Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 191: Angels And Demons! The Beginning Of Zephyrz! Departure To Nine Snakes Island!

In full view.

Luffy rewards "honest" Robin with a deep and passionate kiss.

Her grape flavor is delicious~~~

And it also gave him two additional skills, which is really amazing!

After tasting the mature taste of Robin, Luffy slowly let go of her.

Because he knows.

Robin, who has calmed down, is murderous!

Then, let her take revenge.

After letting Robin go, Luffy grabbed Conis, whose face was slightly red.

Under the slightly interested gaze of the other party, he pressed his lips directly on it.

In an instant, the little wings behind Conis fluttered wildly, and his heart was immediately filled.

To be honest, Luffy has kissed so many girls, and Conis has the softest lips.

Is it because of the characteristics of angels?

The corners of Luffy's mouth curved, and he held the opponent's waist "two-forty" and his limbs were full of aggression.

At the same time, a hundred meters away.

Spandam woke up and panicked:

"Damn it! How did the Straw Hat boy come so fast? Are tens of thousands of Marines useless?"

Seeing the unconscious people and dead bodies all around him, Spandam almost peeed with fear.

Straw Hat Boy…………

He had read in the newspaper that neither Admiral Kizaru nor Aokiji had taken down this kid!

Spandam was so frightened that he couldn't cope with this scene!

Immediately dial the phone while running.

Porro porro——

Oh sauce!

"Dad! Come and save me! I'm going to be killed by Monkey!!"

"I know you're panicking, but don't panic yet!"

Spangdine was relatively calm. After understanding what had happened, he muttered: "You now take advantage of the chaos to escape into Enies Lobby and use all means to escape from the inside to the Gate of Justice!"

My son understands it himself.

Just Spandam, that good-for-nothing, has his blood all over him, he's a coward.

If you don't run away now, don't you want him to have a head-on confrontation with Monkey?


The voice on the phone suddenly stopped, and Spangdain's pupils shrank suddenly.


"Are you Spangdine?"

The useless son's voice was replaced by a very elegant female voice.

However, Spangdine lost his lust.

He spoke unkindly and asked in a very deep voice: "Who are you? What have you done to my son?"

The other person took a deep breath.

"I am Nico Robin, let me tell you, your son is going to die, do you remember Nico Orovia? He is paying for your life..."


Spangdine clenched his back molars.

This damn devil's son is actually still alive and even found his son's head!

Spangdine let out a long breath to regain his composure: "Let him go, and I can make a deal with you."

"Making a deal? Haha..."

Nico Robin rarely laughed out of anger. Her eyes were filled with murderous intent, and she stamped on the Spandam under her feet with a joking look on her face: "I won't make a deal with the dead.

"Don't worry, it won't be long before I send you to see your son."


The phone bug fell to the ground, and Robin crushed it with his foot.

Luffy was holding Conis and was stunned. Has Robin awakened her ‘empress characteristic’?

What a queen!


Spandam was so frightened that he crawled for a long time and suddenly knelt on the ground: "Nico Robin, please, please let me go. I have a lot of treasures, and I also know the storage location of the power rock. I, I am very useful to you, don't- Do not kill me………………"

"Power Rock? Where is that thing?"

Before Robin could speak, Luffy stepped forward.

The power rock was stolen by Black Arm Zephyr in the later period and attempted to be used to blow up the bomb in New World.

This thing is extremely powerful and can even threaten the lives of generals and emperors.

It would be a lie to say that you are not interested in this thing.

Spandam was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and quickly lowered his head and said: "I have the record pointer where that thing is stored. As long as you let me go, I will get it for you...

"Kill him Robin, we'll find it ourselves."


This is wrong, it’s not this routine!

Thirty-round flower·throat lock!

Robin's attack was fatal, and 30 huge arms appeared on Spandam's body.

It was in a '<' shape, strangled the opponent's neck, and broke it with all his strength until he died...

It can be seen that Robin hates this guy to an extent.

Conis was so kissed that he lost all strength. He collapsed in Luffy's arms and asked, "Captain, what are we going to do next?"

"Ruin this place!"

Luffy looked at Robin who was approaching with a smile, smiled and ruffled her hair: "Relieved?"

"Yeah!" Robin, who has always been a royal lady, showed a smile like a little girl for the first time.

It can be seen that she has completely opened her heart to the man in front of her!

"You guys go to the automatic training room and wait for me. I'll collect Spandam's goodies."

Luffy is still thinking about Zephyr's female disciple. If the dynamite rock is in his hands, the subsequent layout will be much easier.

And he has already made plans for the future. After destroying this place, he will send the two girls to the Capital of Seven Waters.

Anyway, Enies Lobby is very close to the Capital of Seven Waters, so it won’t be too late to go to Nine Snake Island after seeing them off.

Just do what comes to mind.

Luffy sent the two women into the automatic training room inside the Circle of Destiny.

Then, he teleported to Spandam's office alone.

at the moment.

The tens of thousands of Marines in the entire Enies Lobby collapsed.

Except for two giants, no one is standing on the island.


After sweeping away all the items, Luffy appeared at the top of the Justice Building, overlooking the two giants below:

"Go back to Elbaf, your leader should be waiting for you."

4.2 The two giants looked at each other.

Luffy just explained a few words to them, and they already have a general understanding.

The world government has lied to them for 50 years!

If Luffy hadn't used the leader's moves, they wouldn't have been able to believe how stupid they were!

"Thank you very much, Lord Sun God!"

Cassie bowed and thanked him, and then at Luffy's signal, he took revenge on the ruined Enies Lobby.

"Subordinates +2?"

The corners of Luffy's lips curled up into a faint smile, and then he ducked away.

I don’t care about the help behind the scenes. What’s more important now is to continue to add more people to the main ship!


"Boa Hancock, here I come!"

ps: Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation votes, and automatic subscription!!!

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