Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 306: Incomprehensible Horror Event! My Wife’S Reservation Was Successful!

For a 12 year old girl.

Suddenly I saw ten dads who looked exactly the same.

Definitely an incomprehensible ‘thriller incident’!

Bonney opened his mouth wide and looked confused.

Luffy smiled: "They are just imitations of your father, why are you panicking?"

Ignoring Bonney, Luffy's first line fell not far away.

At this time, Dorag and the others are here, fighting with these "pacifists".

Not knowing which one was the real Bartholemew Kuma, Dorag didn't dare to kill him.

One could only watch as the pacifists bombarded Koala and Sabo.

“Hiss——These guys are really scary…………

After a round of siege stopped.

Sabo gasped and covered his injured arm.

"Chief, can you tell which one is the bear?" Koala asked, breathing heavily.

But at this moment.


The pacifist approaching 06 Koala suddenly raised his right hand.

The terrifying light wave was aimed at her.


Dorag and Sabo's pupils suddenly tightened.

He screamed and yelled.

And Koala froze instantly.

Because, it's not just the one who's close, there are seven or eight tall figures not far away.

They all locked her with light waves at the same moment!

Can't escape!!!

"Buzz~~~!!" There was a spine-chilling light.


at this time.

Extremely abrupt, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Brilliant thunder flames flashed in the atmosphere, striking the pacifists around them.

To exceed the speed of light.

Seven pacifists were drowned in an instant!

Thunder flames burn until they are burned!


"Huh~ Brother, you scared me to death!"

"Thank you, Chief of General Staff!!"

Looking at the remains of several robots that were burned to the point of leaking electricity.

Although Sabo and others were horrified, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After Bonney looked around and confirmed that all the burned robots were robots, he relaxed his nervousness.

"These are human weapons developed by Dr. Vegapunk, not Bartholemew Kuma..."

Luffy put his hands in the pockets of his trousers and smiled deeply: "They are called PX Corps for short, but the real bear underwent personality stripping surgery and lost all his memory. Now he is also a member of PX Corps, number - PXO!"

"These human weapons of the PX Corps possess the body of Bartholemew Kuma and are equipped with Kizaru's laser power. They are extremely destructive!"

He casually grabbed the remains of a robot and said to himself: "Speaking of which, when I was in the Naval Headquarters war, I killed a lot of these things.

"But I didn't expect that the World Government would mass-produce it so quickly... It seems that Vegapunk is really a serious problem."

"Pacifist, PX Corps!?"

Hearing this, even Dorag couldn't help but his pupils froze.

Of course he had heard of these things, but hearing and seeing were two different things.

At this time, looking at these guys who looked exactly like bears, he was somewhat unbelievable.


At this time.

Luffy stretched out his hand, and the terrifying lightning instantly attacked the remaining PX members.

The three pacifists with numbers printed on their necks were instantly knocked to the ground, twitching continuously.

After a while, two were electrocuted into wreckage, and one was covered in charcoal, but white bones could be vaguely seen.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a simple way to tell the difference. This one with bare bones is the big bear you are looking for..."

A smile appeared at the corner of Luffy's mouth, and he patted the pink-haired girl next to him on the butt: "Go and say goodbye to your father. He will be handed over to my father and the others."

Hearing this, Bonney was startled.

She knew what Luffy meant, her father [Jin was taken away by several people on the opposite side.

Although she was worried, at the moment, she had no other choice.

You can't take your dad away by yourself. After all, my dad who has lost his memory and consciousness cannot handle it on his own.

With a soft sigh, Bonney came to the big bear and squatted down with wet eyes.

Looking towards the unconscious Big Bear, he didn't know what he was saying.

And Luffy doesn't care about this. After all, Bonney's adult appearance is just the fruit of her abilities, and her real age is only 12 years old.

What is there to be concerned about when a 12-year-old girl makes such childish remarks?

He walked over to Dorag and chatted with his cheap dad for a while.

After a while.

"Thank you, Luffy!"

Bonney, who was crying and embarrassed, came back and thanked Luffy sincerely.

"You're welcome, you will be mine from now on, right, dad~~~" Luffy looked at Dorag with a smile.

Dorag, who had just been given the instruction, was shocked, and then cooperated with his son: "Bonney, Daxiong and I were engaged to be married at that time. I'm sorry, I didn't discuss this matter with you...

"If you don't mind it, I'll ask you to take care of Luffy in the future."

Well 853, dad is really on the right track.

Luffy grinned, then noticed Bonney who was blushing and lowering his head, and was instantly satisfied.

Bonney retorted: "I, I don't want it.

She said she refused, but her voice sounded very resistant.


My wife’s reservation was successful!

But, 12 years old is still a bit young.

When the time comes, use the Fruit of Time to mature her age!

As for leaving it alone and not eating it....

Feel sorry.

Luffy doesn't have that kind of determination!

After that, things fell into place.

Bartholemew Bear was handed over to Dad and the others, while Bonney was taken away by Luffy.

Considering that I am not familiar with Koala yet, and the Revolutionary Army is also its own force.

So Luffy let her go temporarily without taking her away by force.

After that, Dorag and others said goodbye and left.

And Luffy is Bonney, teleporting towards the Merry on the shore...

ps: That’s it for Sabaody Archipelago. It’s time to change the map. There will be no more updates today. The author will reorganize the outline... Hmm~ There are quite a lot of beauties in The Fish Men Island. I want to take a look. .

In addition~~~Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation votes, and automatic subscription!

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