Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 021: Silob Village, Captain Usopp!

"Run, the pirates are coming! Minna, run! They are really here this time!"

The sky was slightly bright, and the noise resounded throughout the village. For a while, the residents continued to curse.

"Usopp, this guy is so hateful!"

"It's so early in the morning that it's almost like a rooster crowing."

"No, I have to give him a good beating today!"

This is a very remote village, but it is much livelier than many urban villages.

Almost early in the morning, the villagers ran out with brooms.

The little devil with a long nose rarely ran away this time, but allowed himself to be hit by the villagers' brooms.

There he shouted anxiously, "Everyone, pirates are really coming this time. I didn't lie to you!"

One villager gritted his teeth angrily, "Do you think we will believe your lies? If you come back tomorrow, we will beat you up. Get out of here, Usopp!"

Leaving behind a harsh word, these people went back to their homes cursing.

But after the villager entered the house, he muttered in his heart:

Did you say something a little harsh today?


Outside the door, Usopp stood there blankly, as if he had lost his soul.

Why doesn't anyone believe it? He is telling the truth this time!

At this time, three children gathered around him.

"Captain Usopp, why do you lie to people every day?"

Hearing Carrot Head's words, Onion Head kicked him angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? The great Captain Usopp didn't lie!"

The green pepper head behind scratched his head and said, "Maybe it's a white lie from the captain. Let's go eat."

With that said, the three little ones left together.

Usopp was left holding his trembling fists and taking a deep breath.

Then, he picked up the broken broom stick on the ground and walked towards the coast.

As he walked, he muttered:

"Since everyone thinks I am lying, then I will turn this into a lie."

"The villagers in this village will be protected by me, Captain Usopp!"



"Captain, we have sent people over as ordered. That guy will definitely not be able to escape!" Buggy's hands flew in the air and gestured. 

Beside him, Zoro looked at Luffy thoughtfully.

As if wondering what Luffy is going to do. 

Luffy nodded and said: "The man named Crowe is a pirate captain. In order to avoid being hunted by Marine, he faked his death, abandoned his crew, and attempted to murder Kaya, a rich girl, and seize other people's property. Such a person is The shame of being a pirate must die!”

He doesn't have a Holy Mother's heart, but he just talks nice.

But the guy named Crowe is really going to die, because that piece of trash is too disgraceful to the pirates.

He doesn't like it! 

In the bushes on the coast, Usopp was hiding here, watching the movements over there with wide eyes.

"What are they going to do?"

Two pirate ships, a dozen people.

The man in the straw hat seemed to be the captain, seeming to be issuing some orders.

And the one with two hands flying in the air... what kind of sorcery is that!


Usopp knew from just one look that this group of people was beyond his ability to deal with.

So he immediately thought of running away.

However, at the moment he was about to escape.

But he stepped on the damn branch and made a "click" sound!

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly came from over there:

"Who is there?"

Zoro suddenly pulled out his long knife and said coldly: "Luffy, there's someone over there!"

Nonsense, I don’t know anyone yet?

Luffy discovered the intermediate knowledge early on, and Usopp was watching.

What I didn't expect was that this fool actually made a sound.

Then there is no possibility of pretending not to know.

"Guys over there, come out." Buggy said solemnly.

Usopp's face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly walked out with his hands raised.

His legs were trembling, and his heart almost stopped as he stared at Zoro holding the two swords over there.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Luffy looked at him sideways, "Is your dad Yasopp?"

Clam(òωó?)! !

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Especially Usopp, his eyes widened and he looked at Luffy in disbelief: "Do you know my dad?"

Luffy thought for a moment, "Ah, your dad and I are good friends."

Nani! ? ?


"So, you, Shanks, and my dad all know each other?!"

After listening to Luffy's brief introduction, Usopp's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, your father also talked to me about you. He said that his family is in Xiluobu Village. His son is about the same age as me, and he has a long nose when he is more than one year old."

Upon hearing what happened to his father, Usopp's eyes widened immediately:

"My dad left when I was more than two years old, so now he..."

"He is still on Shanks' ship. He should be alive and well, but you can find out more about him later."

Luffy didn't want to talk to him much because he had other business to do, "Let's go, kill that guy Crow first."

"Understood, Captain!"

Immediately, more than a dozen people followed Luffy and headed towards the village.

Usopp gritted his teeth and finally followed quickly.

"You just mentioned Kaya's name. She was targeted by pirates?"

"Yes, by a very scheming man."

"Then please save Miss Kaya. I will lead you." Usopp said seriously.

Luffy glanced at him and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

Speaking of which, he was quite speechless.

When he watched One Piece before, he could tell that Usopp was interested in Kaya.

But apart from bragging, this guy didn't mention anything else.

This also led to the fact that Kaya's affection for him was limited to being a friend.

Forget it, it's the woman he likes anyway.

He Usopp didn't dare to speak just in time, which made it easier for me to act.

In the future, I will let him work for me while letting his goddess give birth to my child.


Yasopp, I'm a little sorry for your son!


ps: Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes! !

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