Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 046: Hina Is Shocked: Is That Monkey D. Luffy?

Unlimited use? !

How the hell do I, Hawkeye, deal with this?

"It's bizarre, it's so bizarre! Is this the source of your confidence? It's really amazing!"

Hawkeye's expression was surprisingly excited, obviously looking forward to Luffy.

From this point of view, he does have the ability to compete with himself!

Ah, this man is so strange.

Luffy said speechlessly: "Then do you want to be a member of my Zero Division?"

"Oh, let's talk about it after you beat me!"

Hawkeye doesn't like this kind of verbal nonsense, he wants to have a hearty fight!

So, the big move is coming!


"Dark Night·Supreme Slash!"


He can only slash?

So, play big!

"Don't avoid standing, Cobra!"

As the name suggests, Luffy gives up hiding altogether.

Open the repair fruit to the maximum, stand up and resist the slashing attack, and use your fist to blast the hammer to death!

I won't give up until I vomit blood with the Eagle Eye Hammer!

Bang bang bang!

The violent slashes swept forward, and most of the fist shadows were cut off in their path.

"Chi-" sound.

Blood spurted out from the ribs, and a large piece of meat was cut off.

One blow is a serious injury!

"Hey! What are you doing to my man, you bastard!"

Nami below saw through the defense directly, gritted her teeth and was about to turn into a thunder cloud to blast Hawkeye.

At the critical moment, Noqigao pulled her back and said anxiously: "Nami, calm down, don't hold Luffy back."

Well, my love for these two sisters is really not in vain!

One is a madman who protects her husband, the other is sensible and obedient.

But they really can't get involved in the current battle situation.

"So, that's it?"

Above the sky, the wounds on Luffy's body healed in an instant, and even the chopped clothes were restored to their original state.

The Hawkeye on the opposite side had been punched alive for more than thirty years, and his current condition was definitely not good.

"If that's all you have...then with the next punch, I'm going to make you vomit blood!"

Gou Mo Gou Mo nou——Devil Snake Thunder Prison!

The counterattack began, and Luffy used the power of the Thunder Cloud Fruit for the first time. The dazzling purple thunder wrapped around his arm and killed Hawkeye crazily.

The power was many times stronger than the ordinary Cobra. Even before the terrifying power hit, Hawkeye felt the biting chill.

In an instant, thunder and lightning + fist shadow came like a tsunami.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fist shadow completely submerged Hawkeye.

Under the powerful attack, the sea was shaking.

The sounds of thunder, lightning and bombardment resounded for dozens of miles around!

"Is that a natural disaster?"

A Marine warship passed by at the right time. Countless Marines stood on the edge of the ship, astonished.

"The fist that holds the thunder and lightning?"

A pink-haired woman wearing burgundy clothes and Marine fashion was shocked: "The one who wields the sword is Hawkeye, then...who is he fighting?"

How could such a strong player who can overpower the Hawkeyes appear in the East Blue?

"Hina is curious, bring the ship closer!" Hina thought more and more bizarrely, and immediately ordered Marine to get closer.

All Marines: "..."

Boss, stop joking?

In a battle of this level, should we join in and die?


At this time, outside the restaurant.


Hawkeye looked in a rare embarrassment, looking at Luffy who had retreated into his fourth gear form in front of him, and said breathlessly: "So, are you from Immune to Death?"

"Yes, at least you can't do anything to me."

After returning to normal, Luffy stood in front of Hawkeye intact, looking at the trace of Bloodline at the corner of Hawkeye's mouth and smiling.

If I ask you to vomit blood, you must vomit blood, otherwise you will not give me ‘King Luffy’ face!

Looking at Luffy who still looked relaxed, Hawkeye felt numb and couldn't help but said in surprise:

"This ability is so terrifying, Monkey D. Luffy, you don't even need combat power, these abilities alone will allow you to reach the general level!"

What Hawkeye said was not a lie. At least when he was sparring with the red-haired man, the other party never gave him such a sense of powerlessness.

It's like hitting the cotton with all the strength, not hurting the opponent at all, only being passively beaten!

If this was a life and death fight, the opponent would only need two days and two nights to kill him easily!

Even under the opponent's terrifying teleportation.

He can't even escape! !

"What if you don't need combat power? I'm just asking you to fight to improve your combat experience."

Luffy suddenly teleported and came directly opposite Hawkeye.

"Come on, World No. 1, you've made me feel like I have the awakening fruit. This time I don't have to use gear four. Try to kill me."


Hawkeye rarely breaks through the defense, and the scolding is really unpleasant!

The circles in his eyes narrowed into oblate shapes, and an invisible murderous intention surged into the sky.

No need for fourth gear. Is the Monkey D. Luffy in front of him giving way to him?

How big a shame is this for the world's number one swordsman?

Luffy's move immediately made Hawkeye anxious.

"In order to show courtesy to the strong——"

"I will use my strongest blow to finish you off!"

But just when he was ready to attack. 


Extremely unexpected, Luffy’s inexplicable laughter echoed throughout the audience!

He seemed to be very happy, holding his stomach and laughing.

Immediately afterwards, his figure began to flicker, and his hair turned white for a moment.

But it quickly returns to black.

He stepped on the void, and a 'black and white' flame appeared under his feet.

The footsteps kept moving, and suddenly it exploded towards Hawkeye like a rocket!

The last move came first. Although he was laughing the whole time, the big foot he raised in an instant was filled with murderous intent!

"Rubber - Fomorian Tomahawk!"

The big feet that quickly turn black contain a domineering and powerful armed color!

A thunderous blow struck down!

boom! ! !

Hawkeye was kicked into the sea.

The sea was rough.

The huge feet returned to normal in an instant, and Luffy stood in the air, looking for the position of the eagle eye, his expression a little helpless:

"The fifth gear is still one step behind. Do I have to experience the feeling of dying? But I don't want to be slapped by Teacher Guy three times!"

Deep under the sea.

Hawkeye held his breath.

"What a terrible blow. It's obviously a normal state, but the blow is more terrifying than the so-called fourth gear... This kid, even Shanks will have a headache if he fights against him."

The shock in his heart was hard to express, and he had no time to think about it.

Raising his hand, the dark blade surface shone brightly. Luffy locked eyes with him in mid-air and swung the blade with all his strength from the bottom of the sea.

In an instant, the sea water was torn apart, creating a terrifying thousand-meter ravine!

The dark green slash roared in, as if it was going to penetrate the sky.

The terrifying sword light was slashing towards Luffy's body!

"Is Summit War the move that kills Whitebeard?"

Luffy's pupils condensed, thunder and lightning enveloped his inflated fists, and purple light flashed outside the darkness.

There was no need to escape or dodge, and he was faced with this blow!


In the end, the slash dissipated invisible, and Luffy flew hundreds of meters into the air, blood dripping from his body like raindrops.


Hina, who could only get as close as fifty meters, didn't even have time to look at Hawkeye.

I was immediately stunned to the point of numbness by the figure in the sky! 

"Hina shocked, that's... Monkey D. Luffy!!!"

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