Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 276 Sword Slash Elite Vice Admiral Pirates, Ain's Request For Help

"Looking for death~"

Seeing this situation, the pirate immediately sneered.

After being fooled once, how could he continue to be fooled?

With a low roar, he directly accelerated his speed.

In just an instant, the man appeared in Ron's area with the power of Universal Pull.

But this time he didn't choose to go head-to-head.

Its speed suddenly accelerated to the area behind Ron, and said coldly: "Little devil give me death."

"Not good!"

Seeing this situation, the surrounding Marine's expression changed, and he subconsciously spoke; "Be careful, that guy .

"Shinra Tianzheng!"

However, before those could finish speaking, Ron was the first to attack.

The terrifying repulsive force erupted and directly covered the pirate.

Caught off guard, his whole person moved.

The powerful repulsive force continued to sprint itself, and his figure began to slowly retreat.

"This force."

For a while, the pirate's face turned blue, and he could feel that his raid had failed.

But looking at Ron who was close at hand, he was not willing to be defeated like this.


With a bang, the pirates were shining brightly all around, and Armament Haki blocked the impact of the repulsion force, raised his fist and smashed into Ron's place.

"Not bad."

"Able to block my repulsion."

Seeing this, Ron smiled indifferently.

His figure swayed, and under the gaze of his heart, he turned around and avoided the man's attack.

Immediately after, the seven-star sword in his hand flashed coldly, and he slashed towards the pirate without hesitation.

"One sword flow, divine power, gravity knife, tiger!"

In an instant, Ron burst into full force.

The whole person was like a fierce tiger at this moment, and the sword light swept by, and his figure appeared in an area more than ten meters away.

At the same time, the pirate still maintained an attacking posture, and the whole person seemed to be frozen in mid-air.


At this moment, the sound of shattering sounded.

Armament Haki in the area of the pirate's chest exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sword wound that already existed suddenly exploded at this moment.

Countless blood, flesh and blood even fell to the ground with internal organs.


The heart-rending scream resounded, and the pirate fell from the sky and fell to the ground, splashing a large amount of dust.

It can be seen that his figure is lying there, spitting blood in his mouth, and the whole person's breath is atrophied to Ultimate.


"So strong!"

"That's the existence of elite Vice Admiral-level combat power, and it was actually defeated like this."

"It's terrible, worthy of Kizaru Admiral's people, it's so strong.

"Such a power, I am afraid that it is not inferior to Govel Vice Admiral, how much they are!"

"This person looks like he is in his teens, how can he be so powerful.

For a time, countless Marine exclaimed, and their eyes looking at Ron again were full of adoration and yearning.

The strength shown by Ron before was already very powerful, but in their eyes, he was just a genius.

But now it's different.

Ron single-handedly defeated the elite Vice Admiral-level pirates, and even crushed the whole time, which is already a real strong person.

"How is it possible!"

"What the hell is this guy, how can the Master be such a force zone.

"Play with Mao, a Ron, an Enel, their existence is a desperate gap.

"With the existence of two people, how can the final victory belong to us? How could we possibly touch that god-level Devil Fruit? ”

Those Marine recruits in the distance were even more devastated, staring at this scene one by one, because their hearts were full of despair and pain.

If nothing else, the gap is too big.

After seeing Ron's crushing posture, no one was hoping for themselves.

Under such circumstances, they did not have any chance of becoming the first recruit, nor did they have any possibility of getting that god-level Devil Fruit.

"He actually became so powerful."

"Such a power, it is simply not like a real person."

"So powerful, maybe he can help Zephyr."

Ai Yin's eyes kept looking at Ron, and the bottom of his eyes was also full of excitement at the moment.

Without any hesitation, she quickly left the protected area and hurried towards Ron's location.


Footsteps sounded, and under the watchful eyes of the audience, Ron carried his sword to the area beside the pirate.

"It's really small."

Looking condescendingly at the pirates on the ground, the corners of Ron's mouth rose: "The strength of the elite Vice Admiral is weaker than I thought."

"No, I should say that you are weaker than I thought."


Hearing this, the pirates on the ground coughed up blood, and their eyes looking at Ron were full of anger and murderous intent.

The latter's posture really made him feel extremely aggrieved.

But at this moment, he was already seriously injured, and he couldn't even stand up at this moment, and he couldn't refute it.

Lying on the ground, the man said with hatred on his face; "Marine counts you as winning this time."

"Next time, I will take your life!"

"Impel down can't shut me down, must

"Who told you you were eligible to go to Impel down?"

Before the pirate finished speaking, Ron's voice was the first to sound; "You didn't eat the mighty Devil Fruit to arouse the jealousy of the World government and Marine, do you think Impel down is something you can enter casually?"

"You, what do you mean."

The body shook, the man thought of some possibility, and at this moment looked at Ron with uneasiness under his eyes.

"Don't understand?"

With a raised eyebrow, Ron raised the seven-star kendo in his hand; "There are rules for the treatment of pirates in New World unless they have the ability to eat special Devil Fruit.

"But if you don't eat the mighty Devil Fruit, it's perfectly normal for me to kill you."

"Do you think anyone can enter Impel down?

Speaking, Ron didn't talk nonsense, waved the seven-star sword in his hand, and directly cut off the pirate's head with one sword.

To death, the man could not accept this matter, and his eyes widened and his face was unwilling.


This scene directly made the surrounding Marine and pirates swallow saliva.

Ron's killing power directly made countless people tremble.

Especially the three people who were arrested before are even more afraid at this moment.


Fortunately, I know the times, otherwise with Ron's star-killing character, I am afraid that they will all die.

Thinking of this, the three of them looked at each other with some gratitude.

At least he survived, and he still qualified to be imprisoned Impel down, unlike the guy who was cut off before.

"Enel, do you need help?"

Successfully slaying the pirate, Ron didn't care about the reactions of the people around him, looked up at Enel in mid-air and asked.

"No need!"

Hearing this, Enel's face darkened in mid-air.

Ron eliminated his opponent so quickly, but he hadn't even won it yet.

For a while, Enel's inner anger became more and more intense, and the whole person was even more crazy to manipulate lightning to strike the other party's pirates.

Seeing this, Ron smiled indifferently.

Since Enel didn't need support, there was no need for him to keep going.

With a thought to disperse the blessing of divine power, Ron exhaled a cloudy breath.

Now that his physique is sufficient, under such circumstances, his divine power can be skillfully controlled without side effects.

Even Ron was still thinking at the moment whether to combine the three of huge power, strange power and divine power.

There is no need to develop too many bells and whistles skills and abilities, just to elevate the blessing of strength to Ultimate.

At that time, he can completely suppress it, even...............

“ Ron!”

“ Ron!”

At this time, a cry came.

Following the prestige, you can see that after Ai Yin killed several pirates, he came towards him with a rather embarrassed look.


"What is she looking for me to do?"

Frowning, Ron showed a hint of surprise and confusion under his eyes.

But soon, Ron had a plan in his mind.

If nothing else, this Ain should be trying to find himself to support the law.

But Ron will not agree to this matter.

Let's not talk about the attitude of Kizaru and others towards Zephyr.

Ron himself doesn't have any good feelings for Zephyr.

"Little chick, because of death."

At this moment, a low roar sounded.

Following the prestige, you can see a pirate holding a knife and slashing at Ain's location.

This person's strength is good, and he has cultivated to the level of armed color winding, and the cold light on the blade directly frightened the running Ai Yin.

"Looking for death~"

Seeing this situation, Ron's fundus killer-680 flashed, raised his hand and grabbed it; “ Universal Pull!”

In the next second, Ain's figure was pulled by him.

At the same time, the seven-star sword in Ron's hand swung and slashed, and a sword qi broke through the air and struck straight towards the pirate.


The screams resounded, and the sword light passed, and the body of the pirate was directly destroyed by the sword qi.

After this blow, the pirates around were startled.

After seeing the situation in the field, they all tacitly chose to withdraw and retreat to avoid Ain.

By now, they weren't idiots, so they couldn't see that Ron was protecting this woman.

Under such circumstances, whoever dares to make a move against Ain will definitely cause the suppression of Ron, the killer star.

In this case, Ain flew directly to the area in front of Ron under the pull of gravity.

"Ron, thank you."

After floating to the ground, Aine looked at Ron with a red face and thanked him.

After all, if it weren't for Ron, she would have just died.

"No problem!"

Waving his hand, Ron looked at Ai Yin and said, "You dare to run around with this little strength, you are really not afraid of death."

"Get out of here, it's not something you can participate in."

As soon as these words came out, Ai Yin's face turned red.

Although she was not very willing to accept it, she also had to admit her weakness.

Although under Zephyr's teaching, her strength has improved rapidly, and she is not even inferior to Commodore.

But in New World, she is still too weak, and there is no possibility of fighting those pirates.

Just now, the strength of the unassuming pirate far surpassed her by a lot.

If it weren't for Ron's rescue, she would have died.

However, Ain did not forget his purpose, and immediately spoke; "I'll get out of here.

"But Ron, you are so powerful, can you go and support the judge?"

As soon as these words came out, many Marine looked at Ron.

After all, he is indeed strong enough at the moment, and it seems that it is not impossible to support him.

As Ron said Govel before, the latter's identity was there and had to go to support.

It's just that now it's Ron's turn to face such problems and choices.

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