Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 264: Luffy’S Bizarre Operation, The Whitebeard Fleet Was Dumbfounded!

Luffy came to the coast amidst the cheers of the pirates.

After saying a few words to Ace and others, he asked Whitebeard's crew to board the ship first.

And he himself followed Hongfa and others to the dragon boat.

Time was tight, so the core members sat on the floor and started chatting.

As for the content, it is nothing more than Luffy’s future plans and dealing with the World Government.

"I can't help with the rest, but one day if you go to war with the World Government, I will stand by your side.

The result of the chat is Shanks’ firm commitment!

Luffy responded with a smile, then suddenly remembered something.

He seemed to have forgotten all about Blackbeard.

Forget it, that waste was secretly injected with poisonous water.

It's nothing to be afraid of if you only live for a few years.

Whenever you meet him, give him a good time.

"Where are you going next, Luffy." The redhead asked.

"Go to the Three Creepy Sails of Terror."

Hearing this, the corners of Luffy's mouth curled up: "Go and kill a guy who disgusts me, and take over my subordinate's territory at the same time."

The Summit War took a long time, but I gained a lot.

After Sky Island, Seven Waters Capital, Nine Snakes Island, and Alabasta, he will gain another large territory.

And it’s a place with an army of zombies. 803 is great!

"Okay Shanks, let's stop chatting here. When we get to New World, I'll go find you for a drink."

"Haha, it's settled then."

After all, he was still in Naval Headquarters and could not have a happy party, so he was not kept.

The next second, Luffy's body turned into an afterimage and disappeared directly from the spot.

"What an amazing little guy."

Looking at the Moby Dick hundreds of meters away, Shanks's always sharp eyes were rarely soft.

Then, he asked Lackey Lu to lower the sails and prepare to set sail.

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, turned to look at the man carrying a gun and smiled:

"Yasopp, this is the second time. Why don't you go see your son?"

Hearing this, this man looked similar to Usopp except that he didn't have a long nose.

Shaking his head nervously: "Let's not go see him now. I, I'm not ready yet, and the gift for him hasn't been carved yet..."

Yasopp took out the family of three he carved and nervously wiped the sweat from his palms.

The helpless look made the pirates present burst into laughter.

Only Luffy from Moby Dick had contempt in his eyes.

"Does a guy who abandons his wife and children have the nerve to do such a thing?"

"It's outrageous."

"When the war ends, I will leave.

The Red Earl looked calm and said goodbye to Luffy.

He got a small sailboat from Marco, and obviously had no intention of joining Luffy's fleet.

In response, Luffy wanted to put pressure on him.

But then I thought about it, the twisted melon is not sweet after all...


A stream of poisonous water entered the opponent's body!

emmm... None of the subordinates my king Luffy likes can escape!

Wait until he begs me willingly and kowtows to join Team Zero!

Watching the Red Earl leave, Luffy always had a 'bright' smile on his face.

Then he turned around, his smile instantly fading.

He looked at the crew members in front of him who were either excited or sad, with different emotions.

Finally, he sighed quietly.

"Uncle, I want to apologize to you.

Luffy's acting skills were outstanding. He took a breath and said, "I didn't save him, and I let you down."

"What are you talking about, Brother Luffy!"

"Yes, if it weren't for you, we would all die here today!"

"Dad's death has nothing to do with you, but your kindness to us will never be forgotten by us!"

"The blame is (agfc) that we are too weak, but we will definitely become stronger... From now on, as long as you can use us, we will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Led by Marco and other captains, they all bowed to Luffy to thank him!

They don't know that these are all Luffy's calculations, and their gratitude to him at this time is simply beyond words.

After all, if it weren't for Luffy, Ace wouldn't have been rescued.

Moreover, without him, no one here could survive!

As for Whitebeard's death

Captain Marco saw clearly that it was the World Government people and Sengoku who besieged Luffy, making him unable to escape.

He must have been anxious at that time...

Luffy: Yeah, yeah, I'm so anxious!

"Forget it about Eun Tak, Ace is my brother, I can't ignore him." Luffy shook his head and said seriously.

"You're right, we are brothers, we don't need you to shed tears of gratitude, hahaha——"

Sabo next to him also hooked Ace's shoulder and laughed.

"You two guys...

Ace looked at the two brothers, his body trembling slightly.

The warm current of emotion washed away the pain of his dead father.

His eyes couldn't help but start to turn red, and tears gradually fell from his eyes.

"Okay, why are you crying? There is no future..."

Luffy smiled and patted Ace's shoulder, then thought of something and said, "Make room for me.

Marco and the others began to retreat in confusion.

Then Luffy took out a ring of destiny with a thought and controlled it with his mind.

Ace and others only felt that the center became brighter.

A huge corpse, 6.66 meters tall, stood and caught everyone's eyes.

And next to him, there was a 7-meter-long large coffin!


Ace's pupils shrank suddenly, inexplicably excited.

Not only him, Marco and other captains are all the same.

Their lips trembled and their eyes were stunned: "O-Dad!?"


For a time, everyone burst into tears and lost control of their emotions.

They all knelt down in front of Whitebeard.

Only Ace was moved and cried: "Luffy, was it you who brought dad's body back?"

"Thank you, thank you...

"But when did you wuwu...have the coffin ready for him?"


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