Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 210: Smoker, Kizaru's Important Task

"How is it possible!"

Feeling the coldness of the famous knife on his neck, Smoker's pupils shrank, and the bottom of his eyes was full of incredible color.

It's shocking.

Ron's strength really shocked him completely.

You know, Ron more than a year ago was just a colonel-level strength.

But now it's only been more than a year, and the latter's strength is already comparable to his own, and he can even easily defeat himself.

For a moment, a strong sense of frustration arose in Smoker's heart.

You know, I am much older than Ron and others.

But in the current situation, it is not Ron's opponent, which is a huge blow.

"The boss is mighty!"

At this moment, the light in the distance followed with cheers.

When he saw Smoker and Alice face off before, he knew that both were stronger than himself.

But he never expected that Ron would win so quickly after the shot, and even put the knife directly on Smoker's neck.

Looking at the famous knife in Ron's hand, not only shaking the light, but also Alice's expression at the moment was quite complicated.

You know, the battle between her and Smoker fell into the downwind before.

If Ron hadn't brought her out, she would have had to cast elementalization to avoid the smoke.

But it is precisely because of this that Alice has also strengthened her determination to become stronger.

Its own strength is still too weak, especially for the development of Devil Fruit.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, she is also well aware that her Devil Fruit ability is not developed enough.

Otherwise, the power of the fruit of karmic fire is actually stronger than that of Smoker.

In addition, Smoker's physical combat power is obviously inferior to hers.

"Developing Devil Fruit!"

"It seems that this is the direction I need to focus on next."

Muttering inwardly, Alice and Shake Light did not hesitate, and walked directly towards the field.

"Colonel Smoker, conceded."

Seeing this, Ron also put away the day, looked at Smoker and said, "Your Devil Fruit development is very powerful.

"But Smoke fruit is not a Sparkling fruit, nor does it have the strength of Kizaru Admiral Devil Fruit."

"So I suggest you still exercise your body and complete the cultivation of the two-color Haki as soon as possible."

"If your Smoke Giant can be covered by Armament Haki, then the problem of Smoke fruit's lack of solidification and attack power can be completely solved."

"In this way, even a strong person of the Vice Admiral level does not have much resistance in front of you."

"After all, Logia is undoubtedly powerful, and your Smoke fruit not only can control the transformation form well, but also has its special ability.

"At that time, your attack will be extremely powerful, and even if it is broken by the opponent, your smoke can wrap it around, surround, and even suffocate it in a vacuum at the first time..."

As Ron spoke, Smoker did not dismiss it this time, but listened extremely carefully.

After seeing Ron's strength, Smoker has also realized his own shortcomings.

Even in this case, he knew very well that his situation was indeed much worse.

The development of Devil Fruit looks at talent.

If you have enough talent, you can reach the level of Ultimate in a short time.

But if the talent is too poor, there is no possibility of rapid improvement at all.

For example, Luffy in the original.

Compared to Zoro's self-cultivation, Sanji's bloodline factor, Luffy is the Ultimate developed by Devil Fruit.

Second gear!

Third gear!

Fourth gear!

The fifth gear of awakening!

All because of the intensity of his development of his own Devil Fruit.

But even so, Luffy needs to work with the powerful Haki to be truly strong.

So in this case, if Smoker does not improve his physique and learn Haki, there is no possibility of becoming a strong person at all.

"I see."

Half-ringing, Smoker came to his senses and looked at the road where Ron was; "I'll spend part of my time exercising later."

Kizaru Admiral said, "When I return to Naval Headquarters, I will be taught the practice of Haki, and I will try to perfect it when the time comes."

Hearing this, Ron also smiled.

Smoker's willingness to listen to him means that the latter will become stronger.

And the relationship between the two parties is also good, once Smoker becomes stronger, the benefits for Ron will be even greater.

Thinking of this, Ron directly spoke; "I'm afraid that after going back this time, Colonel Smoker's rank will have to be improved."


Smoker is strong enough.

Although it defeated Ron, it itself does have combat power comparable to the level of Vice Admiral.

Under such circumstances, what he lacked was military merit.

But this time the Grand Line riot also gave him a good opportunity.

As long as you seize the opportunity to capture or kill more pirates, at least the rank of Commodore will be at that time.


Smiling, Smoker also agreed with Ron's words.

After tightening the ten hands in his hand, Smoker spoke; "This time I will definitely try to catch those damn pirates.

"Since you dare to mess around in the Grand Line, those guys really deserve to die, I..."


Before Smoker could continue to say anything, the sound of hurried footsteps came.

Following the prestige, you can see a Marine hurrying over.

After arriving in the field, the Marine directly spoke: "Colonel Smoker, the warship and supplies are ready.

"All three warships are ready to go."

Hearing this, the faces of Smoker, Ron and the others also turned solemn.

After looking at each other, Smoker said, "Let's go!"

"Let's go to Kizaru Admiral."

"After such a long delay, it's time to head out for the Grand Line."


Agreed, Ron and the others did not hesitate, and directly followed.

Soon, they found Kizaru.

After knowing that the supply was over, Kizaru did not hesitate to do anything, and directly led them to set off.

Half an hour later, Ron and his party left the town of Rogge on a warship and hurried towards Upside Down Mountain.

With the passage of time, their warships also soon reached Upside Down Mountain.

Ascending rapidly along the channel, you can see that there are countless damaged areas in the surrounding area.

Even at this moment, countless blood-stained residues can be seen.

This is what Hawkeye did when he entered East Blue.

“ Ron!”

"Kizaru Admiral summoned."

A cry came, and Ron and the others quickly arrived at the warship where Kizaru was located.

"It's all coming."

After taking a look at Ron and the others, Kizaru said, "Since they're all here, then I won't sell the guanzi."

"The situation within the Grand Line is much more serious than we thought."

"Dauberman and others have also sent information before, and the number of pirates existing in them is extremely huge, and their strength is not bad."

"But overall, almost none of the pirates in the New World exceed the level of Vice Admiral."

"Therefore, I have summoned you to come today to arrange for the fall."

Hearing this, Luo Um, Smoker and others were all shocked.0

In this case, Kizaru has to set tasks, but I am afraid that it will not be a simple matter.

Thinking of this, their eyes all looked at Kizaru, waiting for his reply.

“ Smoker!”

Without nonsense, Kizaru directly said, "After a while over the Upside Down Mountain, you lead a team into a channel."

"Then the pirates in it will be handled by yourself, and I will give you the contact information of the neutral Vice Admiral."

"If you encounter an unbeatable pirate, contact them."

"But if not, then you lead the squad to annihilate them all." y


With a hint of surprise under his eyes, Smoker spoke; "Kizaru Admiral, don't you catch it?"

Not only him, but also Ron and others looked at Kizaru in surprise at this moment.

After all, they are neutrals.

To be honest, as neutrals, they are not ruthless beings themselves.

Although they can also annihilate pirates, they will not do so under normal circumstances.

"Yes, it is annihilation."

In this regard, Kizaru did not talk nonsense, and directly said; "There are too many pirates in the Grand Line."

"And the killing and looting during this time was too serious, and Marshal Sengoku issued an order that chickens and monkeys must be killed to set an example."

"In addition, the situation in New World is not very good, we must suppress the Grand Line as soon as possible, so that the pirates in it dare not continue to emerge."

I see.

After listening to Kizaru's story, Smoker, Ron and others all nodded.

It looks like this time Marine is going to undergo a major purge.

But this is also good, without the need to capture, their speed of annihilating pirates can be greatly accelerated.

Thinking of this, Smoker directly spoke; "I see, Kizaru Admiral."

"Promise to complete the mission and annihilate those pirates in the channel.


Nodding in satisfaction, Kizaru's gaze followed Ron Dao; "Ron, is there a problem with you leading Alice and Shaking Light to clear a channel?"


And my thing!

Frowning, Ron was a little surprised inside.

On the contrary, Alice and Shake Light are very excited at the moment.

Clean up a channel.

Although I don't know if 1.6 can be completed by the three of them.

But with the presence of Marine Vice Admiral, even if you encounter an unrivaled pirate, you can call for support as soon as possible.

It can be said that this is definitely the first step for them to enhance their actual combat.

It is also a key step for them to receive great merit and prepare for graduation afterwards.

"No problem!"

Nodding, Ron agreed without hesitation after being stunned for a moment.

After all, his goal this time is to enter the Grand Line to find some of his own helpers.

Take Enel, for example.

Originally, it was impossible to follow Kizaru and the others to move freely.

But now it seems that it is definitely a good thing to let them ask those pirates in the channel.


Glancing at Ron appreciatively, Kizaru said; "In that case, then this matter is gone!"

"In a moment, you will also start the mission on a warship."

"And this operation will give you enough merit."

'Although now you are still Marine recruit will not be able to award you a military rank. ”

"But after you graduate, the results of this operation will also be included in the approval of your graduation assessment."

"If you perform well, it is not impossible to become Marine Rear Admiral directly."

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