Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 198: Luffy’S Art Of Picking Up Girls! I Soak Up The Entire Daughter Country!

He didn't care about the girls' surprise and panic.

Luffy smiled brightly: "The bounty is just randomly set by Marine, it's not worth mentioning. "

"As for you, you are no small person!"

Luffy praised without changing his expression: "As the captain of the National Guard, there is no doubt about your strength.

"And these two of your team members can block my retreat with just a look at each other. It shows that you work well together."

"And they are all pretty good. If you can be their captain, you must be very capable..."

Luffy kept spouting coaxing words.

Even though Kikyo is calm by nature, she can't help but raise her head proudly.

The high ponytail swayed, matched with the snow-white swan neck below.

Not to mention how exciting it is!

And Kikyo is increasingly recognizing the character of Luffy in her heart.

At least not like those men outside.

If you think you have a high status, you will use your nostrils to look at people.

Hmm~~~Although he always looks at his bear when he talks.

But men.

She has seen a lot with the empress, and it is normal to be lustful.


Luffy spread his hands: "You Amazon Lily girls are so beautiful. If you go out to sea in the future, you must find a way to cover your face!"

Seeing that he was becoming more serious when he spoke, the girls looked confused.

Avandra asked cutely: "Why do you need to cover your face?"

Luffy said earnestly: "Because you are so good-looking, women from the outside world will definitely be very jealous when they see you, and they will all cause you trouble!"


The girls were so amused by his coaxing words that they all bent over with laughter.

Luffy glanced around and it was enough for his eyes!

"I suspect that when God created you, he must have forgotten to leave you with flaws.

"Beautiful, strong, and smart...

"I have rarely seen girls as perfect as you outside...

Luffy's coaxing words came one after another.

It is said that a man’s mouth is covered with honey and a woman stands on one leg on the bed.

These words are not made up.

Just for a moment, the woman in Luffy's body became heavier and heavier.

All of them were smiling like flowers, almost touching him.

The girls were so amused that they giggled and raised their little heads to look at him.

They had already forgotten about the 2.8 billion big pirate.

Such a lovable man couldn’t be more attractive!

"Luffy~ Stop praising them."

After more than ten minutes, the guard captain Kikyo began to change his name to ‘Luffy’.

She glanced at these women with a dimple, and said with a sweet smile: "If you are bragging, all of us in the escort team will have your surname of 'Monkey'!"


"Captain, don't talk nonsense, haha~"

"We are born as the empress's people, and when we die, we are... Oops~ What are you doing? Luffy, we are your people, right?"

"Pfft~ Yuzuru, you are really worthless!"

The girls of the daughter country are laughing non-stop, the waves are turbulent, it is called a beauty.

Luffy didn't feel satisfied just by looking at it, so he immediately raised and lowered his hands towards the girls around him.

It made me scream again and again.

And Luffy also successfully saw what it means:

The heads and shoulders are the same, but the beauty is different!

There was laughter and laughter.

Luffy felt that these girls were even more interested in him!!!

This made him want to take the opportunity to release the anger he had been holding back.

However, Hancock was still waiting for him in the palace.

At this time, Xuanyin was in the city in broad daylight...

Hancock will never be able to have sex in his life, right?

Thinking of this, Luffy suddenly understood the relationship between priorities.

Is the entire daughter country important? That must be important!

It's just that if you can't win the empress, it won't be important.

In the end, it’s not his!

So, get Hancock first!

Then all the citizens of the Daughter Kingdom [are her Hancock’s dowry!!!

"Ahem!" Luffy took the opportunity to pat Margaret's butt and said seriously: "I came to you because I have something to discuss with the empress.

"But as you can see, I have no ill intentions, so you can go about your business."

Luffy said with a smile, his big hands couldn't stop wiping oil from behind.

However, the people of Dadajima don’t know much about this kind of thing.

In addition, the women on the island often hug each other, so touching them is not a taboo for them.

"Ah? Are you leaving now?"

"Luffy, how long will you stay on our island?"

"I still want to have a drink with you~~"

After hearing his words, the first reaction of the girls was reluctance.

They didn't doubt Luffy's intentions.

After all, it is impossible for such a kind man to do anything that would harm the Empress.

It must be what he said.

He is a guest called by the Empress as an exception, otherwise the Empress would not let him wander around the island.

It must be a misunderstanding to start arresting him or something!

Because...the order was given by the Second Princess.

When the Empress was taking a bath, she didn't let them arrest anyone!

"Don't worry." Luffy rubbed Margaret's little head and said softly: "I'm not in a hurry to leave. I'll discuss things with the empress first, and we'll have a banquet later!"



"Lord Luffy is so kind!"

After hearing these words, the tough women suddenly turned into delicate and soft girls.

Maybe women are naturally inclined to be flattering toward men they like.

After all this, Luffy almost (because of his money) had to execute all the Amazonian women on the spot!

"Why don't you leave quickly?" Captain Kikyo glared at the girls and said in a bad tone.

The warblers and swallows were immediately divided into several batches.

Get out of here quickly.

I almost forgot, Captain Kikyo has a bad temper.

Looking at her like this, she seems to have a crush on Lord Luffy?

Is this the legendary...marriage!?

"What's wrong with Kikyo?" Luffy put his arms around her waist: "They are surrounding me, are you jealous?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Kikyo's face turned red and she glared at him angrily.

Then, with a contradictory distant attitude, he said:

"I have been out of the island, just lie to them, don't try to take advantage of me!"

Luffy: Yo~~~

ps: I’m asking for monthly votes at the beginning of the month. I can’t write without data~~~ Dabaos, please vote~ I love you!

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