Voyage: Reborn Luffy, Reversed By Nami Robin

Chapter 098: Luffy: God Elbaf Is Useless. Can He Defeat The Sun God?

Luffy fully demonstrated what it means to be a "hands-off shopper"!

As the captain of the first team, Zoro likes nothing more than threatening people.

"Understood~ Luffy."

Zoro raised the corner of his mouth, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He pulled out two long knives from his waist and walked over and said to the three of them: "Cut off your hands and feet and hang them on the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus... What do you think of this way of death?" "

The three of them trembled. This green-haired man looked so terrifying, even more cruel than Crocodile.

Suddenly, all three of them knelt down straight, and even the loyal Mark forced out an ugly smile:

"We promise to be obedient, please spare our lives..."

Evil people need to be punished by evil people.

This is not unreasonable. At least after Zoro came on the scene, these guys became much more honest.

And without any accidents, three more people were added to the Red Boat members.

As for the loyal Mr.2 Bentham, he was captured by the liar Usopp.

What "We are friends, Mr.O only sees interests!"

What about "Follow me, Captain Usopp, and we will explore the world together."

All in all, either through deception or threats, this person was admitted to the Red Ship.

Luffy diverted his attention and came to the two giants.


“Kaka quack quack

Not a moment later.

Two tall giants with serious injuries and bandages all over their bodies sat opposite Luffy, one on the left and one on the right.

They stared with eyes bigger than an ox, looking at the tiny dwarfs below, whose height was about the same as their fingers.

After dealing with those people from the Baroque Working Society.

Luffy asked his boys to bandage the two giants.

With the joint efforts of seventy or eighty people, it took a lot of effort to finally help them deal with their injuries.

Because these two guys have the same body shape as a small mountain, they are very tired.

Fortunately, Bartolomeo brought a lot of medical supplies when he came out, which was barely enough for these two big guys.

As for some minor injuries, let Kaya use her repair ability to help.

This girl's fruit has not yet been awakened successfully, so she can only barely recover some of the fatal injuries from the two giants.

As for Luffy himself...

He was too lazy to do anything, so he didn't help.

"Thank you so much, our friend~!"

The giant Dorry, who was wearing a helmet and had a particularly long beard, thanked Luffy and others very gratefully: "Thank you for your help, otherwise we would be in danger today.

"Crack-crack-Straw Hat Luffy, thank you!"

The tall and strong giant Brogy next to him grinned widely, and his nostrils could fit a normal person completely inside.

After he laughed, he also held Luffy in his hand, held it in front of him and said seriously: "You will be Dorry and I's best friend from now on!"

As Brogy spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.

What he said was very careless, because if Luffy hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have made a big mistake!

That villain named Mr.3 actually added condiments to the wine he gave Dorry!

As a result, the wine Dorry drank exploded in his stomach, and he was seriously injured and had to deal with himself.

If he hacked Dorry to death, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life!

"You're welcome, I just can't stand their little people walking in the dark."

Looking at the two friendly giants in front of him, Luffy put a straw hat on his head and responded with a smile.

In fact, when he watched Pirates in his previous life, he had a good sense of these two giants.

Although his IQ is not very good, at least he is a pretty good person.

When the original world saw Nami, Usopp and others, they were extremely enthusiastic and did not bully humans at all because they were weak.

And besides their personalities, these two are also two important figures in Elbaf!

Naturally, if you can make good friends with someone, you must make good friends, so that it will be useful in the future.

The three of them chatted for a while, and Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ogre Brogy kept laughing, which made Nami and others cover their ears.

"You even smile so boldly?"

"It's so scary that laughter actually caused a small tsunami!"

Everyone stood far away in surprise.

Mista (Miss Valentine) also introduced the identities of these two giants to the girls.

"A hundred million beli bounties were offered a hundred years ago!?"

Hearing Miss Valentine's words, Nuo Qigao couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed.

Then he looked at the two terrifying figures and sighed with emotion: "Blue Ogre and Red Ogre? Even Marine can't do anything to them. It's really awesome!"

Usopp, who was not far away from the girls, also heard these words. He immediately raised his hand, waved towards the two giants and said:

"Two uncles of the giant clan, you are the two leaders of the Giant Pirates? Then why are you on this island?"


Red Ogre Brogy scratched his head and responded: "We have been dueling here. As for the reason for the duel, I forgot."

Blue Ogre Dorry glanced at him sideways when he heard this, snorted and said: "Forgot? I think you are embarrassed to say it. When we were hunting, the prey I hunted was obviously three times longer than the one he hunted. Centimeter, in the end this guy insisted on cheating!"

"What did you say!?"

Brogy's eyes widened: "Obviously the prey I hunt is bigger than yours, but you are not convinced!"

"You fart!!"

Two giants were sitting there, punching each other one after another.

Nami was speechless when he saw this, and quickly changed the subject and asked:

"."Then how long have you been on this island?"

After hearing this, the two giants stopped fighting, and Dorry thought: "We don't know, but the outside world should be 1420 when they fought for the first time?"

"Nani!? 1420!?"

Usopp's chin almost dropped to the ground, "It's 1520 now, you guys have been fighting for 100 years!"

When these words came out, it wasn't just Usopp.

Many people nearby were stunned.

Even Zoro opened his mouth slightly and looked up at the two giants in disbelief:

"What kind of monsters are these two!"

"Wa hahaha---"

"Cack, click, click—"

Dorry and Brogy laughed, as if thinking of something proud and said: "100 years, that's not bad!"

"But you spend all your lives fighting with each other. Isn't that right?"

Sanji didn't understand at all and said there with wide eyes.

He couldn't imagine that there were only two giants on the entire island, fighting each other every day, and they could fight for 100 years!

Won't they get bored?

"(Money is good) Our lifespan is three times that of you humans! So 100 years is not a long time for us! In other words, we are in our prime, hahaha——" Brogy showed a smile that didn't want to be beaten.

Dorry also nodded continuously: "Yes, our duel is to swear an oath to God Elbaf to see which side God takes care of more, so before the victory is determined, we must fight with glory!"

As soon as these words came out, Brogy immediately echoed: "Yes, only the winner can continue to lead the Giant Pirates and return to Elbaf alive!"

Nami girls: "…………

Usopp and others: Hey!!!

This is the difference between men and women, because some boys feel that such a will is worthy of worship!

Even Zoro was touched by this.

Only Luffy looked at the two of them as if they were two idiots.

God Elbaf?

Sorry, I Luffy only know - let one

"Fifth Gear" Sun God!

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