Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 19 The Revolutionary Army's Advance Action, Ron's First Kill

Hearing this, Doralon nodded.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned to the phone bug and said, "Lord Koshiro, we are going to East Blue now."

"In seven days, we will arrive at Shimotsuki Island."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Koshiro breathed a sigh of relief.

It had to wait three months.

But under the current circumstances, this matter obviously cannot be delayed.

There was no possibility of rescue for Kuina's injuries on Shimotsuki Island, and the only hope was the revolutionary army.

Thinking of this, Koshiro said immediately: "Lord Dragon, then we will see you in seven days."

After speaking, Koshiro hung up the phone and continued to stand beside Kuina.

At the other end, Doralon looked at the phone bug that hung up, and said with a sullen face: "Eva, are you sure about this matter?"


He is a cadre of the revolutionary army.

And it's the hormone Demon fruit power, and besides that, he's an excellent doctor.

The eyes of everyone present also turned to Evakov.

After all, this is not easy.

If Koshiro's daughter can be saved, the cooperation between the two parties will be more tacit.

On the other hand, if Kuina cannot be rescued, the cooperation between the Revolutionary Army and Koshiro will be very problematic.

"I have to go see how she's doing first."

Without a promise, Evakov said with a serious face: "If it's just a secret injury and a hidden disease, then I have a great deal of confidence."

"I'm afraid that's not the case with Koshiro's daughter, that's really difficult."

Hearing this, Doralon and others also nodded.

After a little pondering, Doralon stood up and said, "If that's the case, then Ivakov and the commander of the East Army will go with me to East Blue."

"After you disperse, deploy as soon as possible according to the matters discussed this time."

"As long as the time is right, it will be the moment when our revolutionary army will overturn the world."




Hearing this, Evakov and others all nodded.

Without any hesitation, a group of people hurriedly dispersed.

Doralon, Evakov, and the East Army Commander also left the island and embarked on a boat to East Blue.


Of all this, Ron didn't know.

At this moment, he had already caught the medicine in the village, and he was rushing towards the Shimotsuki Sword Hall.

Kuina's situation is not good, and the sooner she wakes up, the better.

However, just as Ron was on his way back, an accident happened.

"Stop kid!"

"Little devil, who is the richest on your island?"

Two shouts came.

Looking at the sound, you can see two pirates with long knives coming out of the bushes.

Their eyes were fixed on Ron, and the eyes of the two were full of cruelty and playfulness.


Ron's expression changed when he saw the person coming.

He really didn't expect that there were pirates sneaking into Shimotsuki Island.

You know, only since that incident a few years ago, Koshiro has gone on a killing spree.

It was that massacre that directly led to the fact that no pirates dared to set foot on Shimotsuki Island in recent years.

But now there are pirates coming, which is really surprising news.

"not good!"

After the accident, Ron's expression changed drastically.

Pirates attack.

That means there are a lot of them.

But now he has only met two people, which means that the rest of the pirates are likely to have also landed.

When these pirates land on the island, the target must be the village and town.

Although he didn't encounter pirates when he came out before, the situation in the village is probably extremely bad.

"You must go back and inform the master as soon as possible."

Muttering inwardly, Ron's expression changed a few times, and immediately raised his head and said, "What kind of pirate group are you?"

At the same time, he also issued an order to the system: "System, check the information of the two."

【A road】

【Strength: 48】

【Speed: 36】

[Physique: 48]

[Strength: Corporal]

【Favorability: 30】


【Strength: 54】

【Speed: 24】

[Physical: 44]

[Strength: Sergeant]

【Favorability: 30】

"Just corporal and sergeant!"

After reading the information of the two, Ron sighed with relief, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes at this moment.

After all, he now has Lieutenant Junior Grade combat power, and these two are not enough to watch.

"Haha, kid, you're scared."

However, the two pirates were not aware of any danger either.

Hearing Ron's question, he subconsciously laughed loudly; "Listen, Laozi is a crew member of the Blood Beast Pirates."

"Now that the Blood Beast Pirates have landed on Shimotsuki Island, we will cooperate obediently, and I will be able to spare your life as a kid."


Blood Beast Pirates!

However, at the moment, Ron didn't care about the two of them talking, but his face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was more than one pirate group that invaded Shimotsuki Island three years ago, and the Blood Beast Pirates was one of them.

Although the latter is not the pirate group that slaughtered his parents.

But what happened three years ago undoubtedly had their share.

"Good good~"

With a cold glow in his eyes, Ron's eyes locked on the two of them and said, "If that's the case, then all of you will go to hell for me!"

"Go to hell?"

Hearing this, the two pirates were stunned.

After looking at each other, they all laughed wildly with disdain: "Haha, kid, are you out of your mind?"

"We are pirates. If you want us to go to hell, it's just you kid?"

"Okay, since this kid doesn't cooperate, there is no need for him to exist."

"Jialu, get rid of him, and then we continue to find the captain, they should have already entered the village."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Jialu nodded.

Without any hesitation, he stepped forward with a long knife in hand, looked at Ron with a ghastly face, and said, "Little devil, if you want to blame it, blame you for being ignorant."

"go to hell."

With that said, he took the knife and slashed towards Ron without hesitation.

"You are the one who died."

Seeing this, Ron's heart surged with anger and murderous intent.

As soon as he stepped on the ground, he arrived at the area in front of Jialu.

"Explosive Flow · Heavy Attack."

Without any hold, Ron slammed into his body with a full blow.


The screams resounded, and it could be seen that Jialu's body exploded directly at this moment.

The blood splattered stained Ron's body, and his body was directly split into two and flew out under the bombardment of powerful force.

With two loud bangs, you can clearly see the man's body fall into the bushes.


"how is this possible!"

This scene directly shocked the remaining pirate.

He looked at the area where the corpse was in disbelief, and then looked at Ron in horror: "You, kid, who are you?"

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