Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 313: Monkey’S Little Classroom! Beautiful Mermaids: (Ovo)?

Hearing her words, the girls around her laughed so much that their stomachs ached.

But as Luffy said, Perona's brain is really not working well.

At this time, Kaya asked in confusion: "How can a female mermaid become a human?"

Luffy shrugged: "Mermaids actually belong to the human category and are mammalian viviparous. After the age of thirty, female mermaids' tails will automatically separate into bed legs.

"However, male mermaids cannot turn their fish tails into legs throughout their lives, so most female mermaids will go to land to marry and have children with human men.

Luffy's explanation once again refreshed the girls' understanding.

Camie confirmed this: "Yes, that's right, many mermaids have to marry humans in order to have babies!"

Hear this.

Conis asked from the soul: "Does the child born from a mermaid and a human have legs?"

God, does he have legs?

Luffy smiled: "All mermaids who marry humans can only give birth to humans."

"But..." Luffy pondered and said: "If a mermaid and a fishman intermarry, they can give birth to four kinds of creatures: 247 boys, girls, fishmen, and mermaids.

Hearing this, the women looked at each other in shock.

Are fish-men's genes so messy?

At this time, Avrandra, who was sitting, raised her hand and asked: "Can the fish-men and mermaids talk to fish?"

"Most of the fish people cannot communicate with fish because they eat fish...but the merfolk do not eat fish, so they are born with the ability to talk to fish."

Luffy explained: "Of course, the fish I'm talking about are ordinary fish. If you want to talk to the Sea Kings, only the 'Mermaid Princess' who has appeared for hundreds of years can do it.

Luffy spoke in great detail, and it was like giving the girls a little "Monkey class".

The girls also listened with great interest. They never expected that the underwater world would be so complicated.

Even Hina, a former Marine colonel, had never heard of these things.

She couldn't help but look at Luffy with curiosity: "Hina wonders [Is Sea Lord the protagonist?"

"Idiot Hina, Sea Kings is just a race that includes fish, how can it be a fish?" Before Luffy could say anything, Perona laughed.

Camie added basic knowledge about marine life: "Not only Sea Kings, but also sea monsters are not fish."

"What are you talking about, Poseidon?" Luffy continued. I also want to know how you plan to steal the mermaid princess~~~"

Nami spoke slightly excitedly, her eyes shining brightly.

In fact, there were several girls staring at him, which made Luffy's lips quiver.

What's going on with these women? Isn't it my unique hobby to rob people? What are they so excited about?

Is it true that ‘the one who is close to the ink is black?

Luffy spread his hands: "The matter of robbing people will be kept secret for now, but I can tell you something in advance."

"The mermaid princess is 17 meters tall! It's equivalent to 8 me, so tall!"


The girls were stunned.

17 meters? No, you are so tall, can you snatch it away?

And the most important thing is, why are you snatching a 17-meter giant creature?

Did you have fun?


After thinking about this problem, Nami and the other girls coughed lightly to cover up their embarrassment.

It was all led astray by Luffy. As a girl, how could she use the word "play"?

So vulgar!

Facing the weird looks in the girls' eyes, Luffy smiled lightly and said, "Although she is big, I can find the ability to make her smaller later."

"Besides, I can also become a you don't need to worry about other things."


Luffy suddenly turned around and said abruptly (agff): "Look, we're at The fish men island!"


Vivi, Nami, Hancock and others were stunned.

Luffy's ability to change the subject [is really getting more and more blunt.

As the ships continued to dive, the leading red ship had already eliminated the invading Sea Kings.

Until now, we are getting closer to the bottom of the sea The fish men island.

Wherever you look, the light in the darkness gradually expands, like the exit of a tunnel.

"Is this sunshine?" Tashigi opened his mouth slightly in shock.

The first thing you see is an incredibly bright place.

It was as if there was an imitation sun hanging there.

"It's not sunlight, but Sun Tree Eve." Luffy explained: "This thing can absorb sunlight from the outside and release it at the roots, so it can achieve the effect of imitating the sun."

In the endless darkness of the sea, there is such a bright place.

It's really surprising.

"Then get ready, we're going to rush in!"

Luffy smiled and asked all the fleet to prepare to enter The fish men island.

But at this moment.

Several sea beasts suddenly rushed towards this side.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are fish-men standing on the heads of each sea beast.

These fish people wear human-like suits and hats on their heads.

After seeing the Straw Hat fleet, the leader of the murloc frowned:

"Humans? How dare you come to the deep sea? How brave you are!"

The guy next to me laughed: "It seems we are lucky. We will kill these humans today to entertain the boss!"

As soon as the words fell, they drove the Haizens to attack.

"Luffy, there is an enemy situation." Tashigi's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Those are the members of the New Fish-Man Pirates, please destroy them."

Even Luffy needs to take a look.

After the words fell, Hancock responded.

The body turned into an afterimage, kicked out one after another due to the fragrance.

Within a few breaths, all six sea beasts were dead.

"Hold the boat, we're going down!"


There were responses from several squadrons, and then the fleets crashed into the bubble cover of The Fish Men Island one after another and plunged into it.

After passing through the first layer, there is air.

After passing through another level, we finally arrived at our destination, The fish men island!

In an instant, the beautiful scenery came into view.

Then several ships fell one after another and crashed into the sea.


The continuous sound immediately attracted the attention of The fish men island.

And Luffy's Merry seems to be equipped with a dedicated positioning.

It floated in the air, turned a corner, and crashed into the Mermaid Bay!

Dozens of stunning mermaids:


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