your head, it will still be open to you. embrace

Link stretched out his hand towards Chopper again, “What you are worried about is nothing at all.”

“On the contrary, it is the participation of these people that has created such a magnificent, fantastic and wonderful sea!!”

His sonorous and powerful voice also made Chopper’s mind sway.


Chopper covered his face with his hat and bit his lip hard.

“I’m still a monster!!”

“The most indispensable thing in the sea is monsters.

Link continued to comfort, “Strictly speaking, Luffy and I are actually monsters in the eyes of other normal people.” Seeing Chopper raising his head, Link turned the road without hesitation. Fei pulled him over and used him as a tool.

He tugged on Luffy’s body hard, “Look, he’s a rubber man. Isn’t that interesting?”

“You hurt me, Link!! Eh? I’m a rubber man, how can I feel pain?!”

Luffy complained a little at first, and then was stunned for a moment, thinking of this problem.

“How about it?”

Link ignored the guy’s confusion and continued to look at Chopper.

“The monster I’m talking about…”

The next moment, Chopper’s figure suddenly grew larger, “But it’s like this!!”

He raised his strong and thick arms high, more like King Kong than an orangutan.

“When I was close to humans before, they called them snow monsters!!”

Chopper pretended to be extremely vicious and violent.

“How could a snow monster go out to be a pirate with you?!!”

“Snow monster?!!”

As soon as he heard this title, Luffy, who was still confused at first, immediately gave up those thoughts, “Is there really a snow monster?!” He looked at Chopper’s huge figure, and his eyes were filled with little stars. .

“It turns out you are still a snow monster. This is really the best thing!!”


Chopper, who had originally planned to continue to pretend to be more ferocious and show how terrifying he was, was stunned again.

He felt that the two people he met today were very different from the others.

It seems that not only is he not afraid of him or disgusted with him, but he still wants to get together with him.

“On the way here, we were still talking about whether we could find a snow monster on this winter island to be the ship’s doctor.”

Link smiled and explained, “Our captain is very interested in all kinds of strange and powerful guys.”

“Besides, who said a snow monster can’t be a pirate?!”

“There has never been anyone who is not qualified to be a pirate.”

Link smiled and said, “This sea welcomes any man with a dream!!”

The powerful words made the venue instantly quiet.

Link’s words and figure were also reflected in Chopper’s dazed eyes and his young heart.

In my mind, the familiar figure of Dr. Siruluk seemed to appear again, as well as his hearty laughter:

“Chopper, one day, you will also go to the sea, carrying your own pirate flag!!!”

“Belongs to me…the pirate flag?”

Chopper murmured, and unknowingly, the little tanuki reindeer slowly shrank in size and returned to its original form, and tears slowly flowed from his eyes.

When he looked at Link again, he felt that Siruluk’s figure was slowly overlapping with Link’s figure.

“Come with us.”

Link came closer again, finally pressed his hand on Chopper’s pink hat, and said gently:

“Join us, carry our flag, become a real pirate, and have fun adventuring and galloping on this sea together.” The scene was silent for a moment.

After a while ~

“Can I really…?”

Trembling cries floated in the room.

[Thanks to ‘Come Against BI’ for the 2,000-point reward and reminder for updates! grateful! ! 】

Our ship’s doctor is a civet cat? ! ! You still need Link at the critical moment.

In the nearby pharmacy, Dr. Kuleha, who heard this, was sipping plum wine without saying a word.

Because she drank too fast, a lot of crystal wine slipped from the corners of her mouth and cheeks.

The yellow plum wine, slightly mixed with silvery white like teardrops, fell from her neck.

“If I say yes, you can.”

Link stretched out his arm, “Introduce yourself, Link, Straw Hat:!”??,.’.??’.,?::.’;:,:,?:”!.’?: “.:?.”.;,!'””,?!!;.”: The deputy captain of the thieves. ”

“I am Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy, the man who wants to become the Pirate King!!”

After hearing this, Luffy, who didn’t understand, would really turn into a pig. He couldn’t help but grinned and said his declaration.

“He’s also the captain of this guy!!”

He patted Link and laughed.

Well, then you are really qualified as a captain. Even the work of recruiting the crew members is done by me as the deputy captain. It is really comfortable to be the boss of the hands-off boss~~ Link resisted rolling his eyes and pressed this guy’s head – The urge on the ground.

“So, Doctor Tony Tony Chopper, would you like to become a member of our Straw Hat Pirates?”

Chopper raised his head and looked at the two human pirates in front of him, with their sincere kindness and clear and sincere eyes.

He also slowly raised his little deer hoof and placed it on Link’s outstretched palm.


Chopper’s age, in terms of human years, is only fifteen years old.

Logically speaking, this age is actually not that young, only two years younger than Luffy.

But due to the animal’s overly pure heart and Dr. Kuleha’s deliberate protection.

Chopper’s innocence is three points higher than Luffy’s, and his purity of mind is also clearer than Luffy’s.

One advantage of this is that emotions come and go quickly.

I was still in the castle room, crying with Luffy and Link with tears streaming down my face.

But when Yan Jian and Luffy came to have a snowball fight outside the castle, they immediately started shouting.

“Hey, Luffy, why did you sneak attack when you threw a snowball?!!”

“Hahahaha, this is what Link taught me. How about it? It’s not bad, right?!!”

“I’m not convinced, come again!!”

“Come on, come on, hahaha!!”

The two of them had a great time on the towering snow peak, in the ice and snow.

At the gate of the castle, Link looked at the happy and noisy scene of the two people in front of him, and couldn’t help but said to Dr. Kuleha, who was leaning against the gate with his arms folded:

“Did you really agree?”

“So what if I don’t agree? My stupid son was just seduced away by you with just a few words. It doesn’t matter if I don’t agree anymore!!”

Dr. Kuleha blew out a cloud of cold air from his nostrils, seeming to be quite dissatisfied with this.

But when he saw Chopper having a great time snowballing with Luffy, a kind light flashed through his eyes.

“At least, he won’t have to suffer next to my stern master.”

“He no longer envies other people, and he can have snowball fights himself.”

How could Kuleha not care about Chopper, the silly son she always talked about in her heart? !

Moreover, Kuleha also knew that Chopper had studied with her for so many years, and his mastery of medical skills was much better than that of many famous doctors in the outside world. . Chopper’s accumulation and study were enough, but what was really missing was practice.

By her side, Chopper would just hide behind her. Just as Link said, he needed to go out and grow up alone.

Kuleha, she had no reason to stop Chopper from sailing.

With Hiruluk’s influence and Chopper’s childhood wish, it was only a matter of time before he went out to the sea.

At present, the time has come.


Kuleha suddenly spoke to Link, “Take care of my silly son.”

After saying that, she walked into the castle without looking back.

“Don’t worry, I will.”

While making his promise, Link looked at the two people who were still having an enthusiastic snowball fight, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up.

Chopper’s promise and longing for the sea, as well as Kuleha’s letting go, announced that a new member of the Straw Hat Pirates would be added.

When Luffy and Link were about to leave, Chopper also planned to ask Kuleha to say goodbye, but in the end, he threw out the backpack he had given him in the castle as a salute.

It was just a series of scalpels that scared Chopper and the others so much that they hurriedly grabbed their things and turned into reindeer and flew down the cable.

“By the way, Luffy…”

Chopper, who was running as hard as he could on the cable, suddenly remembered something and asked Luffy, who was almost familiar with him:

“I saw you guys walking in mid-air before…”

He was a little confused and puzzled. Now that he thought about it, he was still shocked and asked, “How did you do it?!”

“Well, it’s thanks to Link’s props.”

Luffy, who was hanging on Chopper, held down his straw hat to prevent it from being blown off by the wind and snow, “Link, he is a very powerful prop master!!”

“Hey, prop master?!”

Chopper blinked, “What is that?”

“He is someone who can come up with a lot of interesting and very interesting props. Link’s props are very fun!!”

“My props are not here to be your toys, Luffy.”

“Hahaha, it’s all the same, it’s all the same!!”

Link ignored Luffy’s laughter and looked at Chopper who was riding:

“If I have a chance later, I’ll show it to you and have a good experience~”


Qiao Baali nodded.

Looking at the outline of the village that gradually appeared in the distance, the longing in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

He will finally join a pirate group. As a pirate, he and his friends will start sailing and adventuring on the sea.

Doctor Siruluk, I’m going to the sea soon! !

Under the moonlight, the reindeer carried two figures, making dreamlike traces across the sky.

Bighorn Village is the village where Dalton currently hosts the Straw Hat Pirates.

When Chopper took Luffy and Link down from the cable, they happened to land at the entrance of the village.

But as soon as I entered the village, I heard the bustling noise coming from inside.


When the two of them walked in and took a look, they saw a fast-running Karu duck lying there covered in blue light, motionless like an ice sculpture.

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